Market Friday Confessional

Hey Everybody!

Welcome To

Market Friday

Hodgepodge Style

So first up is the Catholic Shoppe. I am putting it up in honor of the gorgeous founder of Market Friday, none other than our very own @dswigle. Please remember to put your links on her page or she WILL get after you. If you don't believe me, just try her!!! No, better yet, just do what she asks so she will have a nice welcome back from her almost never ending vacation. Sheesh, it must be nice LOL!!!

Now the shop is always closed by time I get over there, but I got these shots through the window. Its probably a good thing that it is closed or the roof would fall in if I went in there. Make no mistake, @dswigle is a bit more Catholic than I am!

This is a huge setup which I took in portrait, however Busy seems to only do landscapes, so we lost a bit of the height of this display.

Well I Needed to Restock Some of the Necessities of Life!!


Of course these are to die for. Nice and spicy, baked in the oven or microwaved and served with some rice and soy sauce! Heaven right there. Sticking with the Catholic theme, I'm rocking the confessions, coz I don't think this is on my diet approved list..shsss our lil secret...

Sugar free jello with half and half splashed in is soo addictive!
Seriously its like I cannot get enough!

Are you kidding me?!?!?!!?


I Live Charlie Brown's Life

Why whenever my sausage is a buck thirty off, they are always out?!?!?!


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.



Oh, this was fabulous! Just my kind of shop! Yes. I love strolling through the Catholic shops! They have so many wonderful things that I love.

My confession? Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I have taken the Old Man's name in vain every day this week.

Pfft. Not! At least twice a day!

What I was going to say was that I have this habit of collecting rosary beads. I love them. Old ones, new ones, it doesn't matter to me. They have always and forever been near and dear to my heart.

Thank you for bringing me here. Can we go inside next time? :)

Upped and Steemed Tip!

See I love it when people take my name in least then I know they have thought of me! And that is a good thing!

That is an interesting collection. You should do a post showing them!!

Pfft you really want to see it fall in on me!!!

Would you stop whining and open the door for me? ;)


Paul, good to know. I'll do my best ...

Jello and half and half eh?? I'll bet that's good!!

We had a grocery store, I think it was Metro, and if you brought them a dated item you got a fresh one free. Good deal right? I used to shop there at midnight on my way home from the hospital and it was great - quiet. One night though I was particularly tired and a lady got in front of me at the check out - every. thing. she. had. was. dated. Even a peach - it had a bruise.

This is how she made ends meet I suppose and how the grocery store saved on staff to purge the old stock. win win for them.....but that night...I had thots of pushing my cart a little closer, inch by inch. I'm not normally crabby but when I am tired, I am tired.

That is my shared market story. You were "saved" from a ceiling falling on your head...and I got home without pushing my cart too far.

I didn't go to the market or a market today.

Yes half and half is addicting!

I like that bounty system for dated items!

That is most certainly a very specific shoppe Paul ;-) But totally the place if you need something of the like. I can say that we get nothing like that round my way, in fact your lucky to find anything other than a Mcdonalds and a Tesco Supermarket :-D

Mountain Dew... Lot's of Mountain Dew ... Planning any intense multiplayer online gaming sessions anytime soon Sir? ;-)

No I fall asleep editing my own very boring posts lol.

When the sale comes for your favorite sausage then you have to be of the first customers. Your time will come eventually.

Amazing, and am resteeming this

Great Post ^_^ Looking at food you bought is making me hungry! hehe

Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Slice Of Heaven Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Tipuvote! - upvote any post with with 2.5 x profit :)

Well it was looking all holy till i saw the mountain dew then that spoiled everything including your diet ..Haha !!

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