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RE: Price Analysis, Jan.10: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, IOTA, Litecoin, NEM, Cardano

in #market6 years ago (edited)

This article is 100% copypasta with zero original content added.

Your disclaimer which you copy in each such spam copypasta post cannot be considered as "original", valuable addition to the content.

If you keep posting this copypasta, you are likely to receive flags.

Also, your username seems to have been created on purpose to mislead into thinking that you may be actual cointelegraph in order to fish for potential curation. No one can actually see that you are not real cointelegraph until they open the post and scroll down tot he bottom to see the disclaimer.


It is absolutely not our intention to mislead anybody, therefore we will start putting the disclaimer on the top of the article if this makes you happy.

Our purpose is to inform people about these articles and even try to direct them to the original site... We strongly disagree with you that there is no value in that. If you look at some other sites like @Zer0hedge you can see that there are lots of people that appreciate this. Further if you can convince them to come to Steemit that would actually be great. Untill that time we think we are providing a valuable service for next to no reward.

If you want to improve Steemit, it might be better to start addressing problems regarding "vote buying", "voting bots","misuse of SP by whales", "raping of the reward pool" and huge payouts to posts that really add no value at all. This would actually improve the value of the system. These are the main reasons new users leave in huge numbers, not creating awareness for a very informative site.

zer0hedge is spamming with copypasta, just like you. It gets steemcleaners comment on every single post.

Well let's agree to disagree because you do not even want to discuss our difference in opinions.

Both the Steemcleaners (bot) and cheetah(bot) are a scam.

The only reason this is done is to be able to upvote (by Adm) themselves (you?), pretending to be the (self-appointed) Steemit police. This is how steemcleaner justifies to be a spambot. Further you and Steemcleaners buy votes and use votebots. It is for all to see in your wallets....

The Cheetah (bot) is even worse. Since it just gives every article an (empty) upvote. I can only imagine how they (you?) try to rape the rewardpool with this.

We would really appreciate if you, steamcleaners and your bots find somewhere else to spam.

But steemcleaners isn't a bot...

Ow and that makes it right? Must be a busy guy. But a discussion like grownups?

Just trying to correct a factual inaccuracy with your comment :)

Steemcleaners isn't a guy, or a girl, its a group of people.

So you are one of them? Still avoiding a discussion. Well great that you at least are honest about the rest.

I'm not avoiding anything, I work with steemcleaners, yes. What discussion did you want to have? I was just correcting you that steemcleaners isn't a bot and its not a scam. It does exactly what it says it does, fights plagiarism, identity theft, etc..

True it is a really simple bot without artifical intelligence too fool the steem community. Why? Because it never answers any question ;-) All it does is copypasta without reading article it puts his spam on.

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