Updates to My Current Manga and Anime #11

in #manga7 years ago (edited)

Hello! We are now on our 11th update, the second that includes anime. :3

Last week was a pretty busy week, but let's see what we have in store for today!

Current manga updates included in this post are:

  • Relife (215)
  • Shokugeki no Souma (247)
  • Noblesse (494)
  • Haikyuu!! (286)
  • The Gamer (207)
  • Chihayafuru (192)

And for Anime:

  • Dragon Ball Super (124)
  • Classroom of Elite

1. Relife

Called it! Well, it was pretty obvious that it was Hishiron's turn next ;> This kind of thing happened before. Kinda like, "at the same time in a different place" kind of chapter. Haha.


We have a Hishiron thanking the oh so typical Onoya. But right after this panel, Hishiro wonders aloud if her relife was a success this time around. For those who don't know, or might have just started finding out about Relife from my posts, this is actually Hishiro's second time doing a relife, or a more accurate way to say this is that, her relife extended for another year, so she's been in this form for two years now, because the results of the first year did not go so well. She was allowed to extend because she is actually the first test subject for this branch of Relife in their prefecture. And they wanted to try again in case it was an error on their end. Yoake used to be her supervisor, and that experience has caused somewhat of a breakdown in him previously. Remember that she wasn't so good with other people before. But with the help of Kaizaki, now she is still a little awkward, but definitely adorkable. :3

Onoya tells her that her relife was definitely a success after having shown her different enterprises for her to choose from. But!


Hishiro tells her that it sounds like Onoya is lecturing her. Lol. After Onoya passes her the pill to transform back, it is pretty much an echo of what Yoake said to Kaizaki last week, "Were you able to prepare yourself for this?" etc etc etc. Really, I didn't realize they had a script for this. XD It was basically the same lines after all. I didn't check back to see if it was word for word, but I'm sure they are atleast 85% similar.

Hishiro however, says something that felt so raw.. so true. "Farewells are really painful." This was the exact reason she turned out unsociable after all. Her backstory was basically like this: as a little girl, she transferred schools so often because of her parent's work. After promises to keep in touch, they never really did, and this caused her to gradually become numb until she just forsook making friends at all. And in the past year, she made all these wonderful friends, but now she has to leave them all again. If it have been just another moving, I'm sure that this time around, this friendship would have lasted, they would've stayed in contact, and maybe even travelled to each other on occasions. There was a lot of emotions invested into these current friendships, and that's basically what builds and strengthens friendships. But...it's not like that. It's not just moving away. This time, they will be made to forget knowing her. So I understand how hard it must feel for her.

After expressing her truest sentiments of not really wanting to part with them, she also says that she is glad for the memories, for they have affected her and helped her change from her pessimistic self to someone who can look forward with warmth. She says that she feels that she really was able to change a bit. * sniff * It wasn't just a bit, Hishiron! You changed so much. Like a caterpillar who blossomed into a full-fledged butterfly!

After expressing her thanks to Onoya, Hishiro tells Onoya to thank Yoake for her, and then she swallows the pill.

Now this is where things are different. Onoya says she has to cleanup now and Hishiro was going to help her, but Onoya tells her that she should sleep since she should be feeling drowsy in a few minutes. Remember that on Kaizaki's end, he just went to sleep leaving all the mess for Yoake to cleanup. XD

After Hishiro falls asleep, Onoya receives a call from Yoake, and they went to report things on each other's end, laughing at how the two subjects had looked for either of them who wasn't present. After some chitchat on that, Yoake thanks Onoya for supporting Hishiro well. And he gets this reply from her.


