
That was for you and @goat-girlz but also because it's so popular these days, I could find goat yoga in my own neck o' the woods if I wanted to try it. :)

@goat-girlz could start a class as her goats are friendly.

They are very friendly, but much too big to be jumping on people! I could start a goat sumo wrestling class, though.

Posted using Partiko Android

They must use miniature goats for the yoga. Sumo goat wrestling would be something to see. 😂 Most of those wrestlers wear what looks like a giant diaper.

I would pay good money to see a goat in one of those diapers! They do use miniature goats for yoga. They stay small enough not to break your back.

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL!!! You two are priceless!!! In addition to Friday Favorites, I'll have to create a weekly Favorites for "Best dialogue in the comment box" of a freewrite!!

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