Cali Buds- "Girl Scout Cookies"

in #marijuana8 years ago

Girl Scout Cookies is a hybrid; indica/Sativa.

I'm very lucky I can get my hands on these quality strains.


I knew the guy that created that strain, from Ukiah Ca, lived in a trailer and would edit/write articles for a magazine dedicated to strains/growing. Cool dude :D

Thank you. That is awesome.

I forgot his name though argh Josh I think, cannot remember but he was really cool, lived in a little camper and had a wealth of knowledge, good guy but being so blitzed I forgot his name :(

The trimmer that was working there was so professional she was getting 200 a pound and the buds looked bar none, it was what I called it corral, it looked just like a corral, without any leaf and not one calyx/bud cut/harmed.

Some people got skills

I'll go as far as call it art, it was beautiful just to look at, so much patience and care it made you almost cringe to break it up and smoke it!

-nesting limit-
It's hard to get them to become really full, they need a lot of sunlight and great fertilizer and good soil. One of my friends was growing 1 plant per 10 foot square (100sq ft), huge monster girl scouts and the soil was almost sponge. He would water it with a garden hose without any attachment and the water would lift up the first 2 inches of soil/peatmoss mix and he would go back and forth in a line with the water until he would cover the entire thing, I helped him water/chilled there for a few days. Those were the real crop not the light dep.

My other buddy that would grow on the property that guy Josh was on had been growing since he was 12-13 and at the time he was in his mid 30's. He went to the occidental college in sonoma ( and knew a bunch about permaculture and biodiversity, he would grow on that proprety with regular dirt with fish-oil/tea that he made over a few years in a 55 gal drum and natural pesticides/insecticides like neem oil and another tree oil and had the nicest of the nicest and had so many strains that he had started and breed from just a few seeds that got smuggled by a friend of his from amsterdam back in the mid 90's. He showed me about 600 seeds and I couldn't tell you how many strains, it takes a lot of time to develop those things and I was like a sucker for all the knowledge he bestowed. A good friend of his that he went to that same college with him to study biodynamcs and permaculture started his own organic fertilizer company, called 3d organics if I remember right (2012-13). I grew a beautiful vegy garden and I want to say it was mostly because of his bacteria or whatever tea stuff he had given us. If you want to grow the best you got to dwelve deep either in the culture/experience or books and information at every chance you get and experiment. That guy Josh was so thorough with his stuff that when they went to test the thc for his strains he would go to the lab and make sure everything was on the up and up. I know that my buddy that was growing on that property with him had a strain that was in the 30% thc range. Another cool thing was water hash which my friend would throw 900 an ounce for, happily because he could flip it for even more, the hash was better than honey oil, I would take it out of the freezer, it was the color of tanned white people skin and right out of the freezer it would stretch like taffy that had been sitting out in the sun until you could almost see through it, the guy that was making it would make it supposedly from MK in an indoor grow and had a cook book on when to harvest/what strain and what screens to use and how long, truly an art.

It truly is art. It hard to grow quality plants.

I remembered his name this morning, Jason, I will try to find his articles as he both writes and is an editor for a paper magazine focused on growing cannabis, I think it was cannabis culture but I will have to see as he was using an alias if I remember right.

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