
in #market6 years ago (edited)





















Hey, @rivalhwI will put the picture that I associate with your post: How do you think, how suitable is the post? I'm interested in your opinion.

Hello Sir, 

Hope you're good at God's mercy. 

Sir, I am asking for forgiveness for you. It is too late to write my translation for the sake of busyness.

Please forgive me.

Sir, thank you so much for writing today's first blog post.

I am writing an international english version translation below.

English version:

After working outside in the afternoon, the cell phone rang and I answered. I only heard the loud noise from the other end of the phone. It was estimated that it was a voice-free handsfree button. I did not speak to the other party. I also tried to When asked, it was not until a few seconds later that someone at the other end of the phone switched to voice over handset mode. At this time, it was obvious that the loud noise on the phone was much smaller immediately.  

Just hear someone ask on the phone, is X total?  

Due to work reasons, I often receive a lot of telephone calls. Apart from the phones we all know, such as real estate, stocks, and financial lending, more calls are left for projects or cooperation.  

I do not oppose telephone promotion, but I dislike the kind of low-quality telemarketing. For example, just like the phone just now, the dialogue presses the hands-free button and dials the phone. It is obvious that you want to wait for the customer to open and then answer the phone. If during this process, the phone is rejected or not connected, it is better to continue to make the call. A phone call seems to be a smart move, saving time for yourself, but this feeling will make the customer very uncomfortable, after all, general corporate marketing and promotion staff are working together, while you are on the phone, there are also around Others are also talking on the phone, because after the phone is connected, the foreign voice must be noisier than the handset. Secondly, after the customer's phone is connected, you pick up the phone. At this time, the other customer can feel it and feel very awkward. If you take the microphone at this time is slower, such as the salesman above, the customer is generally less patient, if the customer picks up the microphone, you do not hear the sound for a few seconds, plus the background noisy, After the first reaction and judging the situation of the other party, you will often hang up the phone because you should understand.  

I don't like having a phone call. When you pick up the phone, you will hear the other party talking to you loudly. Regardless of whether or not you want to hear it, the eloquent rhetoric continues to tell you. There is almost no room for you to intervene, and immediately you feel raped. Unpleasant, when I bump into this call, I usually hang up with it decisively.  

When you get a call from a salesperson, the other person misreads your last name or business name (not a misunderstanding, but it's actually a mistake). It can be very embarrassing, and you can't even laugh or cry. In this case, I usually tell each other quickly. However, I have also encountered strange events. After the other party made mistakes in my last name, I also added my WeChat after reminding me. But it is ridiculous to make mistakes again in WeChat. Just think, such a careless marketing staff, you will feel comfortable with them?  

There is also a class of marketing staff who, after the phone is connected, talk about it for a long time. You still haven't understood what the other person is doing. What do you want to do? In this type of situation, I usually let the other party use simple and straightforward words to explain who you are and what you want to do (collaborate). This society is very fast-paced, and everyone has a lot of things to do with the simplicity and directness. Language clearly expresses the meaning, which not only saves the other's time, but also makes oneself (marketing) become more efficient. Why not? 

 Dear visitors, please visit the link and watch the post on Sir's last blog post: https://bit.ly/2LZlvy0

Sir, please accept my sincere respect and honor.Give my respect to all of your family And give your children my affection.I end up writing here by giving sincere respect to you. 

I end up writing here by giving sincere respect to you.

Have a great night sir.

your most obedient,


Janapese version:








Spanish version:

Después de trabajar afuera por la tarde, sonó el teléfono celular y yo contesté. Solo escuché el fuerte ruido del otro lado del teléfono. Se calculó que era un botón de manos libres sin voz. No hablé con la otra parte. También intenté Cuando se le preguntó, no fue hasta unos segundos más tarde que alguien en el otro lado del teléfono cambió a la voz sobre el modo de auricular. En este momento, era obvio que el fuerte ruido en el teléfono era mucho más pequeño de inmediato.

Solo escucha a alguien preguntar por teléfono, ¿X es total?

Debido a razones de trabajo, a menudo recibo muchas llamadas telefónicas. Además de los teléfonos que todos conocemos, como bienes raíces, acciones y préstamos financieros, se dejan más llamadas para proyectos o cooperación.

No me opongo a la promoción telefónica, pero no me gusta el tipo de telemarketing de baja calidad. Por ejemplo, al igual que el teléfono en este momento, el diálogo presiona el botón manos libres y marca el teléfono. Es obvio que quiere esperar a que el cliente abra y responda el teléfono. Si durante este proceso, el teléfono es rechazado o no está conectado, es mejor continuar haciendo la llamada. Una llamada telefónica parece ser un movimiento inteligente, ahorrando tiempo para usted, pero esta sensación hará que el cliente se sienta incómodo, después de todo, el personal general de mercadotecnia y promoción corporativa está trabajando en conjunto, mientras usted está hablando por teléfono, también hay otros. también están hablando por teléfono, porque después de que el teléfono está conectado, la voz extranjera debe ser más ruidosa que el auricular. En segundo lugar, después de que el teléfono del cliente está conectado, descuelga el teléfono. En este momento, el otro cliente puede sentirlo y sentirse muy incómodo. Si toma el micrófono en este momento es más lento, como el vendedor anterior, el cliente generalmente es menos paciente, si el cliente toma el micrófono, no escucha el sonido durante unos segundos, además del ruido de fondo, después del primera reacción y juzgando la situación de la otra parte, a menudo cuelga el teléfono porque debe entender.

