Market Friday

in #marketfriday7 years ago (edited)

Hello, fellow Steemians! Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (That is me! Denise!) I am sure that it will not surprise any of you when I tell you that I went to the Flower Market today! I love perusing through as I watch these artists of everything floral in nature create beautiful baskets of flowers, while-u-wait. Alternately, you can pick up a bunch already gathered together for a sweet bouquet. Dealers choice.

First off, there were no cameras allowed, so I had to sneak my cell phone around like a criminal. I had several pointed fingers telling me to put the camera away. Yikes! The things we do for steemit! Oh! There is something so very intimate about using words with your blooms. I will look at my flowers and decide what will go with them and hopefully the words will come to me.


There must be an act of kindness and beauty that belongs to this day alone. Seize the moment.

¸.• ´¸.•
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(¸.•´ (¸.• Then pass it on and on and on


Beautifully abundant their blooms were. I actually bought these just for their color. It was so bold, so beautiful. It put my heart in a happy place. Come. Take my hand. We will go to that happy place together.


Come closer, my love
My love
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(¸.·´ (¸. *That I may whisper sweet blossoms in your ear


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(¸.•´ (¸.•'
Oh, there has always been a necessity in writing, penning my thoughts, journaling or whatnot – for how else will I capture the moment as it passes; what happens if I should forget those minute details, or worse, what if I forget that moment – to be gone like an exhale on a cold morning? It happens. You know that to be true.


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(¸.•´ (¸.•'
I am inspired by the colors of the flowers, their scent, and their looks. They sneak into my imagination and give birth to words. Some days. Other days, not so much. Oh, the beauty held by this ray of sunshine in my hand and the laughter in the air. Flowers all around me, coloring the landscape a bright hue of yellow.




The parade of roses. Nature at her best, giving exquisite pleasure to my eyes. Every, Single. Time.




The way the tall pieces are displayed gives it such a visually inspiring look. It is easy to take them home and create your own style of artistry with attention to detail. The flowers will give me the exact effect I want, glamorous yet warm and whimsical. Happy #MarketFriday, people!

I would appreciate if you would put the link for your #MarketFriday post below. It will make them much easier for people to find when they are all in one spot. Thank you, as always, for taking the time to visiting the Market with me and I hope you get a chance to check out some of the markets posted here from all over the world.

Have a wonderful Friday and remember when dealing with others in your everyday life: Kindness Counts.


Thank you Denise for this wonderful visual of your flower market. AWESOME!

Here is my link sweetie for the Panama market.

Thank you! It was a fun day running through a few different ones. So hard to pick pictures of flowers! Know what I mean? It is a good thing I am thoughtful, otherwise, you may have had to bear another 50 pictures!

I am so glad you like them. I just want to take them all home with me.

Mwah! Thank you for posting your link here! I appreciate it and I love to make them easily available for others! Have a fabulous weekend! How much longer will you be in Panama?

I just got home and have a bazillian pictures to edit. lol Vacations are so much fun, so many new things to see and experience, like the ope market! The indigenous people are so crafty. I will try to remember to post my link for #marketfridays appropriately from now on. love and blessings to you.

Oh, no worries. If you don't, I go back later and add the link. I am hoping it gets more exposure the first day and the next day, I go back and resteem them.

all are fresh and beautiful flower...

Thank you so much, @birju! Very much appreciate your kind words. I hope you have a most wonderful night over there!

Thank you so much.

beautiful collections of flower.

Thank you so much for the words! Good morning over there! Happy Friday to you!

What a beautiful market day this one is! These pictures are just gorgeous and so are the uplifting words that you share.

– for how else will I capture the moment as it passes; what happens if I should forget those minute details, or worse, what if I forget that moment – to be gone like an exhale on a cold morning? It happens. You know that to be true.
Oh how true this is! And I'm very happy that you do.

Thank you, my lovely friend. I love #MarketFriday for the different places that these posts take you. How wonderfully small we make the world as we stand hand to hand across the globe.

Thank you for your words and for coming to read mine. xoox I miss you people over there, but, I cannot stretch myself any thinner than I already do. It is so true, my feelings are best when raw or new... I lose track of them if I don't write them down.

You are such a wonderful human with so much love - that you hand out freely! xoxoxo

Oh wow!!! These are absolutely breathtaking my Dear............but I am very surprised that cameras are not allowed. I take photos in flower shops all the time and I never experienced such a thing. UPV & RSD plus tip!

This is the first time anywhere!! Hi, Lena! ♥ Thank you, my dear! Hope your day has been awesome! tip!

Thank you so much Sweetie, I am exhausted, but I was with my angels with little horns so it is well worth it, lol. I hope you had lovely day too 🌸💖🌸

Hi @dswigle here's my #marketfriday post as requested.
It has the right tags so it should have arrived? lol Free fruit for kids

Thank you so much! You're a peach! :) It is a fabulous post! tip!

Thank you @dswigle for the tip too.

The pleasure is mine.

Wow...super beautiful...the flowers are just like you..sooo sparkling @dswigle ...keep sharing love with us...its a wonderful weekend again..wishing you the very best of all..upped

Sam, my man! Thank you so much for such a warm and joyous response! I always get a smile on my face when I read your words. Such happiness is included in your message!

Will keep sharing the love with #TeamGhana!

Wishing you the best right back at you! XOXO

so glad you were sneaky and go these photos the flowers are so pretty. Here is my entry for todays #marketfriday photo challenge

Usually, I am using my camera, so always ask before taking pictures, but, I was taking them with the cell phone and didn't think it would be a big deal! :) Thank you and thanks for linking yours!

Have a great day and keep on Steemin'

AHA! It's the dog house with you you floral criminal!!! And with no treats!!! 😈

Noooooo!!! Not that!! Meow!


Doggone it!

Now get it here! Wait...that won't look good. Let me exit first 😉😊

You did an amazing job capturing those photos with your cell phone! This is a market where I could spend a lot of time...

Thank you so much! I love the flower markets! They are my favorite!

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