Crypto and Cannibus: Will that be Cash or Cryptocurrency?

in #marijuana7 years ago (edited)

Access to Banking is still a Major Problem for
those in the Legal Marijuana industry.

Here we are five years after Colorado became the first state to legalize Marijuana for recreational use and these business people still can't open a checking account, let alone take credit cards. While I know there are dispensaries that have allowed people to purchase with their cards, technically it's not allowed. But it doesn't take a ton to lie about what industry your business is in.

The big problem out of all of this is that business are not only forced to take cash, they also have to store it in cash! But if a bank accepted their money, it would be viewed as money laundering and subject to federal penalties!

On top of this there were periods where some state laws prevented anyone from carrying a firearm while working with marijuana. The idea was to separate the guns from the pot. But a side effect of this is that the general public now knew there were certain places that took in and stored large amounts of cash...but also couldn't be armed.

Anyone picturing a bullseye? Exactly what you think started to happen...stores being robbed.

Don't they have a Cryptocurrency they can use?

Potcoin, Hempcoin, Paragon, Metatron, Smoke.Network and CannabisCoin are some of the cryptocoins that are geared to helping solve the legal cannabis banking woes. Potcoin is the oldest, dating back to 2014 and have even gotten their logo into the mass media a time or two. (Anyone remember when Dennis Rodman visited North Korea?)

There's even been some other creations to help the banking problem such including CanPay's debit and Tokken's credit cards.

Can any of these Solutions get Adopted before it's too Late?

While there are multiple options available for dispensaries to accept and hence store their revenue, none have taken off just yet. With many people like the anonymity provided in many cryptocurrency transactions, this could actually hinder industry adoption. State regulations tend to be very tight, requiring seed to sale tracking (to report to their overseers.) Because of this, we may see an increased use of the coins that were setup to provide the needed transparency (like Paragon Coin claims) for the legal cannabis industry. With the high amount of scrutiny over this young industry, owners will likely be looking for what makes their reporting the easiest.

The BIG question however is how far off are we from the federal US government to allow dispensary owners, growers, etc to be a part of the national banking system? As legal recreational marijuana is gaining acceptance every year, and the state governments becoming used to the tax revenues taken in, we can't be terribly far off from a change in Washington D.C.'s stance.

It will be interesting to see which cryptocurrency solution starts gaining widespread adoption as well as how long it will last. I have no doubt the ease and comfort of banks are preferable. However I wouldn't be shocked to see both a crypto and fiat system be available to customers and owners in the end.

Image Sources:
Cannabis Crypto
Dennis Rodman


Don't forget Smoke Network (SMOKE) that will be running on EOS next year and is already in transition to BETA. They will be a big player in the legal cannabis community as well. I don't smoke, but I do invest. Blockchain/Crypto will be a game changer for the industry. :-)

Ooo..I'll have to go read up on that! Go EOS!! :D

They have been tweeted out by various rappers (Raekwon/Snoop) a while back as the buzz of cannibus crypto was spreading. Good people with the project too, we have interviewed them a few times in the Whaletank and other hangouts. I didn't want to just blast you with links and all, but Smoke.Network ;-)

No worries. I went and took a quick look and definitely looked interesting. I did at least add them into the list of coins in the article, to at least get it in there.

I'm sure I'll be reading up some more on them after I get finished moving. :)

Excellent article. Like you never missed a step. And this is a topic that I appreciate hearing discussed. Missouri is such a weird state. At the end of the day, it needs to be legalized. I been on the Metro and watched as "Wanna Be Gangsters" are simply dealing marijuana. And suddenly violence erupts. All because of something that should be legal. I firmly believe that crime would be reduced if it was legalized, that alone should appeal to compassionate humans. But then again, compassion isn't exactly the business the state is in, they are in the business of protecting their financial assets which unfortunately are rooted in old world industries such as BIg Pharma, Military Industrial Complex, Oil, Diamonds, & its Banking Billionaire patrons. Bilderberg. USA is their profit farm, they keep us divided on trivial issues, and the major member companies such as Big Pharma, Military Industrial Complex, Mainstream Media, Insurance, Oil, and the Banking sector get their way. They keep us divided on silly politics: Red vs Blue. They keep us divided on What is money: BilderbergCoin vs Fiat, Wealthy vs Poor. They keep us divided on guns, and marijuana. I believe they will always do what they do, but we as a society can easily escape by simply sticking together and not allowing the division to happen. I am in the camp that cryptocurrencies ARE the one world currency they socially engineered us into accepting. They create the Falseflag problem "Can't use fiat to buy marijuana" and they have the answer waiting for us to run to "Cryptocurrency will save you." Problem: Financial Crisis. Solution: Bitcoin. Problem: Lone Gunman. Solution: More gun laws. Problem: Twin Towers. Solution: War....

