in #marijuana7 years ago (edited)


First a message to all you so-called "health-Nuts" out there, before you go in judge me I want to say that I too am a health-nut! And this is the reason why I'm so glad herb came into my life. I stay eating healthy, I stay working out, I stay drinking my water, I stays in shape! It's all about indulgence. Over-indulging in ANYTHING is bad for you! Even over-indulging water can kill you! There are countless of stories of ppl dying from drowning the inside of their bodies from over-drinking water.
Now, I use to work for this guy, a good guy, the BEST b0ss you could EVER work for and even he smoked on the low! But he was 0r is smart. He doesn't over-indulge! He works all day then takes a toke or two before bed to help ease the mind and to sleep well. He spent many years being a 'Pharmacist' and told countless of stories to us about how sad it was to see ppl coming in literally killing themselves over these "Over-The-Counter" drugs prescribed by doctors ;(
Even he was on them and noticed the effects of how much faster they make you age. I too experienced some ppl around me aging quick, making you look ugly!!! So, lucky for me, I was never into taking "0ver-The-Counter" drugs.
Yes, I was blessed to find the RIGHT medicine ;)

Most ppl who smoke may over do it by not believing they are. Example: Snoop! Over doing it! Smoking whole blunts and what not. All this does is allow more toxins to enter into the body which builds up plaque over time.
NOW thx to Kurupt's Evolution Moon-R0ck$, you can be assured to not over do it as all you need is a little. Powerful stuff! It's all herb just in a different form(s). Genius if you ask me! I am seeing ppl around me mad, moody, depressed, miserable, don't know what to do what themselves and they hate on me because they wonder why I'm so happy and positive ;) They can't understand how I'm able to do what I do while handling my business. I prove myself over and over and over again and they still try to put Us down as if we are losers ha! Funny! Just look@all the $uccessful ppl who do what I do and ask how they got to where they are, hmmm!! Even Obama on tht good good best believe!

Moon R0ck_2017.PNG

This was brought to my attention from a close buddy of mines. @first before trying I was telling him nothing can beat bud leaves as I love the smell, look, the way we roll it, the many different strains bla bla bla! But man, was I blown away! Blown away from experiencing how you don't need much! 0ne hit will get you feelin like you smoked a whole bowl 0r two of bud leaves. Pure THC! I tried Wax and do NOT like it over leaves but this M00n-R0ck is magical! A better feeling(natural).
I never thought I would put down the leaves but now that I see how CLEAN the R0ck is oppose to the leaves, I can honestly say, I'm done with the leaves. Yes, d0ne! Seems so old school to me now ha! If you haven't tried just yet, don't take my word for it, experience it for yourselves! Give it @least a week before you judge.
0f Course I would still hit the leaves IF I had no money and someone was around with it but, I will never buy again UNLESS I couldn't find like now for instance. I haven't smk'd in a minute bcuz I can't get my hands on the R0ck so, I'm not smkN till I get what I want or need. Pure Naturalism! I'm all about NATURAL!
M00n LeaVES.PNGKuRUPT's Moon- R0ck$.PNGM00n LeaVES.PNG

Yeah so, here is my buddy who put me on the r0cK - http://www.amponthetrack.com/ -
http://www.amponthetrack.com/my-production - "No Half-Steepin" My music will be heard on Burst-Nation so, stay tuned ;) But yeah vibe to my buddies tunes while reading this, I'm diggN his "Be Cool" , "Trap Talk" too ha! My first time hearing his new tracks. He workN!

Part.2 Speaking more on the Moon Coming Soon...

How MoonR0cks Was Created -



nice post man. It's true weed does not hamper ones motivation to be successful as many believe. I absolutely believe you run your own biz and enjoy a good puff. I actually know a CEO of Bank who enjoys the chronic, seriously, he's not a pot head but on vacation why the hell not. So yea. take that conservatives!!!

As for the smoking leaf and getting a buzz do share that strain, eh. Leaf gives me a headache and I have no good memories of smoking it. I got tons of leaf here in Dalian China, the hills are covered with the stuff, i make oil with it and its still gross as F! haha.

And the health nuts I know all support weed, they don't always like the idea of smoking it but eating and drinking is all good.