Lol. Poor Yoake. Hahaha! But Onoya tells him that such things should be said face to face, and that they have a lot to talk about, and invites him to meet up now. But Yoake tells her they still have work tomorrow with the employment procedures, etc. They end their conversation and Onoya was also finished tidying up, and was now in the process of fixing Hishiro's futon so that the latter won't catch a cold, when something dropped near the bed. Something that made a clear clatter sound. Who knows what it could be? I'm betting it's a diary of some sort, so that Hishiro won't forget Kaizaki. We'll see next week if I'm right. :3

Images of Relife were taken from whiteoutscans.com

2. Shokugeki no Souma

We now have a continuation of when Erina asks Momo to taste her pancake souffle. Momo tells her that her sweet is indeed cute, but she only gives it 95%. What do you have against dorayaki, Momo? Hahaha. Remembering Tadokoro? XD


Meanwhile, Alice is laughing about something, but when Souma asks her what she's laughing about, she says it is nothing.

Anyway, Momo tells Erina that she would have gotten 100 full marks if she did away with the red bean and made the muscovado into a meringue instead, and said it wasn't worthy of full marks just like Tadokoro's dish. Erina taunts her then, to taste and see for herself what unnerved her in the previous battle. Momo eventually does taste it and the reaction is:

Momo says something about the deepness of flavor. Anne, the head judge, declares that the secret ingredient is... Greek Yogurt! Note that she specifies "quickly made" greek yogurt made by straining. There was some ruckus about how this happened, because they didn't see Erina working on it, but Erina reveals that she used a coffee filter for it. Momo is again, just dumbfounded, probably remembering that Tadokoro had used the same thing earlier. Erina explains that she got her idea from Tadokoro's challenging dorayaki.

Alice now reveals the reason she was laughing a while ago. Or giggling, whichever one fits. XD anyway, she mentions the name Erina gave the souffle. "Souffle Leger de Grace". Souffle Leger meant "Light Souffle", while Grace in French meant "Blessing". And "Megumi" is literally the Japanese word for "Blessing". In other words, it was basically named after Tadokoro. :3

Erina then proceeds to explain to Momo that she was vexed by Tadokoro's cooking because she couldn't acknowledge that it was a dish's sparkle that was unknown to Momo and Tadokoro had put in 120% into it even if it was putting her dish on the line.

Momo was showing such frustration because of this. Meanwhile, Erina was thinking to herself.
She looks at Souma just before she reminisce the first time they met.

Come to think of it, yeah, she was pretty frustrated then too. Hahaha. Indeed quite similar to what Momo must be feeling right now.

Momo then exclaims that Erina sure loves mouthing off from her pedestal, and tells her that they call her the Ice Queen too. Hahaha. She knows. And this battle between Queens is in the bag for her already though. But Erina responds to her that "I am no longer a queen content with sitting pretty on her throne."

Momo continues to fight off acknowledging the dish, but after a series of panels, eventually, she caves to the delicious cuteness of the dish which is not her own.

Of course, Erina wins. And with that, she does her own little version of Souma's catchphrase. "It wasn't all that much."


hahaha! Deny it all you want, Erina, you tsundere. :3 I really ship these two.

Tadokoro also congratulates Erina and thanks her for using her name, while crying, btw. hahaha.

And it's up for the next bout. Tsukasa vs Isshiki.

If I was to make my prediction, Tsukasa will win, but he will be greatly tired out by Isshiki, since Isshiki has yet to ever show his true skill anyway. Rindou will win too. And then it would Tsukasa vs Souma, and Rindou vs Erina, where Souma and Erina will tag-team to win.

Images of Shokugeki no Souma were taken from readshokugeki.com

3. Noblesse

(Apologies for my previous updates, I may have confused Lunark and Garda, I am correcting them now, as they finally show up together in one chapter)

Over in Noblesse, we see a flashback of when the 2nd elder was making the declaration of how only the strong will survive, and how they have to strive to be stronger than the person standing next to them, and that the weak will be sacrificed for the strong if need be.

It seems to be a flashback upon flashback. As the next scene is where some of the core warriors are talking about how they are criminals among their own people because they went along with using their own people to make themselves stronger.

And then it was back to the current, where Juraki is still struggling in the fight while thinking that they should have realized all of that sooner. We also see Dorant fighting with three opponents at once.


Dorant seems to be holding his own for a while, and even Juraki notices this, thinking of how Dorant can be this powerful even when he is not at his best state. But their regeneration abilities are just too high-level right now. Garda is also still going at it with the female opponent. There is just hardly any leeway.

