Market Friday Hops the Islands

in #marketfriday5 years ago (edited)

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise! That is me!) Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. One of my favorite places to be. These are from a short and sweet trip to the Caribbean, where one of my favortie ports was on the itinerary. It was a short getaway cruise, visiting a few diffeent places. Sit back and enjoy the warmth. Of the people, the places and the food, which you will have to imagine for this post. Some like it hot!


I hope you will join us as we share the different markets from all over the world. I have always and forever loved traveling and I find it simply fascinating to go to the markets. Who doesn't love to see what they are selling? There is always a curiosity attached to foreign ingredients, different produce or any product sold. So, yes! I would love to see yours! So don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery, art galleries, wherever money is exchanged for a service or for merchandise. Don't forget to use the hashtag #Marketfriday and @dswigle.

Please leave the link to your post on here so it can easily be found by others. They will all be in one place!! Thank you! ❤

Some time ago, on one #MarketFriday, we checked out a couple of different cruise ships, deciding which we liked better, large ships or smaller, more intimate ships. If you missed it, no worries, I am going to check out a new line of ships and I will do another. Today we will take a moment and compare a couple of the wonderful islands that we stopped in their ports. They are all so beautiful, it is hard to not love them all.


This is on the island of St. Maarten. We are on the French side and the catamaran is a lovely way to see the entire island. The French side is the much quieter side and preferred if you want to be away from the tourists. The Dutch side is highly populated and has the vast majority of the bars and shopping.


St. Martin's famous Princess Juliana International Airport on the Dutch side of St. Maarten

I could almost t.o.u.c.h. it.

image 3.png

Barely clears the fence. This is the fence people hang on to - legs flying in the air. Some get blown off! — at Princess Juliana International Airport, St Maarten


A stop on the US Virgin Islands is always a pleasure. Oh, the allure of the ocean is more than I can bear. Beauty - as far as your eyes will take you - St. Kitts US British Islands


The beauty and charm are found in this place called 99 steps, which incidentally is 103. It leads right up to Bluebeard's Castle. Inhale the beauty. This is in beautiful Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas which is also in the US Virgin Islands.

Virgin Islands.jpg


Oh, the charming views continue to delight these eyes. Take a moment to nhale her beauty. So very enchanting — St. Kitts, British Virgin Islands


Oh, she is beautiful. I really love the charm of this city. Look how the reflection of the cobblestone streets take possession of the city at night. They just seem to breathe new life into the old blue pavers that are characteristic of this beautiful old city. These pictures were taken before the devastation of the Hurricane Irma, a category 5 hurricane. They are still trying to fit the piece together again.

She was so beautiful, with her blended cultures and historical buildings. The towers have the most incredible views. Raíces - or Roots Fountain was sculpted by Spanish artist Luis Sanguino. The bronze fountain celebrates Puerto Rico’s rich culture of Amerindian, African, and Spanish peoples.

— Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

So much to do, so much to see. I didn't want to inundate you with pictures, I have thousands of them, but, just a tiny sample so that maybe someday we can go to some different ones.

And the ship slowly makes it way back to the port and I walk out onto the balcony as the sun welcomes me back home again with New York City waving me in.

Au Revoir, my beautiful vacation.
Until I cruise again.

Well, thank you, as always for coming along with me to my #MarketFriday adventure. I hope that you had one too. I look forward to reading them! Don't forget to peruse the other Markets that are linked below! They are from all over the world and I must say, quite interesting in so many ways. Enjoy!!

A longer YouTube video of the Princess Juliana St Maarten Airport where planes fly just above your head! Sadly, but, not so sadly, they have stopped the 747’s from coming in anymore as the risk is too great. You can go to YouTube to see them fly overhead, which was pretty cool, but these crazies held on to the fence for dear life, some with their feet blowing behind them. The scariest was when I watched a woman get blown across the street to the beach. It not longer seemed so fun to them. Thankfully, the big planes no longer land there, but, I got to see the very last one that was allowed to land.

Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul


Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

How to Participate:

1. Go to the market! Any market will do! Food, Clothing, Plant or Animal, if you wish. You can go to the zoo or an art auction. Anywhere or anything that you pay money for a service. I once went to a nail salon.
2. Take pictures! Be creative (or not)
3. Tell us a little bit about the market, what brought you here?
4. Post the picture(s)
5. Don’t forget to hashtag it! #MarketFriday by @dswigle
6. Drop the link to your post here so I can easily find them

It is always interesting to see the different markets around the globe! C’mon! Show me your market shots! I eagerly await them!

And just like that, this post is done. I hope you enjoyed your visit! As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit #MarketFriday!! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!

Flowers. Always. There must always be flowers to color my world.

I love to share and be shared with! I am intrigued by different cultures. It is exciting and yes! I would love to see yours! Don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery store, the local marketplace or even an art gallery, a kite festival! Wherever money is exchanged for a service or for merchandise. Be different if you wish! It does not have to be a traditional market! We will love it! I promise you! Don't forget to use the hashtag #MarketFriday and @dswigle.




Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Because of you, I come back to post again and again, I am encouraged by you, for the time you take to visit, comment or even upvote. For all of these reasons, I am eternally grateful. Don't ever forget what a wonderful world we live in, people. Let's hold hands around the globe and make this earth really spin. Some days, it is not as easy to see, how wonderful it really is. Kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.

I always post this poem down at the bottom of my posts. It is one that has become so near and dear to my heart. I only post the most famous part of it, but, wanted to post it in its entirety today.

they set my aunts house on fire
i cried the way women on tv do
folding at the middle
like a five pound note.
i called the boy who use to love me
tried to ‘okay’ my voice
i said hello
he said warsan, what’s wrong, what’s happened?

i’ve been praying,
and these are what my prayers look like;
dear god
i come from two countries
one is thirsty
the other is on fire
both need water.

later that night
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered,
"where does it hurt?"
it answered,


warsan shire

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Oh this post was just calling to me, as you know I love the sea!

Yes indeedy! Give me the sun and I will bring along the fun! There is no doubt in my mind that I was made for that kind of life. However, my wallet may beg to differ! My brain loves to write checks my wallet cannot cash! Alas since I am too poor to pay attention, this is a dream for a later date for me. I will just have to live vicariously through you awesome posts, Sunshine :)

Oh, yes!!! The sea is calling!!! Can you hear her?

Oh, the sun and shine are waiting for me, it is starting to turn autumn here and you know how I feel about the impending colder days and no sunshine... Oh you and me both! I was made for that life!!! Oh, seriously old man... @old-guy-photos I don't know how you fit all that money in your bank, no less your wallet! If I had your money, I could stop working and live off the interest!

But, hey! If you want to live through my posts while I live in a cardboard box on some sandy island, you can. :) And thanks for stopping by and saying hello!

#MarketFriday loves you!


🎁 Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Life And Living Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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I bet you thought I was going to miss Market Friday, but no way, Jose! It is just too much fun!!! After all it is Market Weekend plus 1 :)

Never! I know you would never miss it!!! ;) Even if it is 4 days late... Oh, wait! That is me!

#MarketFriday loves you!


🎁 Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Monochrome In Color Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Wow, you told us a wonderful story, combined with beautiful images of an amazing trip, Denise 😊 I loved to read it and see the photos.

I wanted to curate you too, but @bluemoon was first ;)
So, all I can do is to try if this combination works:
!tip 0.3

Congratulations @johannpiber, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @dswigle!
@dswigle will receive 0.25552800 TRDO & @johannpiber will get 0.17035200 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

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Hallo Johann! @johannpiber Thanks you for the TRDO!!

Thank you so much, Johann! @johannpiber I have always put the challenge up (my) Thursday night around midnight, which is 6am Europe. so that all can have plenty of time to put a market together or comment. Things just went sideways today and it didn't get up until now!

Oh, well. It is done now.

Thank you so much or the thoughtful comment and oh, my!!! All those lovely gifts! :) The fact that you wanted to curate was awesome and thank you! Dan @bluemoon is pretty quick! Thank you for taking the time to read, comment, throw gifts at me and upvote. You are awesome!

#MarketFriday loves you!


