Ganja or God—Is it Fair to Force People to Choose Between Religion and Marijuana?

in #marijuana7 years ago

**For some ten years now I have dispensed with my religious beliefs and have taken the route of a freethinker. Within this belief lies the notion that you can do whatever you want to do as long as you are not hurting anyone, go for it. But that is just me. And while I have extricated myself from religious beliefs. I still am intimately close to many people who are religious minded and who practice religion. In the case of the people I know, it would be Christianity.** 

A family member of mine is facing a dilemma. She is a nurse who provides care for people dying from terminal illnesses such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and a host of other diseases. Many of these people are in their last months, weeks or even days; the majority are in severe pain and are prescribed opioids—the usual Percocet, Oxycontin, Oxycodone, among other painkillers like Valium are given to these patients. The problem my cousin, Marcy, (not her real name) has, is that quite often, there comes a point of diminishing returns. In fact, sooner than later the pills lose their potency and eventually no longer work. Therefore, the dosage for a cancer patient, for example, must be increased on a weekly basis. In the patient’s final days it can be daily increase.  

At this stage, the only antidote Marcy finds is marijuana. Medical marijuana is illegal in her state, and while she has seen the benefits of it she cannot ask that it be prescribed to the patient. There are times she says, she wants to convince some of them to use marijuana, seeing that it is the only thing that works at that stage. If, she gives this kind of advice and her bosses find out, she faces harsh penalties. These include, losing her license to practice medicine and jail time. 

Interestingly, this is not the main reason she refuses to convince her patients to use marijuana. She has deeply held Christian beliefs. If my memory serves me well, she has been a Christian since her teenage years and refuses to budge when it comes to her beliefs. 

While I don’t think there is anything wrong with anybody using marijuana. And while I respect other people’s beliefs, I do not think it is right to withhold information from people who are suffering and need all the help they can get in those last moments?  

I try to tell her that there is nowhere in the bible (as far as I can see) where marijuana is mentioned. It would be sort of a banality to go over this ridiculous war on drugs, seeing that I wrote about in a subsequent post. What I told her, however, is, as far as I know, her god told the people in the bible to use the things he gave them; whether it be the flora or the fauna, all things are to be used to enhance the lives of men. I assume that if there is a god that created everything, he created marijuana for a purpose, and seeing that people have been using it for millennia, then why now, should it be a problem? Again, it would be a waste of time to continue along this trajectory. 

What I have found is that the religious and legal arguments are quite ludicrous. Marcy knows this too. The conclusion therefore, is that, for her, it is about self-preservation, which I have no right to criticize, we have all been guilty of this crime.  

My cousin, like all of us, operates within a much bigger system. This world has its rules and regulations, and we are forced to abide by these rules and regulations. But would it be bad to break the rules in the case of relieving pain? I am not certain if nurses take the Hippocratic oath. But if they do not, I am sure they abide by similar principles as those found in the oath. Would it therefore be wrong for her to convince the patients or the family of these patients to give them marijuana? For if one swears to provide care, should this not be at any cost? 

This, of course, sounds a bit naïve. People have bills to pay. Careers to think about. And especially now that Marcy is close to retirement, I would discourage her from advising her patients to use marijuana. In fact, I would, if I were in her place, discourage myself from giving such advice.  

Maybe this is an ethical conundrum. One where one must choose to obey the law and watch the ones over whom they have been placed in charge suffer. Or perhaps it is just a matter of more of us refusing to stand up to an archaic, ridiculous law that is causing people to suffer needlessly. 

Whatever the answer, I think the real crime here is denying people the comfort of dying. It is bad enough that many languish in hospice care, away from loved ones. And they spend their last days being pumped full of toxic chemicals that no longer provide relief. While the tide regarding marijuana is turning. One mourns for those who will not live to experience the miracle of this safe natural remedy.  


Kaneh-Bosm/Fragrant-Cane IS CANNABIS

Let her know the "Holy Annointing Oil" mentioned in Exodus (Yes, in the Bible) is cannabis infused olive oil. It's what Jesus annointed himself with and what he sent the apostles out with to heal the sick.

The mis-translation of fragrant cane to "Calamus" is most likely a deliberate action by the church. Making Holy Annointing Oil with Calamus can create very toxic oil with limited medicinal benefit. Making Holy Annointing Oil with cannabis creates nearly a miracle oil which cures a significant number of ailments. ;)

Go Be Awesome!

Exodus 30:22-33

22 Then the Lord said to Moses, 23 “Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels[a] of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels[b] of fragrant cane, 24 500 shekels of cassia—all according to the sanctuary shekel—and a hin[c] of olive oil. 25 Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil.

That's all nonsense.

I'm glad you have conviction, unfortunately you're incorrect.

Have you looked into it? Have you noticed that Rick Simpson Oil (The number one recommended cannabis treatment for cancer) is Holy Annointing Oil without the cinnamon and Myrrh? Have you ever made it and used it medicinally? ;)

Furthermore, have you studied anything regarding translations and the research which has been done with both plants?

I'm Going to Guess You Have Not

and seriously urge you to educate yourself. Why? Because publicly posting your ignorance here keeps it available for the life of the blockchain. ;) How much protestation would you like to preserve here?

Go Be Awesome Instead! :D

You will appreciate the Genesis quote in my Introduction

God made poison ivy and opium poppies too. Do you smoke them as well?

Ahh... The Miracle of "Mute" ;)

Come on. This is false equivalence. Please don't do this.

I will check it out.

(Ephesians 5:18 NIV) Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

You shouldn't be under the influence of any drug. Marijuana is bad for a number of reasons. It causes brain damage--permanent loss of IQ in people without fully developed brains and temporary loss of IQ in adults.

Marijuana users have a higher incidence of violence, mental illness, and sexual immorality.

Marijuana use is illegal in most places. Most legal users do so under the fraud of medical marijuana. They get a doctor to sign a form saying that they have a medical condition that could benefit from marijuana use.

By far the biggest problem with marijuana use that I personally see is that it deadens the conscience. The worst people I know are potheads. How else do you abuse your wife, neglect your children, and still have peace?

I would be shocked if you, as an admitted user, didn't have a life filled with sin.

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I believe that we are all gods who have forgot who they are while searching for something that was right in front of them all the time.

Mary Jane is a gift from us to us.

Peace, Love, Gratitude!

HAHA. This is too funny dude.

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