And to top it all off:

Anything in moderation is ok, even moderation. Too much anything, including water, can be harmful to ones health.

Resteemed. keep em coming.

wow, I guess this subject also brings out everyone's writing skills(length wise ;)
Dalian China huh! 0k! It's just spread out in the open for grabs, nice! It might not be Cali but hey!
Great response ;)

Eating fresh leaves is being researched, there are many cbd's that dessinegrate in minutes to hours from the leaves being removed off the plant, you are supposed to chew them for a bit and then spit them out, they bypass the gut that way and go from the mucus barier in your mouth straight to the blood stream, sublingual absorption. As for oil made from leaves I'd focus more on making it from buds, if you have good high cbd plants you can make medicinal/therapeutic oil that you will only need to eat only a rice grain sized amount to absorb the cannabinoids sublingual and feel the effects for hours.

sounds sound. thanks for making that clearer. I need access to the good stuff. lol

You have it already if it's growing wild. Do this, when it's harvest time in autumn find the plants that have the biggest buds and nicest smell and save their pollen and harvest all kinds of seeds from all kinds of plants and keep them separate. In spring, plant those seeds and wait till they are juvenile and start producing little buds/flowers, then go ahead and pollinate them with that pollen you saved and kept in a cool dark place.
Once it's harvest time look for the biggest buds/flowers and harvest the seeds, keeping track/labeling all the different plants. Next year you start light dep, you plant the seeds and give them only 12 hours of daylight and then cover them to create total darkness, they will start flowering then. When the flowers are almost mature/ 50% of the pistils have dried/turned orange from whitish you polenate them and grow them for 1-2 more months until they are ready to harvest 3 months after planting them. Then you start another light dep crop, and you do this looking for the plants that express the f1 dominant gene of a lot of crystals and nice flower/bud formation, doing this 5 times will give you very very very nice strains.

Research sexing, light deprivation and selective breeding cannabis. There's more information about growing cannabis than there is about every other plant and fungi combined. Cannabis has been grown indoor the longest and it is the most studied plant/organism on the planet.

wahh. come to Dalian. You will love it here, I need your mentoring. I've done much of that but i am in china and they literally kill people who produce drugs, maybe not canadians but i do love being here and dont want to ruin my good time. lol. thanks for the added tips. I got some great seeds from canada and the US like Low Rider, Purple Haze and some names i think if i said would attract the cia censors. lol

There's no IP tracking here on steem, if you couple that with a decent proxy you will be that much more invisible to the powers that be.

Nobody can censor the blockchain, but don't expose yourself, be cautious and vigilant but living in fear is not living IMHO.

My Dalian oil making adventure... in case you missed it.

and I am already using Express VPN, can erase my tracks anytime i want.

Where can I get some seeds or smokes in DL?

What I described is exactly how every strain of cannabis came to exist, from wild plants. This is how the Tibetans and the Jamaicans have done it, it's how it's been done for millennia, and if you want you could bypass all that by going to a seed bank, there are more seed banks/people that selectively breed cannabis than there is any other kind of plant selective breeding/propagation.
Always feed your plants with good seagull/seabird fertilizer and bat guano, and a good source of carbohydrates from black-strap molasses or other high sugar source, even bamboo leaves or cattails (not the animal lol).

Is on his game ;) But I think 0r @least for me when speaking leaves, I was referring to buds ;) Leaves just sound more pleasant ha! but so many names can be used interchangeably ;)
Great information on the bypassing of the gut. I need to read more on this stuff ha!

Pharmacy, the p is silent.
I can feel a change happening and mark my words by the end of the year it will be decriminalized in good ol' Texas and that will be the end of failed prohibition. Even now as I speak they can let you go as long as you have under a zone in Houston and an ID.

