The Fight for Sound and Honest Money Must Go On.

in #market6 years ago (edited)

In this report I cover the early market action from London on Tuesday, June 13th, 2018. I look at the precious metals, the stock market and the dollar briefly in the runup to the FOMC meeting tomorrow.

I also take about the importance of a sound and honest monetary system and how we, as individuals, need to keep the fight going by exposing the fraudulent nature of the central bankink fiat money system. I point out that gold, silver and other marketable commodities are real and honest money and will continue to be despite us being told by the powers that be that they are not.

I note as well how our present centralised fiat money system only thrives when we buy into the bankers' game of borrowing in order to live beyond our means and that we need to, more than ever, make a big effort to not be tempted to play their game.

My conclusion is that it is up to each one of us to do the best they can to keep the fight going by exposing the system and also by voting with our wallets and not finance the fiat system by making sure we store our savings in the precious metals and othe assets outside of their fiat money system.


really very good update of market you showing in your blog.. I like videos and love to watch and comment on your videos, because you are very quick to respond to a comment that I give, so I always give you support. thank you for sharing knowledge.sir @maneco64

Thanks. is down at the moment. Hopefully I'll be able to upload this there soon.

yeah,sir.i am alltime waiting your good dtube video.because its very powerfull and orginal and your explantation skills always super..i am appreciating.. thank you for your good comnent.. sir @maneco64

good morning maneco64, i dont have much in the way of physical but i have some stored in a real bank, a bank made of earth! and a little crypto and maybe its time to exchange some physical using the latter! watched the trump press conference this morning live! not much to say about that but interesting at least, thank you as usual for the important info and il try and get on more with live casts, have a great day my friend :)

Thanks Andrew, I'm actually listening to the Trump press conference now. I think it is a step in the right direction and the Military Industrial Complex must be very un happy as it is the first step towards possible peace and maybe eventually bringing the 80k U.S. troops back from Japan and S. Korea. I would also like to see the Allies leave Europe as the war there has been over for more than 70 years. The other day I'm waiting for is for president Trump to sign an executive orderd to abolish the Federal Reserve Act but I will not hold my breath for that though.

excellent video you shared.I enjoy your update news.
Thank you very much.

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I waiting for your update market information.I hope you are perfect for analysis.

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