The first elder also notes that these werewolves are still powerful despite not being in their normal states and was glad they acted now. Eventually, he tells the third elder to end this now. And again, we see that shockwave type of attack throw Dorant off.


Neither can I, Dorant. Neither can I. All I know is, this turns the tide of the fight very quickly into the opponent's favor, as it puts down one, causing Juraki to come to Dorant's side, and Garda to be distracted.

First elder walks a little closer to a fallen Garda (she literally fell from the sky), and declares that humans are the final victors. As the female enemy was going to finish Garda off, an attack comes from behind Garda.


Yep, they've finally made it to the scene. Happy, not happy? I don't know anymore. Just! Don't you dare drain more of Rai's lifeforce!

Images of Noblesse were taken from mangareader.net

4. Haikyuu!!

I laugh as Haikyuu!! opens to these panels...

Of course, it does make sense to feel that kind of pressure, since Kageyama's focus indicates he's going to hit a real mean serve, which he did in the next panels, which resulted in a service ace. This coming from a first year. Yep, Karasuno has a gem. Several, tbh. Fresh young gems. X3

Kageyama pulls off another awesome move as he drops the ball in front while the opponents anticipated a farther hit. This resulted in a chance ball for Karasuno, letting Hinata score a clean quick attack. On Kageyama's third serve, it was sadly received well, and Inari scores back.

Praises were being given to the two skilled setters of each team. But meanwhile, those on Inari's bench were talking about geniuses, or how they wished they had their talent. The ever dependable captain then tells them that these people they call geniuses are those that had worked twice as hard or the same amount but in a more efficient manner no matter what it takes, and that while calling them a genius is of course not an insult, since being able to charge ahead like they do is a talent in and of itself, but to think they were good from the get-go, condemning yourself to a predetermined defeat without even having a match against them is also very rude.

Going back to their rally, the ball almost falls to the ground as Kageyama fails to go higher than he intended in order to hit it, but once again, Hinata saves the ball with his foot, which results in a score for them.


Kageyama tells Hinata to go ahead and complain about his fail just then(this is probably in reference for the previous time when Kageyama seemed to be holding back) but all Hinata says to him is: "Complain? Why? Give me the next one too."

Hinata never fails to give such encouraging words without even trying hard. Lol. But nonetheless, he has encouraged his teammates.


Atsumu on the other team was also affected too. And what luck, since he is serving next. Get through this, Karasuno! I'm rooting for you, as always!

Images of Haikyuu!! were taken from readhaikyuu.com

5. The Gamer

Jihan gets home and finds Shiyeon still in training inside his 10x time ratio Instant Dungeon. He decides to check on her and witnesses her strong blazing aura.


As he smiles upon seeing her steadily getting stronger. He ponders about Shiyeon's organization. The guild leader who should be stronger than Shiyeon fell under the control of the Church of Masks. Actually, the entire organization did. And he muses that maybe they are too powerful to face in a head-on battle, since even a strong organization like Yeonhon Guild was defeated. As he continues in his thoughts, he arrives at the conclusion that he has a lot to do, including finding a way to break the divine connection between masks.

Suddenly, Shiyeon asks him where he has been, saying that she may be in training, but she is still aware of her surroundings. Jihan tells her he was checking out the enemy and he concludes that they will just break the connection by force.


Lol. Is it really that easy, Jihan? But the thought of being able to rescue the rest of her guild has already gotten Shiyeon excited. So they decided that breaking the mask is the way to go. Shiyeon then asks him when they are going to act, and Jihan's response is:


Shiyeon is confused, since Jihan just came from spying on them, but Jihan explains that logically, it would make no sense, but that is what makes it effective. I can get his train of thought. If they aren't expecting it, then they won't have the chance to prepare for what will hit them. But is their current power enough?

It seems they were really just after abducting someone from the Yeonhon guild that is under the mask's influence, and they now stand in the shadows watching some of them handing flyers at the side of the road. The openness of the place makes it difficult to act, but Jihan has an idea in the form of a smoke bomb.

