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RE: Most SteemIt Game And Contest Hosts Are Breaking The Rules! Are You?

in #mapsters6 years ago

This is a great point and it also helps to highlight the fact that these rules apply to posts made through the website only. There are no such rules for the Steem blockchain in general.

That means you certainly may post a contest that requires upvotes to enter, or anything else you want to do really, on another site that uses the Steem blockchain, or just post it to the blockchain directly, without breaking any rules.

That post will still show up on just like any other post. SteemIt, Inc has the right not to show that post if they want on their website because it violates their rules or for any other reason, but it's still always possible to post to the steem blockchain and there are no rules other than what the blockchain allows and what it doesn't.

All of this is kind of a moot point at the moment though since SteemIt, Inc doesn't enforce any of these rules on the site anyway.


All of this is kind of a moot point at the moment though since SteemIt, Inc doesn't enforce any of these rules on the site anyway.

It doesn't seem that Steemit enforces anything right now. For instance, I see most of those rules broken constantly.

  • Asking for money, views, upvotes, follows, or resteems. (All day, every day)
  • Leaving nearly identical or materially similar comments on multiple posts. (Constantly)
  • Comments that are unrelated to the topic of discussion. (Not so much off topic as just "nice post")
  • Sending unsolicited links or requests to users via wallet memos. (With increasing frequency. My wallet gets jammed with them sometimes)
  • Posts that require upvotes to enter or play in a contest or game. (I actually disagreed with this one as you can see in my reply. Upvotes are scarce, so are prizes.)
  • Sending users a link to your blog or a post if it is not relevant to the conversation. (Um, phishing links, anyone?)
  • Posts or comments that include little or nothing more than an offer to trade follows or upvotes. ("Follow for follow"!)
  • Using tags that are unrelated to the post. (Has anyone looked at introduceyourself or photography recently? Filled with spammers.)
    Threatening users with any type of physical violence.
  • Not citing sources when using someone else’s material. (If SteemCleaners got a dollar for each plagiarized article they flagged, they could retire within a week.)
  • Posting ‘not safe for work’ content without using the “nsfw” tag. (I don't see this every day, but at least a few times per week. This is a legal issue that will likely hurt Steemit in a big way. As there's no requirement to validate age, anyone over 13 is allowed to get a Steemit account. Having NSFW content outside of a restricted area is considered providing pornography to minors. That's still illegal in the US.)
  • Selling or offering to buy votes/resteems/follows, or schemes that facilitate this. (Umm, so all the bidding bots, minnowbooster, smartsteem... all of this? It's like Dan created a system and then left because he doesn't care anymore. While the cat's away, the mice will play.)
  • Scams or Fraudulent offers. (Too many to even start on.)

Allow me to upvote you for viewing purposes, as I agree ENTIRELY with what you are saying.

Thanks. When I started the list, I wasn't planning on doing the whole thing. Then I realized that I saw basically all of these actions every day in my experience. I think it goes to show that Steemit leadership/management/whatever is at best ambivalent about the platform. I think that would be one of the biggest obstacles to getting the price higher... there's a perception that the founders don't care, and it shows in how the community is running. It doesn't matter how groundbreaking, earth-shattering, or amazing your product is... if you don't give a crap, most people won't buy it. :(

And I'm not saying that everything needs to get fixed overnight, but they could be more active in getting the spam/scams off the platform. That would be a start.

Then maybe do as I am doing, if you can, rent a server, and become a witness, if you want to change it, the only way you can is from within, ready for a journey? or just happy complaining? hands mic to you.

That's a good point. I said my piece, so I'll let someone else have the soapbox. I don't have the funds to get a witness node running right now, so as I've at least brought it to the attention of the masses, now I'll learn to make the best of things.
Good for you for having the resources and being willing to spend the time and effort to set it up so that you can make a difference. Not all of us are in that position and it's great that you are making an impact. Thank you!

I added you to my follow list, I have a feeling you will do well here, and by the way, nice to meet you.

Unfortunately, everything you're saying is absolutely true...

Dan created a system and then left because he doesn't care anymore. While the cat's away, the mice will play.)
Hmm a form of Deism ?

I agree, rules are being broken all the time...

And even if I disagree strongly with things like scams and phishing...

I remember being a youngster before google got "smart" about their picture search,
basically typing any female name would provide me with, uhm I mean "expose me" to naked women... No one arrested Google or Altavista as far as I know... But yeah people should wise up and make sure to use the NSFW tag...

Anyway I might be a bit foolish, but I feel that there is still something cool about being a part of this crazy community of "fishy-outlaws" and "scurvy-rebels" who break all the rules and use bots etc... Kind of like in a Star Wars movie or something!

image source

So if I understand correctly you can require an upvote if you post through or Zappl, for example?

Yes, unless those sites have similar rules as which I don't believe they do.

Okay, thanks.

Would you mind clearing something up? I’m a little confused now because you refer to the FAQ as being the rules, and @valth refers to them as being the etiquette guide (see comment below)...

Yea sorry, you're probably right - if it's from the FAQ then it's just an etiquette guide as @valth says. does have an official Terms and Conditions for the site I believe which constitute more official rules (many of which are also broken regularly and not enforced I'm guessing).

In any case, SteemIt, Inc can decide what to show or not show on their site and who can use it and who can't in any way they see fit. Currently they allow everything and everyone as far as I know. I just wanted to make the point that they only control the website and not the Steem blockchain or any other sites or services build on top of it.

Thanks for the info I'm more clear on the distinction between steemit and steem now. I wish steemit did enforce the rules though as it would improve the steemit site which is the front of the steem blockchain. I know the whole point in steem is unmutability but you could always use or similar for that then steemit could be a better platform. Anyway added you to my witness votes as your a helpful person.

Thanks for the clarification, @yabapmatt.

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