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RE: Market Friday ~ The Gunpowder Bison & Trading Company

in #marketfriday5 years ago

Thank you so much Denise!! I loved that little bison doll too but I'm more in the process of downsizing but is was awful cute and tempted me so.
My mom collected buffalo nickels also. I have a couple that she gave me years ago. Maybe I will work them into my next post about my return trip. 🐃 😀


How cool! We had a nickel machine (a one-armed bandit that my father was given as payment one time) We were only allowed to play with it on rainy days! :)

It held hundreds of buffalo nickels that came with the machine!

I am not downsizing in particular, but, I have cleaned out so many of the useless things I owned and made some charity rich. Simplify! It is so freeing! LOL

I look forward to the next installment!

Lol..I think that would make me wish for rainy days! How cool to find it contained buffalo nickels..almost a jackpot find in itself. 😉

@deerjay I just noticed that yours wasn't upvoted, so I took care of that tonight. I was working on my phone and sometimes my fingers don't hit the right thing! :)

Sorry about that and congrats on the upvotes!!!

Oh Denise, that is perfectly okay but thank you so much again!! 💞

Are you kidding!?? That was too cool to not share!!! As an aside, how are you doing? xoxo Thinking of you and hoping your heart is in a better place, although, as I write that, I think to myself.... Seriously?

Thanks Denise! I'm doing okay. The judge requested more info and postponed till fall. More to it, I'll message you on discord.

Just when you thought it was going to be over...

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