While Shiyeon is panicking, Jihan explains all this with a composed face, saying that since they are under a spell, the normal people cannot see them, so they aren't in danger of being punished by Gaia, and since the guy is under the smoke, they also do not see him getting sucked into the instant dungeon.


Jihan is getting worse by the day, or maybe the hour. XD

Now they go after the guy. And Shiyeon requests to go first. Jihan lets her do so, and just cast magic on the ID.


As Shiyeon tries to destroy the mask, the person dodges and hits her in the gut. The person then spoke up, saying, "Didn't I tell you not to let your guard down? Shiyeon Kwon." Shiyeon then recognizes from the voice that the person is her guild leader.

What will become of this confrontation?

Images of The Gamer were taken from mangatown.com

6. Chihayafuru

The focus is opened to Arata who was on his way to catch a train going home. As they talk about how Arata is so caring towards the elderly, while being so timid and awkward with the young, which is why he has few friends among his age. He insists that he does have friends and was about to mention Chihaya and Taichi, when Murao reads the text message of who qualified for the Eastern Qualifier, and says that he is a lucky fellow, because it's like even the heavens are saying that the few friends he does have are enough.


He then remembers something they talked about before: "We have Karuta, so we'll meet again, right?"

Meanwhile, Chihaya wakes up to her alarm, and was saying that today she has to study biology and english, when she saw her kimono hanging in her room. She had told her mother that she qualified and her mother had said that she has to prepare her kimono. Now she touches her kimono and before long is already trying to wear it when her mother calls her to breakfast, breaking her reverie and reminding her of the many things she has to study, in compliance to the deal she made with her mom that she will pursue her karuta dream while also working hard to study for entrance exams.

Taichi was going to Kana's store with his mom, and she was even picking him up from school, but when they were about to leave, his mom got a call about his sister's sprained ankle. And now he is left to go to the store himself. He stops his friends from leaving and they even go to Kana herself to ask her to go with them.


They also asked Chihaya to go with them, but Chihaya passes, saying she has prior plans. I'm sure she has to study. Komano notices her expression, and tells her that she can leave Taichi to them.

When they get there, of course, Kana's mother is very happy. She has always liked Taichi for obvious reasons. haha. He's good model material. XD Apparently Taichi's mom gave specifications for a black-crested robe, which the others commented to be a lot like Harada-sensei's, but Taichi tells her that he actually likes one similar to the one he was lent before, though confessing he doesn't know much about what kind of kimono is appropriate. Kana's mom tells him that she will tailor his kimono for winning. (No! Arata should win! :<)

As Kana's mom proceeds with choosing the material according to how Taichi likes it, she also begins explaining things she researched herself, which would be good for competitive karuta. She concludes that the Samurai's Hakama is most suitable for competitive karuta. She then said that she will use silk so as not to make it too cheap. (Lol.) After that, she begins to take measurements.

Kana however...

Haha, well, let's leave that to her then. XD

Meanwhile, it seems I was wrong. Chihaya in fact, was on her way to Inokuma, who received Chihaya's request through Sakurazawa-sensei. And Chihaya's intention for going there is because she wants to be stronger than Shinobu. And when they were in the midst of choosing a reader, Chihaya gets a mail from Komano, and inside it are the recordings of the 7 professional karuta readers.


Taichi also bought two tabi and gave them to Komano and Nikuman-kun as thanks for watching his matches even though it was cold. That was when they found out exactly how serious Taichi is, to win against Arata and Suou. (uoooooh... the flags keep telling that Taichi will win. noooooo! Arataaaaa! :<)

And it is just now that I found out that Kuzuryuu's recording was during a match, which definitely took a lot of editing to make it useable for practicing competitive karuta. Apparently, Kana and Komano were the ones who poured time and effort to make these recordings.

It was then that Chihaya noticed something about Kuzuryuu's reading.

