Market Friday

in #marketfriday6 years ago (edited)


Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) I hope you will join me as we share different markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see so many different markets and different cultures.

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I have been to so many new places lately! Oh! The curiosity that is attached to foreign ingredients, different produce or any product sold. So, yes! I would love to see yours! Don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery store, the local marketplace or even an art gallery. Wherever money is exchanged for a service or for merchandise. Be different if you wish! It does not have to be a traditional market! We will love it! I promise you! Don't forget to use the hashtag #MarketFriday and @dswigle.

But first, a flower. Always a flower.

The loveliness of you never escapes me
May I gaze upon you, always and a day?

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Please leave the link to your post on here so it can easily be found by others. They will all be in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you! ❤


Three months back, or somewhere in that vicinity, we went to the nursery on #MarketFriday. We bought packets of seeds and some starter plants to plant in the flower garden. I'm sure you did too!

"Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?"

The progress has been amazing, especially mixing in last years perennials and this year's additions. Add a dash of torrential rain now and again, and then again this week. Well, we have an abundance right now.

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It was not without hardship, these flowers. All flowers need sun and some type of nutrients to help them grow, some less than others. However, there were sun and heat beyond normal for this spring, then it continued for almost a whole month. Still, they persevered. They did not disappoint and they still continue to put out the beauty.

Dahlia and Marigold - they always seem to be winners in my garden

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Admittedly, I got Clematis envy and planted it well after the other plants. I thought it might be too late in the season, but, it did really well and put out many flowers. I can't ask for anything more!


I have to admit, I have become a nursery snob. I used to buy mine at one of the Big Box stores such as Lowe's or Home Depot, or something like that. Since I have become loyal to my nursery, my plants seem to thrive better, have less mold/mildew problems. Coincidence? Perhaps. But, perhaps not. So, I continue to go to the same place and buy all my flowers and my vegetable seedlings. (and seeds!)


They do a lot of the potting themselves and have even come to my house to check out what was eating my plants. This was a courtesy visit from them, which, I will be forever grateful. They really care about their customers!


They were able to help me with the problem and get me on the right track. I didn't realize I was watering too much in that area. It didn't get as much sun as most of the other areas and the ground had some clay in it, so it didn't drain as well. You really should wait for the ground to become dry before you give it more water. Lesson learned.

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I am exceedingly happy with the updated results of my beloved garden. Every day, the flowers sway in the breeze, nodding their heads good morning. It's the little things in life. I smile back, grateful for the beauty.

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My hydrangea is special. Just this one. They are all beautiful, but, this one came with me from another house. So, I give it special attention, wanting it to stay healthy and grow old with me. I never even looked to see how long they live. Ha!


Yes! There is something alluring about blue flowers! They are bold and beautiful! I love them!

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Yet, I love all different kinds of flowers. I have such a hard time choosing flowers when I go to the nursery. I love them all and this makes the task so much harder. More land in which to spread the seed is what I really need.

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Words have some degree of inadequacy
When I gaze upon your loveliness
You speak without saying a word
Or maybe a few, if perchance
There are whispers of the heart and love

My love, my love

How could I deny you
The first chance of the season
To make it all right
Once again

¸.• ´¸.•´¨) ¸.•¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•' Today is the perfect day for a perfect day.


To think that it all started with a seed. Seeds are what got me hooked on plants and now I harvest the seeds from the flowers and vegetables every year, carefully letting them dry and then putting them in a place that is cool and dry until the next season. Oh, yes. It began with a seed.


As always, thank you for participating in #MarketFriday! The effort put into gathering and putting a post together is appreciated. Thank you for sharing your part of the world with all of us! Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!

One last flower.


¸.♥´¸.•♥¨) Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥


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Don't ever forget what wonderful world we live in, people. Let's hold hands around the globe and make this earth really spin. Some days, it is not as easy to see, so we must try harder to give everyone the proper focus.


Thank you so much! Believe it or not I don't really care about people up voting my post as much as I want to have all of the posts here for higher visibility for them. Most people that come here to seek the markets of the world find it so much easier to have them all in one place. I used to just let people post them but so many mismarked them and then richest appointed that nobody could find them. I love your post more than you'll ever know. Thank you so much for participating in Market Friday.

