Disney Springs Rainforest Cafe - Market FridaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #marketfriday6 years ago

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It's my first Market Friday!

I have been saying for weeks and weeks that I wanted to do a #marketfriday. For those of you that don't know, this whole awesome #marketfriday tag and stuff were started by the amazing @dswigle. I have watched her do some amazing ones and week over week just impresses the crap out of me (even though I sometimes forget to comment).

So, without further adieu, I am finally showing my very first #marketfriday.

I got to take a recent trip, for the second time, to Disney Springs. Disney Springs is an outdoor shopping area, with a lot of things Disney focused at least in some ways. We were waiting for our table to be ready at the Rainforest Cafe and decided to take a look around at the shop that is attached to it.

I love stones and gems and whatnot so as you can see that was the first picture I shared. Purple! Who does not love purple?! If you don't then you are a tad crazy, but I forgive you. Here are some more shots of crystal and whatnot type of things I found in the store that captured my eyes.

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Look at those beauties! They are actually a bit too high for me as I am a bit of a shorty so I had to deal with just tilting my camera up.

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Obviously, you can tell that there is a light inside this awesome piece. I have seen it done with himalayan salt lamps, as I actually own one as I know it has healing properties. I would love to figure out what type or healing properties, if any this had.

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Another beautiful piece. This reminds me of like crystal pillars you would find all around like Supermans fortress of solitude. Yes, I did just say that. Obviously, they would not be pink, but that is what I am thinking of when I see it.

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If you don't recognize this, it is a Himalayan salt lamp. I love these. They are known to kind of cleanse the air as well as help against harmful electronic waves in the household or area it surrounds. If you wondered if it actually is a piece of salt, like I have done, give it a little lick. Yes, I also said that. It is very, very, salty. hehe.

I realized after saying lick it that I should specify not to link the ones in stores. Please only lick your own salt lamps, not ones that so many other people have handled, that is just gross for you as well as for any of those touching it after you. I feel like I shouldn't have had to say this, but you just never really know people sometimes.

Moving On!

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This one excited me the most. This is a big chunk of Rose Quartz. I actually carry a stone of polished rose quartz around with me because it just kind of makes me feel a bit better. I would love to have a huge piece of it in my house. I didn't even know something like this existed so I will probably be seeking one out one day.

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If all those gorgeous big gems/stones/crystals were too much for you, then you can always take a look at the rock bin. I have no clue what they are but you can get a bunch of them. Fun to look at either way with all the nice shiny polished colors.

Think I am done? No way! Let's keep going.

Anyone need a mask?

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Could you imagine sporting that thing around? I didn't look at the back but I figure it was to be like a decorative wall ornament or something. That is assumption but who knows. My daughter however, did enjoy putting it on her face, and even admired the picture afterwards as well.

It wouldn't be a trip to the Rainforest cafe without seeing.. Animals! or some type of creatures.

Stuffed creatures of course.

I will never be too old for stuffed animals. I may not have my own but I got a kid and she keeps them so I can admire them. Here are a bunch that I came across while shopping.

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Wearable goods with sayings are my favorite!

I don't know what it is about me and shirt and sayings, but I really enjoy them. I came across these and both made me laugh at least a bit which is why I am sharing them. I like funny t-shirts, or just shirts in general. To be fair, I like funny things, so these just kind of fit the bill.

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That's it! I have finally completed my first Market Friday! Yay!

I hope you had fun looking at my pictures. I am not the best photographer by any means and just kind of point and shoot, but I have fun sharing my experiences so here I am.

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Oh, I surely wanted to bring that rose quartz home with me! Let's go back and get it! It is supposed to have those wonderful healing powers and, so they say, it attracts love and helps keep it in place. So, how can we go wrong with that?

I'm in! Field trip to Orlando next week!

I'm honestly in love with the geodes and have several really beautiful ones. Yes! Who doesn't love purple? Stand up and face the consequences!

I almost fell off my chair... give it a little lick. Yes, I also said that. It is very, very, salty. hehe.

I realized after saying lick it that I should specify not to link the ones in stores. Please only lick your own salt lamps, not ones that so many other people have handled, that is just gross for you as well as for any of those touching it after you. I feel like I shouldn't have had to say this, but you just never really know people sometimes.

You are hilarious and don't even know it! :)

Your daughter is precious and so glad you two got to check out the animals in the cafe. Looks like you had a wonderful time!

Upped and Steemed Tip! Worthy!

ohh I loves ya babe 😁💗😁

Nice story 😀 love this stones 😀

Big Up !

Thank you! I love them too

What a real cool store love those rock lamps especially 😎

Aren't they amazing?! I totally fell in love with them.

I would have been hard pressed to leave the shop without one

Nice pictures the crystal are really beautiful I will love to visit there some time. Enjoy your trip.

Thank you :) I actually only live about an hour and a half away so it's still a trek but not too far. I really loved the crystals.

Beautiful! I love stones and minerals like that! I like markets like this!

Me too! I was surprised they had a whole wall of this stuff. Thoroughly enjoyed this store.

I remember when it was originally called treasure island almost 30 years ago... then downtown Disney now Disney springs..

oh really?! I had no clue there were name changes. I have only been in Florida for like just over 3 years so I only know the new one.

Disney springs is fairly new too.. maybe a year old with the name.. its under gone several make overs too thru the years.. i grew up in orlando...

Ooh cool! I bet that was fun. Doesn't surprise me that things changed so much, it is like a perpetual thing down here I bet.

Your photos look great to me. I love them all. Market Friday looks like fun.

Aww thank you :) I do try. I will admit I don't have a great photographic eye when it comes to taking photos but I have to admit that I absolutely love photos and admire them so much.

I think it is wonderful that we can share things like this with photos. It brings the world closer.

I couldn't agree more :)

amazing market story, but more amazing if there are people who sell or buy it, in order to look that market

yes for sure

Those crystal are gorgeous! Wonderful photo, thank you!

Thank you :) I really loved seeing them and had to at least capture some of their beauty.

The purple amethyst is my favorite crystal by far! I have amethyst in every room in the house. It looks like you guys had a great trip. Fun!

OOOH! I had no clue that was amethyst. I really loved that one to be honest so I will have to search for something of the sort now that I know what it is called. :)

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