Perhaps it will be Kuzuryuu to read for them during the king and queen title match? :3 Anyways, ARATA HAS TO WIN! :<

Images of Chihayafuru were taken from mangakakalot.com

7. Dragon Ball Super

So he knows it. Goku and Vegeta know it. Everyone knows it. That Jiren is the main roadblock for Universe 7 to attain victory, and that he is insanely strong. You would see this by simply watching how he casually brushes off their attacks even when they're in such powerful modes.

Everyone on Universe 7 are basically cheering for Goku and Vegeta to push Jiren off using their continues attacks, but the two have other plans in mind, like attacking Jiren with a powerful attack at the same time. But I'm not so sure if that can do much against him. That guy is a monster.

After he survives that (with hardly any damage), they charge together and cause a huge collision explosion. Dyspo sees this from atop, and says that he will start heating things up too on his end. Ahh, but his opponent is Frieza, and he hasn't made any leeway with him, so I think we're good on that end. The two parry around destroying the terrain as they go. But Frieza tells him that his attacks are too linear and easy to predict. He does put up a good fight for a while, but it is not long til Frieza has him on his feet again.

Then Frieza proposes a deal that he will help Universe 11 if Dyspo promises to resurrect him with the Super Dragon Balls. Of course, this causes unrest among the Universe 7 in the stands. When Dyspo refuses, Frieza says it can't be helped and starts emitting a golden light. After that, he is seen to have transformed into Golden Frieza.


After this transformation, he becomes seemingly faster than Dyspo. But after that, it was Dyspo's turn to use his final secret technique: Super Maximum Light Speed Mode. The two Zenos even complain that it is too fast to see. Lol.

Frieza is also about to fall off, and at Beerus' cry, Gohan goes and prevents it in time. Frieza then asks Gohan in that snaky voice of his, if Gohan is sure about helping him, since he might betray Universe 7 for real this time. Gohan says that when that happens, he will push him off himself. As such, they decide to fight together for now.


As the two tag-team against Dyspo. They still can't him beat because of his speed, but as Gohan keeps firing at him, he notices something about Dyspo.

Gohan tells Frieza that if they narrow his field of movement they should be able to stop his movements. With Frieza's help, Gohan and Dyspo are encaged by red beams, allowing Gohan to par with him on a much fairer speed. Eventually, as they parry, Dyspo hits a beam and is hurt by it. Of course, these beams can hurt Gohan too, so it's a risk as well. And Frieza's ability to maintain the bars aren't limitless either. Eventually he does complain that it's taking so long.

As each side of the audience cheers their fellows on, Gohan finally corners Dyspo, only to have Frieza release the beams, letting Dyspo move freely again. Just as Dyspo readies himself to speed up again, Gohan holds onto him, and tells Frieza to attack. Frieza does so with pleasure, causing Dyspo and Gohan to drop out at the same time. Sacrificial Gohan. :( As he is teleported to the stands, he apologizes to the others, but they tell him that it is a good call, otherwise, Dyspo would have been hard to catch if he had escaped.

Six warriors remain, and there are only 6 minutes left. I guess, 6 more episodes of this tournament too. Haha.

8. Classroom of Elite

And where were we in my recall of the classroom of Elite? Lol. I think last time I was telling you about the pilot chapter, so I will now continue on for these succeeding weeks, until I finish the anime, and then I will probably continue with the light novel translations. I won't provide images here, since I'm just recounting it from what I watched before.

Basically, this episode starts with their swimming class. I just want to note that this happened quite differently from the one in the light novel. In the light novel, most of the girls skipped the class, because they got the hint that the boys were making bets as to who had the largest chest. And well, of course, girls wouldn't like to scrutinized or oogled like that. So they skipped. Kushieda, Horikita didn't skip though. Then again, it could just be because in the anime timeline, this is not the first swim class, so that could be one reason. Anyway, back to the anime, we see Horikita and Ayanokouji discussing the S-system which their advisor disclosed to them after the class complained about getting no point. It was revealed that all of the 1,000 CP allotted to them at the start of the year were deducted because of their careless behaviors during class. After some questions, she told them that the nearest time they can gain points is the midterm exam. She also unrolled the sheet showing their past quiz scores and told them it was such garbage scores. And that anyone who fails the midterm gets expelled.

