Market Friday Challenge - Bontanical Garden Shop!

Kanapah Bontanical Garden Shop

Hey guys, sorry for posting so late in the day! I spent my day at the Kanapah Bontanical Gardens in Gainesville, Florida. I took lots of awesome photos which will take me several days to share my adventure with you but for now we start with the #marketfriday challenge by @dswigle (she's mah home gurl so check her profile out..)

This shop has all kinds of neat little tranquil stuff. So come on in and lets take a look at all of it!

There is a lot of glass work here. As you can see and not 2 things are a like!

This particular section featured Buddah. I really liked some of the stuff they have here. It would go nice in my house!

These were pretty cool. A bunch of handmade mud figures. The next picture will be a close up of some more!

I am not too sure if these are really made of mud. I didn't ask and I did not touch!

Now Let's Take a Look at Some Items Close Up!

These skulls are made from stone that has been carved and then polished!

These were really pretty trinkets, trinket boxes, and perfume bottles.

Awe, such a cute little frog... He looks amazing!

I really liked this trinket butterfly box but it was very small inside. I would have no idea what I could put in it!

These were really neat looking ravens! I would have bought one but I have no clue where I would have put it at!

So what do you think? Did you see anything in here that you would buy?


Thanks for Viewing... Have a GREAT WEDNESDAY EVERYONE!

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Hi @deadgrlsuppastar! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.03 SBD @tipU from @dswigle :)

@dswigle wrote lately about: Macro Thursday. Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Tipuvote! - upvote any post with with 2.5 x profit :)

Seriously!!! I cannot believe that I let this slip. You and a few others!I was so mortified when I came across your post today and realized that I had not upvoted it, I had just resteemed it so that it could get more eyes on it. I am so sorry and I can only promise it will never happen again.

It was such a cool shop and I even got to look at it all, intending to come back and finish up! Boo! Tip!

Stores filled with little trinkets like this are the best to window shop in. I love just walking around to see what they have.

Everything was very different from the next piece..

Now THAT looks like my kinda shop. So cool!!

I love places like this too. I wish i had the money to buy it all

Wow..there are so many wonderful things to see! Those purple dragonflies, I would definitely get one! They are beautiful!

Very beautiful stuff indeed

Kanapaha is awesome....the bamboo garden is amazing with the light shining through. Makes me laugh when I see the 'Please don't carve on the bamboo' sign surrounded by EXACTLY

Don't forget to pick some stevia from the herb garden and taste it...nature's real artificial sugar! I love the mirrorball there

the giant amazon lillies are pretty cool there too at the right time of year

This sign??? Lol


@liberty-minded watch for my posts tomorrow.. it will have the mirror ball and the bamboo garden.. i walked the entire thing..

sweet, will do!

Such cool stuff the skulls and dragon flies particularly caught my eye 👁

Those skulls were pretty neat... herd is another pic i didnt post


Wow those are super cool 😎

Very cool place it looks like.

It was.. very small tho and very expensive... would take at least 3 sbd to buy something.. lol

I don’t know if I would buy anything but I’d be staring at the purple dragonflies? and trinket boxes for a while.

Cute shop thanks for sharing.

You're welcome.. those trinket boxes were very pretty

I'd have to be so careful in there... walk in with my camera backpack, turn around quickly and knock stuff off the shelf!

I left my camera bag in the car and grabbed bare minimum..

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