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RE: My Market Friday - Another Discoveries

in #marketfriday5 years ago

We have those shops here in the states also. I have donated many times to them as I am going through my things and find that there are some that I no longer need. So, if I am not using it for a long time, I will donate it so that it can be loved by another.

I admit that I also go through them because you never know what kind of unique trinket you may find. Just like you are beautiful ceramic plate! That Shirley was a beautiful one and I am familiar with the brand. I wish it much luck in its new house!

I must say that the jar that you found is awesome. I bought many of these in Europe and I loved the gray Ware. G's fun collection and if I can get a deal on them, even more fun! I can see where they would be used for the trains in potatoes. I had a big one and it was made by and company up close to Canada and I know the resale value was expensive. This was so fun and I am so glad that you brought us to this place. I look forward to your very next post! I love your wildflowers in the Crock. So very beautiful!

Is it possible for you to link your post to my market Friday Post in the future? It makes it easier to find you and I can have all of the market Fridays together so people can find them easier.

I want to thank you for taking the time and effort to put a post together for this challenge. As always, I wish you another fabulous week!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and steemed



Oh my !!! I am so sorry if I have forgotten to link this on this week's Market Friday post.. I'll be careful next time..

I thank you for appreciating my finds.. glad to know I have a soulmate in you regarding the grey wares. Yeah, it is a matter of luck to find such in a flea market.

Thank you too for the tip you sent.. sooner I will also be joining the tipu program.. I wish you a great Tuesday Denise dear!

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