Thanks for your nice words! I love #marketfriday, thank you a lot for starting it and running it!

Oh such lovely flowers! No one even comes close to how nice you do them. I could never choose a favorite, they are all just so amazing! Yet I think the most beautiful gem in the post is the fact I so often forget... Today is indeed the perfect day for a perfect day. I wish you a perfect day, Sunshine.

It would have been nice to get all the flowers that I wanted up, but, it was absolutely horrid last night. It's #MarketFriday, I have come to expect it! I think my favorite might be the ones under the first there must be flowers I love their long stems and how they seem to almost dance to the rhythm.

I threw the little Canadian Geese in there for you. I know how much you like them and hey! I wanted to you to get a little something to make you happy today. A perfect day and all, capisce?

Thank you for the words and well, we all kind of know that you are not impartial, but, that impartiality is appreciated as well. I hope you have a most wonderful day.


Awww thank you so much. Back at you with a blue, just for you..

You know you always make me smile and happy! Say, are you good at taping and muding drywall??? ;)

You know taping and mudding is the two worst jobs next to sanding it down finely, right? You cannot fool me. :)

Thanks for the blue. True blue. I love it.

The superb floral choice. Every time I read your post from @marketfriday I'm sorry I did not choose the theme, the same theme as you. I've received some valuable valuable gardening tips, because it come from your own experience. Thank you! All the photos with flowers are gorgeous! Something strange in your post but perfectly justified.

Thank you, Dan. I had so much trouble posting last night, the site was terrible unfriendly and posted it strangely many times. I finally gave up and went to bed and fixed it this morning. I was glad I saved the document or I would be typing it up today.

Some nights, I think we were meant to give up and just go to bed instead of continuing on the same thing. I didn't write many tips, but, I promise to write something worthy some day soon.

Thank you for your support, Dan. It is appreciated.


Oh, I'm glad to hear and see you! Many times things goes wrong with us.
This is my post today: Park-Food

Thank you. You know I can't miss #MarketFriday. There may be a smaller response because of my absence, so I am happy to see a few faces. Good day, Dan. I am off to check out your post!

I know! You are very dedicated ... you are an example!

No, I just don't want to disappoint! ;)

Hi @bluemoon! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

Indeed, my dear Denise, it's the perfect day for a perfect day! Weel said. I just LOVE your garden! This is more like a botanical garden than a regular garden! You live surrounded by beauty, all the colors in a single space, it's like wonderland or a fairy tale! Enjoy it, my dear!
Here is my post today!

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PS: as I wait for the photo to upload (you know the lousy Internet connection I have here), I'm reading your last paragraph. I was in need of this awareness this week! Thanks, sweetie, my generous and kind heart. I'm holding my hands with yours, can you feel it :))?

Oh, Isabel! @nolasco I always feel your heart. You have one of the kindest, most compassionate hearts of anyone I know. It wasn't only your internet connection, although admittedly, that is probably half of the problem. It took me over five hours last night to write and post this, so it was horrid last night too. And I have a great connection here at home.

Plants really grow well here in the Washington, DC area. Not too hot, not too cold and hardly any snow. So, it is a very friendly place for gardens, which there are a great many. I am glad you like the flowers. xoxo


Aw, you too, my dear Denise! I felt it since my very beginning, and you always supported me.
I'm beyond grateful by that!
About the Internet, no comments... We just have to be patient!
Enjoy your garden, as is a garden of paradise!
Thanks, sweetie!

You have always and forever been an exceptional human being. 💖💕

Aw... likewise my dearest Denise! Love <3!

Hi @nolasco! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

How wonderful your garden must be @dswigle. The abundance ans variety of flowers you post is stunning. How do you keep it so healthy looking when you are away from home?

They do a lot of the potting themselves and have even come to my house to check out what was eating my plants.

I wish someone could come and give me some advice about my little orange tree. I've tried different types of watering and feeding but it's not flourishing no matter what. 😢

I hope it has survived, and the plants in the hay baskets, while I've been away. I'll find out on Sunday.

I don't have transport where I'm staying at the moment and it's out in the middle of nowhere, so no market Friday post for me today.

