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RE: The Dirty Little Secret Some Copywriters Just Don’t Want You To Know.

in #marketing8 years ago (edited)

you mean like your post ?
At first I had the feeling you were speaking about something, and at the end, I realized you are not refering to anything at all, just speaking with some general sentences and generalities about success to some other people.
Hence my flag


Not quite sure what you mean @djm34 But if you didn't like my post, that is your prerogative of course. I would have preferred that you did not 'flag' it.
In the post I was referring to those who promote 'get rich quick' schemes and sell courses of little value.

@kreativ you can appeal an inappropriate flag in the chat use the #steemitabuse-appeals channel.

Thank you @thecryptofiend Much appreciated.

lol, thanks for telling what it was about... I didn't even got it...

That's not a reason to flag though.

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