@freewritehouse March Madness Chapter 9 ”Elder”

in #marchmadness6 years ago (edited)

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I'm am taking part in March Madness by the @freewritehouse! This is the first attempt from me and I hope I can see it through! I will try. If you would like to play along please check out more here.

Thanks for reading these free writes and I hope to one day edit them all! I am open to constructive criticism.

Word count: 1,805


Chapter 9

A few weeks had passed since Grant returned to school and ultimately a little over a month since his mother died.

The crisp memories of her in his mind were slowly fading away. Her scent, her touch, the way she changed her voice when she was upset with him, Grant was holding on as hard as he could be but there would be no escaping it. She was drifting from the forethought of his memory as his mind, and maybe his heart was trying to heal.

One thing that was for certain is that Grant had fully come to terms with the reality that his mother was gone. The forced awareness of students, teachers, parents, nuns, and Father Don had made Grant want to move as fast a it was possible. He could not stand mourning his mother in public and he did not want to talk about it with anyone anymore. Grant wanted to deal with it on his own and when people showed him any sort of pity he felt ashamed. He wanted to be his own person, not the sad orphan boy from high school teacher Miss Klas.

After school one day Grant returned home a little later than usual. He stayed after to shoot hoops with Luke in the middle school Gym. It was too cold and wet to play outside and after school students were allowed to use the gym for only one dollar. Grant did not have any money with today, but Luke really wanted to practice a little bit and paone for Grant to come with.

When Grant walked in the door, his grandparents were sitting at the dining room table. There was nothing unusual about them sitting there, only that this time the table was covered with paperwork and old boxes. Grants heart began to sink.

”Hey Grant, come on in. How was your day buddy?” Grandpa Kurt said with cheer in his voice.

”Oh, not too bad,” Grant replied. ”What's going on here?”

”Well honey, we decided it was time to start going through your mom’s old things. We are trying to find out if there's anything important in here or not.” His grandmother explained.

Bit by bit they had moved all of Grants things into their house and now his grandparents were trying to decide what to do with the rest of the house. It was filled with Rebecca's furniture, a library of books, a large collection of insects and nature specimens she had collected since college, among other things they did not know what to do with and they thought maybe Grant would have an idea.

”Was there anything of your mothers that you really wanted to keep?” Grandpa Kurt asked.

”I don't know.” Grant looked at the ground.

”No worries, we have plenty of time to think about it. We aren't going to sell the house so it's fine sitting in there. You are welcome to go over there whenever you want to look around. It is still your home.”

That was a thought that Grant had not yet had. So I guess I'm the only twelve year old alive that has his own home, he thought and shot a half smile at his Grandpa.

”Okay cool,” Grant answered. He did not really want to talk about it anymore.

”Hey grandma, what are we having for dinner tonight?”

”Meatloaf and gravy,” she said with a smile. ”It will be ready in forty-five minutes.”

”Thanks, Grandma!” Grant was so hungry he did not care what it was, and besides everything the woman cooked tasted amazing.

”Oh Grant, before I forget, come over here and take a look at this old snapshot we found of you and your mom. I think it must have been down by the river and you couldn't have been more than a few months old.”

Grant took the picture and when he saw his beautiful mother with her brown hair and serious smile, a sharp pain went shooting right through his heart. For being over a decade old the picture was in perfect condition and it was surprisingly crystal clear.

Grant took a hard swallow and looked at his grandma trying to hide any signs of pain. ”Wow, I wonder who took it,” he said. ”I have never seen it before.”

”Neither did we, ” Grandpa Kurt said. ”Or maybe we just took it and forgot. She sure looks beautiful huh buddy.”

”Yeah she does, can I keep it?” Grant asked.

His Grandma smiled; ”Of course you can! I'll pick up a nice frame from Kmart next time we are in the city okay?“

”Thanks, Grandma, ill be in my room okay?”

”Sounds good, I'll call you when dinners ready.”

Grant spent most of his time in his room lately. He never had much homework to do but liked to pretend that he did. Every day he brought all his books home from school even though he hardly ever used them, instead, he would sketch in his notebook or work on one of the million scale models his grandpa had bought him.

