Well I Guess Its Market Friday


It Seems to be Market Friday Yet Again

Of course that means we have to put up something market related. I mean we have to keep the old gal @dswigle happy or else she will be bawling and that wont be a pretty scene. And yes she requires requests that we leave our links on her page!

Now I know for many of the ladies out there this is going to be hard to believe but there are actually guys that would bring you a little piece of heaven right here on Earth. Now who can deny they get weak in the knees when you cast your eyes on this bounty... Am I right??!??!??!

No, no not that bounty! How did that happen??? Who put those in here?!?!

See what I mean? Ribs and Flowers! What More Could One Ask For?!?

Yes I Know My Page Specializes in Being Light on the Quality and Heavy on the Silliness!!!

Why that is My Trademark!!! LOL....No, no the lovely Mandy Barnett knows about My Trademark!

She always reminded me of Patsy Cline.

Now here is a bit of heaven in a box!


These are pretty tasty as well!!!!

And Very Addicting!!

I got to go to Wallys. Come along with me, wont you?

If you have a cart and are this close to the corral, come on people go the extra 10 feet!!!


Y'all ever go to Walmart twice in the same day???

Oh! Me Too!!!

OMG Becky just look at this TV! Its just so BIG! Anyone remember that lyric from back in the day?

Really, is biggeralways better? OK dont answer that!! LOL


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine except for the (Mandy Barnett song from YouTube) and can be also found on my various social media sites.



I could hear the laughing all the way over on my profile. I had to come over to see what the ruckus was! It was @maruharraca making all that noise!

This was pretty funny and hey! Who doesn't want a piece of that (Here is where you pump flex them and show us what you got!)

I never saw a WalMart until I moved down South , now, of course, they have them in the Northeast They took away all of my wonderful family owned stores. We won't go there. Twice in one day? There must be some sort of reward for that!

Thanks for the laugh. I knew i could count on you. :)

You really need a price tag for the front of that hat.

Thanks for the fun #MarketFriday! Upped and Steemed Tip!

OMG Becky just look at this TV! Its just so BIG! Anyone remember that lyric from back in the day?

Lol, oh I remember those lyrics. Those ribs look big and tasty.

LOL how about 5 minutes straight LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck, can you say? Well I do not care what I say, haha I can not anymore, I think I have to do pipi. you are so funny. xoxo

Ahahaha, pretty girl, you are sooo funny LOL!!!

he he he

Le digo a mamá que hablas mal !! @txatxy jeje

no no, I washed my mouth with soap, can I bribe you? a cake?
happy Sunday

Now this cracks me up! What a total guys shopping trip! :)

Thank you kindly! Upped!

Well I mean seriously... doesn't it end with you at Walmart looking at TV's Thats a guys shopping trip! I snort coffee out my nose ;)

Sriracha Buffalo wings, now that is what I am talking about!

Yeah buddy! Add a bit of heat!

No vegetables? No fruits? 😃

Do bananas count?

I like the hat, and throw this junk food :)

You are not a junk food lover??

Haha...you make me laugh always this isn't marketfriday for you it's comedy show time ...lol...but i will have some of them cheeseburgers :)

Oh I love those little burgers! Upped!

Oh my!! Ribs, flowers, White Castle and buffalo bites..now you're talking!! All that and a little silly to boot!! Great post @old-guy-photos!!

Yep that basic necessities of life LOL

Pieces of sky in a box ha ha. Many women really love meat more than flowers. (Shh it's a secret).

Yes I suppose you are right LOL!

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