
hmm, im not sure how i feel about this, being stoned while on steemit, writing, playing music , socializing, going for walks or anything, can help certain people who live in physical or emotional pain live a more normal life,..

It feels amazing, I would know. But for me and many others its a destructive pattern, of course there are always exceptions, you might be one for example

yeh, maybe. Philosophy and the arts have a sort of way about them, haha :)

I find that MJ has many benefits and good uses... but the one thing that should not be done with it is to smoke it..... and guess what most people do....

I mean it helps people with many diseases. I am not 100% against it. I am only against smoking it daily to the point where it is destructive!

And I agree with you 100%.

Drugs have such devastating effects at times and I hate them.

Check out this article...

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Addiction itself is the problem that humanity itself has.
There is food addicts, aquaholics, drug addicts, adrenaline junkies everywhere.
I would venture to say 90% of the human race is addicted to SOMETHING, we get cranky and irritable without it. Our body develops a dependency on it.
I myself am a recovering food addict, check out my 72lbs in 72 days experiment for more info.
Great article adil, with some great discussion flowing from it.

72 lbs in 72 Days? That sounds insane I will look into that! Thanks for referring

What's if we live in a world were drugs and alcohol didn't exist. We would all be more productive, successful and have hobbies.

Truer words have never been spoken!

Interesting article, addiction is a behavior first that is re-enforced somehow. In a real addiction there is something known as "deprivation effect" this is where the longer a lab rat or human stays away from the substance that is part of the behavior their cravings become harder to control. The behavior is usually triggered by stress and the substance seems to relieve that stress. I'm not saying your problem wasn't that big, I'm just saying don't go labeling yourself a marijuana addict. Since we all have an endocannabinoid system it seems logical that cannabis is something that can be helpful to us. I'm not talking about blazing up a gram of Lemon Zinger every day, but hemp seeds, High CBD low THC hemp buds in a salad. Smoking is just a hazardous delivery system, and as you point out to much of anything can be bad for you.
Thanks for the fun read.

I mean I am not calling my self an addict. But I do believe I was addicted to the substance!
But labeling is very wrong you are absolutely right there!

Different strokes for different folks.

I think maybe you should do comparisons of the same facts on Alcohol VS Cannabis and see which is worse... Way worse things come of Alcohol... Alcohol is the greatest problem of ALL generations. Ha

Cannabis is now legal in many states of the US.

Canada is pretty much there already - the dispensary are pretty much up like any other liquor store at this point (on the west coast). Just waiting for TerdOo to get stuff sorted. I hear Mexico just did a big push for legalization too. I honestly hate to drink - bewildering why my "habit" is worst. I work hard. I play hard and for the first time in a long time I am happy. I would say 20% of why I can be that way is because my problems are medicated.

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