One thing Grant had shared with his grandfather was building model tanks. His Grandpa Kurt had been in the war in Germany and decided to make a career out of the Army afterward. He retired shortly thereafter when Grant's mother was born and became a History teacher at St. Mary's high school in Pine Grove, where they now lived.

Grant was not really interested in history like he was with nature, but he was enjoying the inside of his room more than the outdoors these days and model tanks were a fun way to pass the time.

His best friend Luke also came often to visit but it was not the same as when he came by Grant's old house. Luke never really felt comfortable at grants new house and being around the elders sacred him a little bit.

A knock came on the bedroom door.

”Grant, ” his grandmother called ”dinner will be ready soon why don't you give Luke a call and see if he wants to join us.”

”No thanks Grandma, I'm pretty sure he's busy with his parents tonight.”

”Okie dokie,” she said.

You know what, Grant thought as he glued a rung of a ladder to the armored shell of a German Panzer, I think I will give him a call.

Back before cell phones, children had to call each other on landlines and that usually meant that you would have to speak with a parent before receiving your intended recipient of the call. Grant never liked talking to Luke’s parents, especially now after the accident, it was even more awkward.

”Hoffman residence” It was Lukes mom.

Forcing himself not to speak formally on the phone, Luke’s mom hated that, he simply said; ”Hi it’s Grant, is Luke home?”

”just a minute,” she said ”Lukie! Phone. It's Grant!” she yelled practically directly into the phone hitting Grant’s ear.

”Hey what's up dude, I told you my uncles coming over we are working on the deck.”

Grant pretended that he forgot.

”oh yeah, that's right, sorry I was just going to see if you wanted to come over and have dinner with my grandparents,” Grant asked laughing sarcastically.

”Nah man sorry! I talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

”Yup, see you later.” Grant was hoping his best friend would sense his sadness and come over.

The image from the picture of his mother was hitting him pretty hard and he just wanted something to take his mind off of it. The model tanks were no longer working.

After dinner, Grant was feeling restless. ”Granma, is that okay if I go and take a walk?”

”Sure dear, just try and be home before dark okay?”

Grant had no particular destination in mind, he did not even know if he actually wanted to take a walk. All he knew was that he needed to clear his mind and he could not stand the stuffy old bedroom anymore, and he sure was not going to watch Jeopardy with Grandpa Kurt and his after-dinner gas.

Heading up the street to the edge of the woods, Grant paused and took a deep breath. He had not realized how late it was and saw the street lights were already turned on. His grandmother's voice echoed in his head.

”Be home before the street lights turn on!”

Grant chuckled to himself as he saw the old path leading into the forest that led down to the river. He was drawn to the forest, but he always was. He felt at peace in the woods and maybe he knew that maybe not but he was subconsciously leading himself inside.

I'm not ready to go home yet, he thought, I'm just going to check it out.

It was a steep walk down the hillside to get to the river and now it was almost completely dark in the woods. The cold air gave his warm body a chill. The forest was mostly pine trees but a couple of leafless deciduous trees were mixed in with the pine and their branches were clanging together as the breeze smashed them into one another. Grant could hear the water of the river but it was too far off and too dark to see it. He decided it was time to head back.

Staring up at the top of the hill as he made his way up the path he heard a rustle behind him. The young boy alone in the woods, after dark, was instantly terrified. His blood began to surge and his mouth turned dry as he took a hard gulp then turned in a snap to see what it was.

It was too dark to see.

Moving quicker now, he was searching for the forest exit. Still keeping on the path, he finally could make out the street light shining through the branches. He dug in and kicked it up from a stride to a jog. His feet were hitting the ground hard and he tried to soften his step.

From right behind him he heard what sounded like a large branch hitting the solid ground with a large thud.

Grant began to sprint as hard as he could and finally made it out of the forest. Standing on the street in the safety of the light he looked back and saw a flash of light color move between the trees. He bolted.

Grant ran straight to his grandparent's house and threw open the door.

”Jesus Christ!” grandpa Kurt yelled.

”Kurt!” Eleanor cried.

”Sorry! I was in the woods and I heard a noise. I got freaked out.” Grant was trying to catch his breath.

”Grant, next time you better be home before those street lights come on.” his Grandmother sternly said.

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