You are much welcome Denise. I have seen your post and thought, it might be interesting ... of course, it was interesting and beautiful 🙂

This tipu curation thing is so very new that I have to play with it and try what I can do with it, but if sometimes others are faster, I still have some other gifts, which you have all deserved ;)

That is so very kind of you! I will have start looking at my other options! The tipu curation is fun, but, I am slow as I don't have the time to sit on the computer. But, I have managed some. :)

Thank you again! You are so very kind! And thanks for the beer! I am properly drunk now! ;)

You are much welcome, Denise 🙂

You cannot get drunk from this !BEER - JJ and I, we have it all the time and have you seen us drunk at any time? lol

I am very slow too, and most times, when I see a post to curate with tipu, somebody else was faster ;)
Have a great week 🙂

Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Thank you for the beer @johannpiber

🎁 Hi @johannpiber! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: I'Ll Be Walking On Wednesday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Thank you so much Denise 🙂

My pleasure!

Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

🎁 Hi @johannpiber! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Market Friday Hops The Islands Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

This tip came twice - so, I thank you again and I will return the favor at the next opportunity :)

Oh, no worries!!! You are overly kind to me anyway!

Hey, I am Austrian, it's normal for us to be kind 🙂

Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Wow, a lot of awesome pretty photography of US Virgin Islands. And here is my entry :

I see they also have a lot of curtains!!

It is actually several different islands. But, yes, the Virgin Islands also. Thank you so much for stopping in and dropping your link and your words here. It is much appreciated!

I wish you a most wonderful day!

#MarketFriday loves you!

!tip .20

🎁 Hi @kamrunnahar! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: I'Ll Be Walking On Wednesday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

I got stuck onthat first photo for a couple of minutes I was so drrawn into it and wanting to walk down that street, but I finally did and am glad I did to see all the other amazing shots wow what a place so much beauty and seeing plans come in to land so close to you must be an awesoem and overwhelming experience.

Her eis my post for this week and do not be too shocked its actually a market lOl


Congratulations @tattoodjay, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @dswigle!
@dswigle will receive 0.35850600 TRDO & @tattoodjay will get 0.23900400 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

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Thank you so much for such an awesome comment. It is always so nice to get away and relax on one of the islands. The people as warm and wonderful as the islands themselves. No kidding!

For the life of me, I cannot see how I put myself back on a plane or ship after relaxing and taking in the ambience...

Thank you always for stopping by and saying hello, leaving those kind words behind... and dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Ohh yes I have been to places like that when getting on the plane to leave is so hard to do

Its always such a pleasure for me to visit your posts ;)

🎁 Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Market Friday Hops The Islands Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

What a beautiful vacation @dswigle :) So clear and the water so blue, love the cobblestone streets. Visiting the sweet little shops, lunch outside at the cafe truly a little slice of heaven! Beautiful shots, I'm sure you took many, lol

Oh, well, you know I took too many, right? There is something so compelling about this exotic beauty that makes me want to take a picture of everything, yet, I don't. Mostly because my mind remembers every single detail of its beauty!

Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello, you always leave me smiling to myself! Have a most wonderful weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

!tip .20

🎁 Hi @birdsinparadise! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Market Friday Hops The Islands Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

🎁 Hi @dswigle! You have received 0.3 STEEM tip from @johannpiber!

@johannpiber wrote lately about: Macro: Mushrooms / Pilze Feel free to follow @johannpiber if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Wow!!! That is a huge tip! Thank you very much!

Colourful lights and street view very nice .thanks for share your Friday experience.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the nice comment and for coming over and saying hello, leaving your words behind! I wish you a wonderful weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!


🎁 Hi @shuvo35! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Have I Told You Lately? Powerhousecreatives Contest Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Such a wonderful holiday! Island hopping among the blue sea and warm sun! Surrounded by sandy beach, resting among the trees and nourishing yourself with good local food! The mind will expand so wide that new perceptions become incredible!

Have a fantastic holiday!
Bring us some fresh air from the sea!

Thank you! This was a few shots from another cruise. I will be leaving next weekend for a month, but, expect to have some internet connection and I hope it is a good one. :) I don't worry so much about the internet, but, still like to post from the road.

Oh, the sea is calling! I am so happy to embrace the warmth of the sun and sand. I await tht mind expanding perception!

Thank you for your always kind and thoughtful words!

#MarketFriday loves you!

!tip .20

🎁 Hi @kaminchan! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Market Friday Hops The Islands Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

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