It's all good. But the best part is, we do not have to give them our fear or confusion. We do not have to let them manipulate us. We can simply do what we do with the tools that are at our disposal. I can go deeper into the reasons behind Bilderberg and Bitcoin. But it doesn't matter anymore. It would be too self righteous, and I have walked away from Bitcoin many times already. It is time to simply play ball. The sooner we play ball, the sooner we will get what we want.

So yes, I do think crypto currency is the answer to the Marijuana Payment problem. It is a selling point for crypto. And it is a cool one. So I say we embrace it.

It's funny though. When i was in LA. They had guns in the Dispensaries. A security guard with a big gun let you in and out of the place. He was always cool, but he was always big, and had a gun. The location of the dispensary was funny too: 1420 Los Angeles Dr. and the name of the place was on the front of the building: One420. The owner also had a taco truck always parked out front too. Can you believe it?

I don't care if people call me Truther or Conspiracy Nut anymore, that is playing into the Divide and Conquer social engineering. I know we are all in this together. Improv reminds me of that. If one does not want to believe in Bilderberg, that's ok. I followed for a long time and other outlets. I was in Occupy Chicago and that's a whole long story someday. It's all good. I don't fear Bilderberg, they fear us for some reason. Oh well. Off topic, I appreciated your list of marijuana friendly coins. But I thought DopeCoin was in there somewhere. I was staking that until my desktop died. Nice to see you blogging again. Look forward to introducing you to my cheerful friends at The Improv Shop in St Louis.

I subscribed on you. Will read the news from industry. Here, in Russia, it's illegall((

If people could get a discount for using crypto to buy pot that would be awesome. Lose some profit for the security of not having that money robbed. Onboard a whole shit ton of people onto crypto.

I am very active in the legal cannabis industry in Canada and the editor at Lately, I have been talking quite a bit about bringing cryptos and blockchain solutions to the cannabis industry, even mentioned it in Prague last month when I was presenting at a conference. Here is a great thread on LinkedIn which I have added lots of comments about this subject.

Yes, the cannabis industry should look at cryptos and blockchain solutions. This is not just about a payment solution for the cannabis industry, that is already there with fiat paper money and other solutions available. The CannabisInternet blockchain can bring transparency to an industry that has very little, it's about bringing light to a plant and telling the truth on a platform that can't be changed or corrupted. It can bring legitimacy and honesty to an industry that is emerging from the underground and the community can greatly benefit from crypto cannabis. I am very bullish on Crypto Cannabis, it can really help the community if adopted and developed in a way that benefits humanity.

If you would like to know more about how the Cannabis industry can adopt the blockchain and cryptos, I have started a LinkedIn group called Cannabis Internet and Blockchain ... feel free to join and share relevant info there.

As much as I am bullish on the Cannabis industry and write about it from an investment and opportunity perspective, crypto cannabis will also be huge and early adopters will be reworded over the years to come.

Follow me to gain more insight into the cannabis industry and how Cryptos and blockchain will be integrated into it. Here is my intro blog on Steemit which describes more of who I am and what I am doing in the cannabis space.

Cheers, Vin.
P.S. upvote and follow if you want see more blogs and comments like this.

I am constantly being approached by clients who want to solve the crypto-cannabis problem. Being in the US poses a problem, but Canada...we should talk!

@cannabislaw... yes, let's talk... feel free to reach me via my website at , the email is there or the contact us form. I am talking to key people in the industry about a Crypto-Cannabis solution, one that is bigger than just a payment token.

even thought there are some medical benefits in marijuana it is illegal in my part of the world. But in some countries it is legal and I am not aware of the legal facts about marijuana. Thank you @sykochica for this post.

Hadn't come across one of your posts in a while. Dash is supposedly going into this market too.

I was unfortunately away and rather non-social for some months. But luckily I got back to posting again a couple weeks ago.

Oh really?!?! I'll have to do some digging on Dash getting in there. I'd think it'd help them being one of the more established cryptos as well as being accepted in the Apple app store.

very nice writing my friend

Excellent post. There is not enough information out there to help "legitimate" investors with this hybrid area of crypto.

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