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RE: Market Friday - Getting items from or to the market

in #marketfriday5 years ago

Now I think I can stick to those rules, I do tend to look at rules as guidelines and dance my way around them :)
Now I do think I am stretching it just a little calling vans a Market but if you say its Ok its OK for me
And its always my pleasure to join Market Friday :)


OMG! Did I say rules? I meant guidelines that nobody has to follow. It is just people kept wanting rules. Why? Why??

We do so much better posting what we want! LOL

yeah I dont know why so many are obsessed about rules, and then ignore them anyway, I prefer to just go with the flow anyways :)

Going with the flow certainly is the best/easy way to go, in my opinion. Rules are guidelines but most people want a set of hard and fast rules! LOL And then, don't follow them. Oi!

We are in Synch in that regard, I think going with the flow and having fun are good guidelines that I stick to :)

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