Good to read yours though. Have a wonderful weekend. 😍

Oh, I had an orange tree that lived in a pot for years until one day it decided to commit orange-icide. It just upped and died. No rhyme, no reason. Pffft. Well, that certainly didn't make my day. As an aside, a lot of times, it may have a pest in the soil, you might check it out. Either that or change its spot. They are picky and like a certain spot. LOL

I usually have someone at the house, a kid, a brother or someone who waters for me, but the flowers are treated to the sprinkler system, so it is an automatic refreshment.

No worries about the #MarketFriday post. You are here and that is what is important. There will always be another one next week! :)

Thanks for the visit!


Thanks for the ideas @dswigle regarding my orange tree. It's not a pest as I've recently changed the soil to one that is especially for citrus.

it did say on the bag that citrus trees should be fed every two weeks all year. I haven't fed mine for two winters now so maybe that's the problem. The new soil should help, although I've tried that before too.

I really, really don't want it to die as I didn't expect it to last one season but once I'd got it through two and it fruited both times I got a bit attached. And then the leaves started turning yellow. 😢

Fingers crossed when I get home on Sunday it's still hanging on in there.

Thank you for the tip! 😍

Your garden must be heavenly Denise. All your flowers are beyond beautiful. And I can totally relate to what you are saying about getting plants from reputable nursery. I actualy took photos for MF few weeks ago in our local one where I love to go browse, even if I don't have my own garden.I just don't have the time to process the photos. I am going to do it next week for sure. Anyway, your flower photography is outstanding my Dear 🌸 💖🌸

That is so funny, Lena. I always have flour NV when I look at your beautiful shots yes. You have an amazing ability as a photographer and your florals are Beyond reproach. I look forward to your Market Friday and as you know just like you, I don't expect to be going anywhere soon so when you get time I'll be here waiting. I totally understand that because it has been a dog's age since I have been over pretending I know how to do a recipe 4 fruit and veggie Monday. You know I love you! 💖💕

You are too funny, Darling especially with flour typo, lol. And don't be silli, your florals aren't any less wonderful. Also, don't worry about the FAV I am not holding it against you and I love you too. I am happy when you stop by whenevere you can and take some recipe ideas. See you Friday for sure 😊

Oh did it again... ^_^ Another time, you have surpassed yourself ;-)
What a profusion of flowers, colors, beauty, and lovely vibs... !

this is du pur Denise , Denise at her best =))

I'm happy to have write for the #marketfriday today, I thought of you when I was there taking the photos and rejoycing to soon do a post on the theme...LoL...
here is my flea market in the mountains:

rwwma4blkp.png my beautiful shiny friend ^_^

Oh, my beautiful Barbara! Thank you so much for your lovely words. You always leave such wonderful words behind when you leave.

How lovely that you thought of me when you went to the flea market. They are so much fun, no? I love wandering through and looking at all things interesting.

Thank you for taking the time to post to #MarketFriday! You and your wonkies are such a delight!

Bisous! Bisous!


Beautiful shots of some stunning flowers!! It is always so wonderful to shop local and not only support your neighbors, but also get such unique service, as well! My plant shopping is usually of the food persuasion, but perhaps some day I'll get into the floral arena like you! :) Have a great weekend!

Oh, you are so sweet and kind! I always love shopping local but, for some reason, the flowers happened when I wasn't paying attention, but, I sure learned the hard way. You get what you pay for in many cases and I am totally loyal to my homegrown nursery.

I have some flowers mixed in the veggie garden, it is small but grows a little bit every year. Oh, flowers are fun and easy! That is why I do them!

Have a most fabulous weekend, my friend! You are like a ray of sunshine!


We finally had a lovely sunny day here, so I'm happy to share a few rays with you. ;)

XOXOX You are the best!

This is like a cool weekly tradition. Every Friday we all come here to see all the markets around the world!

I love that you come to visit, Luz! It makes my day- my #MarketFriday day! XOXO


Hi @blacklux! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

Denise, there was such an abundance of beauty in this post. Thank you. Pretty busy on my end, but I will try to get #marketfriday post up tomorrow:) Blessings, darling:0

Thank you, Pryde. Tis the season, I think. Busy is in vogue right now, so no stressing over it. For some reason. the site was unfriendly last night and only posted half, then double, then a nice mix of it. I think it is finally straightened out.


Life can sure be tough on here. ;) Happy #MarketFriday, my friend!


Hi @prydefoltz! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

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