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RE: Market Friday Goes to Camping World

in #marketfriday5 years ago (edited)

I DID read that, but thought you meant you would be living in it for extended periods of time. Like a month or four in a gorgeous national park. I've always wondered what it would be like to be a campground host. You get to stay for free, and jabber with all the folks. One of my hobbies. Talking to new people about life. Though it might also be a pain, and you have to 'be there'. So maybe just putzing about as usual is better. Hmm, food for thought. And I can see not giving up a major residence, that would be hard to do. Always need a place to come home to.

Plus, the more you drive your 'home' around, seems it would fall apart faster. Just by a lot of hard use. So, wise choice. And buying and selling it later makes total sense. That way you recoup some of your coin. Like buying a slightly used car instead of brand spanking new.

So glad to always chat, and I would never toss you out like an old newspaper ( : I can fully relate, I'm lucky to get a vote in on time, let alone decent comments. I'm always voting in blocks, since my vote power wanes fast. I'd like to get on autovote, to be more timely, but it seems kind of cheap. And I'm not a big fan of the bots.
As for not getting to stuff, life does sometimes get rather busy, and the things I DO choose to do on here seem to take a lot of time. Be it writing or photo essays. I'm working on a whole photo series on the snow, it takes DAYS to finish. Whinge whinge whinge. But it so much fun.

I'm quite sure you haven't missed much in the world of DDS postings. Just a long 28 minute 5 minute freewrite recently went out. Hope they don't toss me out of the club like your paper, since I do long ones. But it's just what I do for those. They give a nice starting point for a longer piece. Hence my 'Disclaim-iere' at the bottom. Feel that makes it more honest. Well, here's to a bonny good Saturday night. Keep smiling, and bugging OGP. Makes me laugh...
Thanks for the tips too, very kind indeed.


Awwww !! You are the sweetest! Thank you. I am still working on #MarketFriday which is why I am seeing this. Yes, there will be periods of one month and three to Alaska - a leisurely drive up and a month of fun up there! I want to hop on the Denali Train!! and then a leisurely trip back. If I go out west (actually WHEN) I go back out west, there is always time to see some friends and transplant family, then on to Zion National Park and the Arches. Oh, there is so much, and back to the Redwoods. Most of these are revisits, but, this time with more time and patience and I won't be correcting a toddler or three. :)

I was reading that 28 minute freewrite this morning, as I was waking up and didn't finish because the smoke alarm went off. (Low battery) Took me an hour to get the ladder and change it.

Sigh. Why not, right?

Hehe... Bugging him is my job. You know. I should get paid for that. :)

Have a most wonderful night and give HH a how-do from me!

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