The two discuss that everyone in class has to change their habits and pass the test in order for them to gain points. And that in order to get the sure college advancement and employment rate they dreamed off, they have to overtake Class C.

In the midst of their convo, Horikita notices Ayanokouji's body, and asks him if he does sports. Ayanokouji denies doing so. She was about to mention that his body seemed unusually well-maintained, when Kushieda comes out of the water and invites her to swim with them. She refuses as usual. And Ayanokouji just comments that she is unapproachable as usual, while Kushieda says that she wants to get closer to her.

It was also then that Hirata made his announcement about starting a study group. However, Sudou declares he wants out of it. And I'm sure a couple of boys have the same sentiments too, because they hate Hirata's popularity. XD

Back in Homeroom, we see a couple of students in need of money already. Lol. That's what you get for spending without a second thought. Meanwhile, Horikita invites Ayanokouji to lunch, offering to pay for it as well. Now, if you have seen Horikita's personality, you know that she does not offer free lunches just because. XD

Horikita reveals her motive just after Ayanokouji takes a bite of his tempura. hahaha. It seems she is interested in holding a study group of her own for the three guys who refused Hirata's study group despite having low scores. Sudou, Yamauchi and Ike. These are simply for her own desire to go up to Class A, and not because she wants to help them out.

Ayanokouji calls Kushieda that night to help him out with the study group plan. Kushieda agrees to do it, but she wants in on the study group. She also gives her phone number to Ayanokouji. She gets the yes from Yamauchi and Ike right away, and was working on Sudou now. This is the power of cute girls. Lol. Meanwhile, Ayanokouji texts Horikita about Kushieda joining the study group. He receives a call from her then and there with just a single word said: "Ie", or "No" in english. XD He tries to call her to talk some reason into her but she hangs up at that first sentence. Upon calling her again, she does not answer, but responds via messaging. He formulates his message, but she sent NO before he could even send the message to her. At this, he tells Kushieda that Horikita refuses, but Kushieda tells him to let her handle it.

During the study itself, Horikita and Sudou gets into a heated argument, which expanded to include basketball, which is his main thing. Sudou begins packing his stuff to leave, and the others decide to leave too, since Horikita simply doesn't know how to mince her words. When Kushieda tries to talk to her, she also argues with Kushieda after the boys left, and this resulted to even Kushieda leaving.

That night, as Ayanokouji decides to get something to drink, he witnesses Horikita talking with her older brother who was student council president. He is ashamed of a little sister who is in Class D and can't even recognize her shortcomings. As he was about to strike her, Ayanokouji stops him. Horikita tells him to stop, and as Ayanokouji lets go, her brother tries to strike him, but Ayanokouji dodges his hits and fends well.

Then the brother remembers that there was someone interesting in the freshmen who got 50s in all test. It is to note that in the light novel, it was Chiya-sensei who revealed this to Horikita when she went to question her why she is in Class D.
Anyway, her brother tells her that she has mistaken isolation for independence, which is actually precisely Horikita's problem.

The end of the episode shows that all of those in Class D were able to get high scores. As to how they achieved this, it is revealed in Episode 3, which I will talk about next week~~

Well, I'll end it here for now. Hopefully, I can continue with Net juu no Susume next week, since there was a lot of manga this week. I'm still working on some backlog as well. XD

If you liked the manga or anime you've read here, consider reading/watching them yourself as well! And then we can discuss them together!~~

Otherwise, you can also keep reading here, as I do my updates every monday! :3

See you next week!~~

Thank you, and Good day, Steemians!


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thank you so much! :3

This post has received a 12.46 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @kdee916.

I gonna try "The gamer" .Thank you)

ooh. go ahead! It's a pretty fun manga with an RPG touch. :3

Like SAO and Overlord?

well, a little bit like SAO. only the main char in the Gamer is actually in RPG mode. others have a different "power" so to speak. If you're looking for something like SAO, Log Horizon should be good. ^^

I gonna follow you, cuz your information pretty useful)

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