No me gusta tener una llamada telefónica. Cuando descuelgue el teléfono, escuchará a la otra persona hablando en voz alta. Independientemente de si desea escucharlo o no, la elocuencia de la retórica continúa contándoselo. Casi no hay lugar para que intervenga, e inmediatamente se siente violada. Desagradable, cuando me encuentro con esta llamada, generalmente cuelgo con decisión.

Cuando recibe una llamada de un vendedor, la otra persona malinterpreta su apellido o nombre comercial (no es un malentendido, pero en realidad es un error). Puede ser muy embarazoso, y ni siquiera puedes reír o llorar. En este caso, generalmente me cuento rápidamente. Sin embargo, también he encontrado eventos extraños. Después de que la otra parte cometió errores en mi apellido, también agregué mi WeChat después de recordarme. Pero es ridículo cometer errores nuevamente en WeChat. Solo piense en un personal de marketing descuidado, ¿se sentirá cómodo con ellos?

También hay una clase de personal de marketing que, después de que el teléfono esté conectado, hable de ello durante un largo tiempo. Todavía no has entendido lo que la otra persona está haciendo. ¿Qué quieres hacer? En este tipo de situación, por lo general, dejo que la otra parte use palabras simples y directas para explicar quién es usted y qué quiere hacer (colaborar). Esta sociedad es muy veloz, y todos tienen muchas cosas que ver con la simplicidad y la franqueza. El lenguaje expresa claramente el significado, que no solo ahorra tiempo al otro, sino que también hace que uno mismo (marketing) se vuelva más eficiente. Por qué no?

English Version Of This Awesome Article Written By @rivalhw!

How to do telemarketing from a customer perspective?

After working outside in the afternoon, the cell phone rang and I answered. I only heard the loud noise from the other end of the phone. It was estimated that it was a voice-free handsfree button. I did not speak to the other party. I also tried to When asked, it was not until a few seconds later that someone at the other end of the phone switched to voice over handset mode. At this time, it was obvious that the loud noise on the phone was much smaller immediately.

Just hear someone ask on the phone, is X total?

Due to work reasons, I often receive a lot of telephone calls. Apart from the phones we all know, such as real estate, stocks, and financial lending, more calls are left for projects or cooperation.

I do not oppose telephone promotion, but I dislike the kind of low-quality telemarketing. For example, just like the phone just now, the dialogue presses the hands-free button and dials the phone. It is obvious that you want to wait for the customer to open and then answer the phone. If during this process, the phone is rejected or not connected, it is better to continue to make the call. A phone call seems to be a smart move, saving time for yourself, but this feeling will make the customer very uncomfortable, after all, general corporate marketing and promotion staff are working together, while you are on the phone, there are also around Others are also talking on the phone, because after the phone is connected, the foreign voice must be noisier than the handset. Secondly, after the customer's phone is connected, you pick up the phone. At this time, the other customer can feel it and feel very awkward. If you take the microphone at this time is slower, such as the salesman above, the customer is generally less patient, if the customer picks up the microphone, you do not hear the sound for a few seconds, plus the background noisy, After the first reaction and judging the situation of the other party, you will often hang up the phone because you should understand.

I don't like having a phone call. When you pick up the phone, you will hear the other party talking to you loudly. Regardless of whether or not you want to hear it, the eloquent rhetoric continues to tell you. There is almost no room for you to intervene, and immediately you feel raped. Unpleasant, when I bump into this call, I usually hang up with it decisively.

When you get a call from a salesperson, the other person misreads your last name or business name (not a misunderstanding, but it's actually a mistake). It can be very embarrassing, and you can't even laugh or cry. When this happens, I usually tell each other quickly. However, I have also encountered strange events. After the other party made mistakes in my last name, I also added my WeChat after reminding me. But it is ridiculous to make mistakes again in WeChat. Just think, such a careless marketing staff, you will feel comfortable with them?

There is also a class of marketing staff who, after the phone is connected, talk about it for a long time. You still haven't understood what the other person is doing. What do you want to do? In this type of situation, I usually let the other party use simple and straightforward words to explain who you are and what you want to do (collaborate). This society is very fast-paced, and everyone has a lot of things to do with the simplicity and directness. Language clearly expresses the meaning, which not only saves the other's time, but also makes oneself (marketing) become more efficient. Why not?

Great Marketing Tactics and beautifully written Article. Mind blowing and I must appreciate your great skills in writing. All the very best man and always keep smiling. Stay Blessed!



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