Market Friday (goes Black!)

in #marketfriday7 years ago (edited)

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (That is me, Denise!)

Come join us as we share wonderful markets from all over the world. I find it simply fascinating and would love to see yours! So don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery, antiquing, art galleries. wherever! Don't forget to use the hashtag #marketfriday and @dswigle.

Please leave the link to your post on here so it can easily be found. They will all be in one place!! Thank you!

Black Dog Black Friday 21.JPG

Oh, the retailers have been preparing for the coming of Black Friday 2017. You remember that day? The doors open to the store and everyone jumps out of line to run in and grab all the good deals on heavily discounted merchandise. I have done this before and I am pretty sure I may do it again.

It was the kick-off to the holiday shopping season!!! Oh, how I remember those nights waiting for hours for the door to open with the rest of the crowd. I'm in there somewhere, look harder.


There was no way I was going to be doing that again! I have read enough stories about trampled shoppers and seen enough unseemly behavior to last me a lifetime!

I know... Let's take our market to the internet. Oh, yes. Who doesn't shop on the internet these days? The deals are awesome! Come on! Let's take a look. You already met The Black (Dog) Friday above. He was on special! ;)

Black Friday Dog Rescue.JPG

Even Facebook got in the on the action. They had the Black (Dog) Friday special. They are a rescue that gave $100 off any adoption. If anyone has ever adopted an animal, it can be expensive. So this was a real deal! And you get to help give a rescue a home. And you get a real deal!

Black Dog Black Friday.JPG

Come on!! Who doesn't love these two little guys? They are adorable!

$100.00 off the adoption price!


Best Buy had some sweet deals on computers and televisions. I don't even have to leave the comfort of my living room. Honestly, I think I still have nightmares about getting trampled by a crowd, trying to get to the Black Friday specials! Yikes!

amazon #8.JPG

I got a little off track and typed in Amazon. What popped up surprised me. Did you know you could get a house on Amazon? This chick didn't. There before my very eyes was a house. A real live house! All different types of houses.

Including the now popular tiny house!

Look inside. You know they will ship this to your house without charging you for shipping! What a deal.
Big enough to live in!

Amazon 11.JPG


What do you think?

Yes, Please.


Exactly! Less than $8,000 USD and you too can own this little house

It's cozy and cute.

Free shipping.

Oh!! I want to shop some more! Who's with me???


I know. I know.... But, I couldn't get online without stopping by a site that gave me a few clicks for my dollar. I knew I could get your attention. Now click on the camera and let's move on. :)

Can you grab me a.... oh, nevermind. I believe I will have to visit Santa to get one of those under my tree.

Totally sure

Amazon #2.JPG

Amazon has some great deals. Don't they always? I have got this down now.

Let's click again.


Again! Click again!

Click it!

Amazon #3.JPG

Amazon #4.JPG


I am enamored, but, who isn't?

It is as easy as...

click, click ... pay.

Amazon #5.JPG

Not having to step into the long lines of Target just makes me smile.





Walmart? Oh, no way!!




Walmart 2.JPG





Macy's. I have to be honest. I think I would rather touch the clothing, see how it feels, how it drapes on my body... I want to talk to the salesperson about... things.

I love shopping on the internet. I do.

But, I love the personal interaction with people, just a little bit better. Much as I enjoy shopping from the comfort of my own home, I do love to get in the mix and enjoy the challenge of racing granny to the Black Friday specials.

On your mark...

Get set...


All photo credits: The Internet

Well, thank you as always for coming along with me to my #MarketFriday adventure. I hope that you had one too. I look forward to reading them! Don't forget to peruse the other Markets that are linked below!They are from all over the world and I must say, quite interesting in so many ways. Enjoy!!


Let me tell you a thing or three about living in a tiny house lol

Also, your alliance tag is borked :) so is challenge. :P

I represent that. Are you allowed to bork me?? If you only knew the backstory to that night. :P

Tiny houses can be cozy if living with anythe right person.

I lived alone in a tiny house. We fought all the time.

I only bork with prior permission. Check your tags, chica ;)

eyeroll Thank you. Edit: That was worse than I thought. I should have been borked.


Pilot error.

The learning curve was steep tonight.

Todays market is awesome as it goes make things so different.Just see how exciting this very challenge is becoming...we are most grateful for making me part of this wonderful family..Did you know that #teamghana are going crazy with this challenge?...Most of them would love to join soon...l guess some are even preparing to make a post today...its nice,joyous and amazing...dont forget to make your weekend marvelous...its a choice,go for it!!!!

Thank you, Sam, my man! I am excited to see some of your #teamghana here! It will be fun to see them when they have the time!

