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RE: Market Friday meets Craiglist

Oh yeah I remember that ad for Tootsie Pops lol. Yes it is interesting to see how expensive some vintage stuff is. I am not sure what determines which are most collectable. I have been going through some stuff as well and am happy to say Craigslist works pretty good.

All of your stuff looks to be in new condition and you have enough of it to make it worth a collector coming to get it all. I have tubs of Little People from when they were wood. I may have to research what they are worth. What a fun Market Friday!


Oh yeah! That ad for the Tootsie Pop is a relic! I'm always surprised at what they deem is more valuable. Now for the most part, the Polly Pockets or more than the Barbies or I should say they were a select few Barbies that were worth a lot of money and the rest were just a few dollars more which is better than a punch in the nose.. I would love to know what determines which is the most collectible? Because I have to be honest with you. If I stack most of those things against one another, I would come out the loser in deciding what was worth the most. But just like anything else, it is demand that boost the price. I know you've been going through a lot of stuff and yes! Craigslist seems to work the best for me. I don't have to mail anything and usually the terms are amiable for a pick-up or drop-off.

I think there is a dealer who wants to make a bid on a good portion of the stuff and that's okay with me. I would rather see it go to some little girl with love it just the same but sometimes we can't be choosy thanks so much for stopping by!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Well the old guy that came for the tack was nice. Paid full price. Said he was a reseller. So he may make a few more bucks than I did, he drove for over an hour so no worries.

Oh, I have been doing Craigslist for since its inception. I am not worried about using it, pinky swear. Glad you made out so well. If it is useless to you, you might as well clear space!

That was awesome!

Well here is my link. I ALMOST forgot to drop the link! OMG I cannot believe that lol.


Remember these.

Me neither!! You know I sit and wait for that golden opportunity, right? Hey! Thanks for being a part of #MarketFriday and as always, I wish you a most wonderful day.

#MarketFriday loves you!


@dswigle & @old-guy-photos,

I ... AM ... RICH!!!

My daughter has a billion Barbie's, so many that they have to be stored in those giant plastic bags normally used for raking leaves. As she's now in college, I'm sure she wouldn't miss, say ... a thousand of them. Indeed, she probably wouldn't even notice.

If I were a good Dad, I'd ask her if I could pawn them off but I'm afraid I taught her too well: She'd undoubtedly insist on a 50/50 split.

When she was young, Katie used to make me play Barbie with her. Hour after hour after hour of Barbie. I wanted to play chess ... or poker. It could become incredibly taxing. So, I came up with an escape mechanism: Sabotage.

Katie would, of course, always assume the role of a beautiful princess or debutante while I assumed the role of her male suitor. Inevitably, a romance would develop and, typical of girls, no romance is complete without deep and unending conversations about ... relationships.

Anyway, my male character would start screwing things up. While the girl character was plumbing the depths of her soul, my guy character would suddenly sneeze right in her face. Other times, he'd fart and then recollect how he'd had baked beans for breakfast. Once, we were confronted by a group of pirates ... and I traded her for a pound of salt pork and a bag of flour.

Sooner or later, Katie would become so appalled by said deplorable state of romance that she would ask, "Daddy, would you like to play chess?"

She's become a very good chess player.

Thankfully, she inherited my offbeat sense of humor and now loves recounting these stories. Indeed, it's become one of her favorite genres, "Her Father's Torments."


You dont say, lol. I had much the same experience with my daughter. Hmm I didnt think of sabotage. However, I did think of something and let's just say that was Ben's (to steal your words Quill) raison d’etre. At the time a live in playmate seemed like the perfect answer. I guess in the long run, the laugh is on me. He did free up some time for me here and there, but I have had to feed him for 18 years now. Alas I think I found a better idea. Perhaps I should have gotten a playmate that also liked to play dolls! ;)

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