As far as wax is concerned I experienced the best quality hash, based on the hash bowl that the growers hold in Mendo county every year. It was like taffy that had been sitting out in the sun when you took it out of the freezer, yes, out of the freezer, it wasn't hard and all water, no butane or any other solvents, pure water hash. It's an art and the connoisseur aspect eclipses every other connoisseur in the world, be it wine, or any other indulgence, the different aspects and simply because marijuana can be breed to smell and taste in such a huge variety that there isn't one plant that can match it yet it can match the smell and subsequent taste of almost any plant out there. I don't know who told me this or where I read it but it went something like weed contains all the flavors in the plant kingdom and not only that but it can be breed from any kind of strain into any other kind of strain. Then you add onto that the fact that extracting the oil with 99.5% isopropyl alcohol is shown to cure/treat across the board a majority of illnesses and diseases, chronic or otherwise, search Phoenix Tears, and is only surpassed in a few aspects by bamboo as a viable construction material but surpasses many industries, from oil to plastics, paper, textile, to having the most oil and protein per seed/weight.


Dizam! Good knowledge College! I will indeed checkout the links and have a read ;)
Thx for the reply, I wasn't expecting any replies and this long@that.
Followed ;)

Yup, spread the knowledge, check it out, dive deep into it, I don't bother with placating the nay sayers at all, all I have to tell them is https://www.amazon.com/Animals-Psychedelics-Natural-Instinct-Consciousness/dp/0892819863 and phoenix tears ;)

weed contains all the flavors in the plant kingdom and not only that but it can be breed from any kind of strain into any other kind of strain.

From which strain to which strain? From indica to sativa.?

Or from weed to lets say a strawbery plant?

From industrial hemp to any kind of weed strain, or from any kind of weed strain to industrial hemp and so forth, no not across species ;)

and so forth...? please explain:)

Gladly, F1 dominant genes, you start from one strain, whichever it may be and you seek to express the genes that you wish. For example if you want short stocky plants, you save the pollen from the males that exhibit those characteristics and use that to pollinate select females that also exhibit those characteristics and maybe a few others to control and experiment. Then those next generations you do the same, after 4-5 generations you have came to a F1 dominant strain, exhibiting short and stocky plants, you can direct whichever way you want it but I learned about this not for the grower friend of mine that had been doing that f1 dominant selective breeding for 25 years from just a couple strains but surprisingly from watching a documentary on netflix if I remember correctly, about some brothers/family with a huge op/all on the up and up, growing for medical high (no pun) cbd content plants, and they were growing high cbd plants from all kinds of strains and they dropped that knowledge somewhere in the documentary, which I did a quick search and found here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte%27s_web_%28cannabis%29 watch it its very informative.

-nesting limit-
Genetic manipulation is very misleading:
We share 99% genes with a banana, and we aren't anything like a banana.
Genetic manipulation implies the use of a gene gun and a splicing mechanism for other species genes into the dna of a different species.
To say people often think it happens in a lab is correct and they are correct in thinking that. Selective BREEDING, is not GENETIC MANIPULATION, not Selective Manipulation, its called Selective Breeding. Don't create that false narrative to propagate the idea that they are the same.

Cannabis is hemp, google it, there is no difference, it's the EXACT same plant. Cannabis is hemp, hemp is cannabis. You don't MIX strains, you selectively breed for F1 dominant genes, or expressive genes, you look for characteristics that the plant expresses, from seedling to harvest, FROM a HEMP(which is just a selectively bred very low cbd/thc content cannabis plant) and use the POLLEN and not a gene gun/splicing mechanism to NATURALLY, not gene altering, GROW a new breed which you then do the same selective breeding by culling all that don't express those characteristics and continuing this for 5 generations or sometimes more. You start with HEMP, you selectively breed it into ANY KIND OF STRAIN, you don't mix strains, you create a strain from hemp to a "marijuana" plant. They are the exact same plant. It's not creating oranges and lemons by mixing species of plants, its the same plant.

F1 selective breeding, not genetic manipulation, calling Selective Breeding manipulation doesn't make it genetic manipulation, they are two entirely different things, genetic manipulation often/always involves the use of genes alien to the plant/animal, spanning across species and kingdoms.

You talking about genetic manipulation. People often think it happens in a lab. But this is also manipulation. You right. you can mix cannabis strains. I just don't see why anybody would hybrid cannabis with hemp. Thats like going to a 5 star restaurant and asking for mac donalds. Thanks for your input!

F1 selective breeding(Cross-breeding)? I've crossed on accident when was growing my thang ;)

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