This weekend is a Holiday here and we are making the most of it! Happy Saturday, Sam! tip!

ha. Can you believe it! I made it early!!!!

I'm sorry to do this to you @mariannewest but actually i had my in earlier then you right after the clock struck one minute into the morning of Friday but hey great job i am normally the last one in :)

haha - go ahead. Take the honor of being the first!! LOL

Thanks i will let you beat me next time ....hehe !!

You two ard hilarious!

Hey!!! Yes!!! How awesome is this? You win the early bird special!! ;) Thank you so much,
@mariannewest! I didn't even have to chase you down!

You are awesome! Now off to your post! ;)

That scared me, so many things to buy! You had an excellent idea to post this kind of market, of course is the biggest in the world! It's about 3 a.m. and just finished my "contribution" , the same old style :

Hey! I love your markets! They are always fun and different for me as my American Markets are the same old thing.

Your contributions are important to me and delightful to see! Thank you for taking the time! tip!

i want black friday in my country.

I know! Black Friday is good and bad! It has great prices, but, if you have no money, some people spend money they don't have - gets them i big trouble financially.

It is too tempting!

A house on amazon!!!!😵

I couldn't believe it! Seriously?

And free delivery! Unbelievable. What next?

I just checked amazon India.All that popped up was colourful tents for kids😅
Heres my marketfriday😊

Seriously? I had never seen the houses before. Perhaps i just didn't notice? I was shocked.

Thanks for your #MarketFriday! I am off to check it out!

What I meant are those playing tents for little kids.No real houses in amazon India yet☹️

I knew exactly what you meant, I probably didn't phrase it right. Believe me, a house is the last thing I thought I would see. I wonder what else I will find today?

Wish me good luck! ;) Happy #MarketFriday!

Ahh I got a bit confused😄All good now.😊
Good luck!

Thanks you!!

Hee Hee ~ Nice post Denise! I did the Black Friday get out early and wait in lines and almost get trampled ONCE...never again! It is much calmer about 11 ish and still some deals or shop online = )

I agree @deerjay! It is a daunting operation, playing Russian Roulette with your life, eh?

After 11, it drops off to a dull roar.

Wait a minute, I zoomed in that crowd photo and didnt see a single old ...elderly... alluring lady in the bunch ;)

Oh yes, click click click pay...I got that rhythm now....say who is doing the paying here though?

Yeah I always talk to the check out gals about "things", and thats usually when security comes over and....

Hehehehe! I got my haircut and may look like a dude different person.

Weren't you picking up the tab? I distinctly remember something about that or perhaps not.... Hmmm. I will look back on the blockchain and get back to you.

Stay away from the check out girls! Sheesh! tip!

Ha! I cut my hair and its probably longer than yours! Na Na Na!
Hey you just said you bother talk up the sales people. Well the checkout gals are kind of a captured audience and a guys has to work with what he can you know. LOL

Those poor girls!

Noo, they love it really. They always want my autograph. Its a regular disturbance, and even a bit embarrassing how they basically stop ringing so they can talk. Of course the manager frowns on it and always gives me the wary eye when I walk in. I mean it all works out. Ive only been slapped twice and kicked once in the unmentionables...all things considered I thought that was pretty good really.

OH! You totally did the walk of shame, didn't you?

Say have a super night Sunshine! You are the best.

Good night Old Man @old-guy-photos!

I went Black Friday shopping once. It was with a school teacher friend of mine and I have to tell you... I seen some things that day! Ha!

This calm, mild mannered, sweet person who would give you the shirt off her back... Lets just say I did not know her that day.

I have worked in retail one season since then. It was actually the 1st year stores were open here Thanksgiving Day. Very few people who came into the store were grateful for anything. I've honestly never been treated so badly for stuff that was in no way my fault, ever.

And on the way home, a Black Friday shopper rear ended me.

All of that said, I love to shop any other time of year. :P And of course it depends on where you are shopping. Not all markets are over run this time of year. :D

Lucky for me 90% of my holiday shopping is done. Except for food, I'm going to have to tough out the crowds once a week for that. lol

I enjoyed your post as always, thanks for taking us along!

And PS, I did not know you can buy houses on Amazon now! o_O

I know!!! Neither did I!!!!! Shocking! I learned something new at #MarketFriday! Score~

Thank you so much! Yes!!! Jekyll and Hyde!! I have seen it and it isn't pretty, is it? I worked retail when I was a teenager.

Oh, Sweet Jesus! Some lady threatened me with bodily harm because there wasn't enough Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles paraphernalia. It was a doorbuster.

My holiday shopping is getting there, but, I don't live near home, sweet, home, so I have to mail out nine boxes to my brothers and sisters. So, moving along! Right???

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