Updates to My Current Manga #7

in #manga7 years ago (edited)

So today, I was actually quite busy, being Christmas and all, and I only managed to start reading in the wee hours just before I posted this. :3 As I write this, I am thinking of all the possible manga I could include. The list I made last time is still a bit shoret considering that not all of them update every week. I am considering adding manga that I have already read before, just so I can share the story to others, because they are awesome XD, and upon the request of one of my friends @amarbir, I will include anime also into the list, so around January, this will probably become "Updates to Current Manga and Anime". :3

But for this week, I will stick to my manga list. The updates are the following:

  • Relife (211)
  • One Piece (889)
  • Shokugeki no Souma (244)
  • Noblesse (490)
  • Haikyuu!! (283)
  • The Gamer (201-202)
  • Baby Steps (305)
  • Skip Beat! (254)

1. Relife

In Relife, it's finally their graduation ceremony. We see Kaizaki going up the stage to receive his diploma. And I have flashbacks of when I received my high school diploma. haha.

After the ceremony, all of them are in the homeroom, with their advisor giving her little speech about how they are taking their steps into adulthood and about how they should get back up again if they fail in the future. That they should accumulate more of their memories like these because they will be valuable down the road. "Just stay calm. Don't be afraid. Believe in yourself." She congratulates them for graduating. Later on, in the post-notes, she is seen crying, while two other teachers comfort her. Lol.

The students flock out and say their goodbyes and "see you again"s. The gang, however, is in their usual corner, discussing the fact that Kaizaki, Hishiro, Yoake, and Onoya will not be able to spend spring break with them. While they are sad about that, but since they will be seeing each other again in April, they aren't that bummed out. At the mention of this, Kaizaki has that small sad smile again as he rubs his table. (Lol) He thanks the gang for the incredible year he has had because of them.
shining kaizaki

  • Sniff * You are shining now, Kaizaki...

His saying thank you to all of them surprises them. They tell him that it sounds like they'll never meet again. Kaizaki passes it off as a joke, as if it was something you just had to say when you graduate. He then tells them to cherish every moment, and again, the gang teases him that he sounds like an old man. Hishiron is dumbfounded for a moment, but then she blurts out, "Me too!"
Wanting to be able to express her feelings, Hishiron thanks everyone as well. The Hishiron who was so clumsy at making friends because she didn't know how to, has such an endearing smile on her face as she thanks them.
shining hishiron
Hishiron is shining too. I'm so proud of these two... (Lol, I feel like a hen watching over her growing baby chicks) In fact, seeing this smiling Hishiron, it is as if the gloomy Hishiron was all just a figment of the imagination.

But this is just a stop-gap. Just a little more... I wonder what next chapter will hold?

Images of Relife were taken from whiteoutscans.com

2. One Piece

Down on One Piece, we have the continuation of Carrot's rampage, but Carrot apparently can't stay in that form for much longer or she will lose consciousness and die from exhaustion of fighting. So Brook walks, or maybe the right term is "runs", on water to come over to help her put down some enemies.

Meanwhile, on Bege's ship, Sanji and Bege are arguing because Bege wants to put explosives inside, but Sanji would not allow it on his pride as a cook, and declares he will defeat her using the cake's deliciousness. They continue arguing until Sanji stuffs Bege's mouth with some of the food while he was talking.
Bege falls down due to the deliciousness. XD lol. Point made, Sanji-kun. XD

Back to the main battlefield, Brook helping Carrot out definitely saved her just in the nick of time and they were able to get back to the ship, allowing Carrot to transform back. But here comes Big Mama who has gotten skinnier due to not having eaten anything since her eating disorder got triggered.
And now a Big Mama, that is much more dangerous than usual, lands on the ship... What will the Straw Hats do?

Images of One Piece were taken from mangalife.us

3. Shokugeki no Souma

Onwards to the ongoing Shokugeki... Saitou-senpai gladly acknowledges his defeat, realizing that he too has been able to get far because of the people who supported him just as how Souma defeated him with the help of all that he learned from his friends and the people he's encountered.
Souma defeated a senpai! A high-level senpai at that! The guys over at the cage even broke the cake out of excitement, and had rushed to crush Souma down to the ground. Lol.
And these two, acting cool at the side, just giving their analysis of things. Hahaha. I remember when these two and Souma would argue about who's the strongest because of their three-way fight back then, and now Souma has gone ahead and defeated a member of the elite ten. Well, well.

Back in their waiting room, Souma is offered forms of recuperation and they go ahead and plan their strategy for the next bout. The next bout is gonna be very tricky, since they are up against the top 2 of the elite ten and momo-chan. They have to come up with a good battle plan. Isshiki is all up to go, and apparently, Erina as well. Now I'm, not sure who among Takumi and Souma will go. I'm inclined to think that Takumi will, reserving Souma for the last bout. But what if this was the last bout??? Lol. Possibilities. XD

In the image below, we see Erina about to propose something, while Souma takes a drink of the tea forced upon him. Whatever could Erina's interjection be about?? Hmmmm...

In the other room, Eizan is ratting on Saitou because he lost, and yet Saitou even seems relieved. Saitou just tells him that Souma is a man of fortitude, and that it was satisfying to watch Eizan lose. (Lol.) Momo, on the other hand, is taking a selfie with her creation from the last battle. We see her asking nene to sew back bucchi while she is busy. But what about the other two, Tsukasa and Rindou? They are not in the room...

Takumi and Souma finds them both to already be in the arena. A very lively Rindou greets them, while a Momo who is in a bad mood strides in. She declares that all she has to do is cook up something cute again to vent and make her opponent much on their dish until they can't take another bite. Erina responds by saying, "Even if that opponent is me?"
Upon her entrance, the arena goes into uproar, because, well, she's on the rebel's side. But Souma is just really looking forward to seeing Erina in a shokugeki. :3 Come to think it, yeah, Erina hasn't been shown in any Shokugekis before, atleast what she made has never been shown. This is exciting. I wanna see too!

Well, next up, we have Round 1!
3rd bout

Images of Shokugeki no Souma were taken from readshokugeki.com

4. Noblesse

Mirai is still caught in a fight with the two mysterious men sent by the first elder. She manages to escape, but we get a glimpse of what the mysterious men sees. They seem to be... Androids?

In her escape, Mirai bumps into Bashum, another warrior, who is also currently escaping from his attackers. Apparently, there are also two men who attacked him. He notices that there is a warrior slung over Mirai's shoulder, and asks about him. She tells him that he was the only survivor from where she came from, and he tells her that there were none from where he was.

Mirai tells him that they have to split up or it will difficult for them both, but he tells her that he will stay behind and buy them time. She counters by asking him what good it will be to buy time. But he responds in a calm manner, telling her that they have to protect the man on her shoulder. That for so long, they have been cold to their warriors because they belonged to a different crew, but since the recent incident, that has changed between the werewolves. The werewolves back then had really strayed so far by sacrificing their own people for the sake of power, but now, Bashum realizes that all of that was wrong and regrets it as he stays behind to fight and buy time for Mirai to escape and save the other warrior. "Our warriors should have been like this sooner." I sense so much regret behind these words of Bashum, noting the new camaraderie between the werewolves. This is probably gonna be Bashum's last stand.

The first elder and third elder are now walking towards the werewolves' throne, and they are stopped by a couple of werewolves. The first elder tells the third elder to deal with them. The third elder is really creepy. With just a glare, he released some sort of power that was felt by the two strongest warriors currently present somewhere on the island. If this is the power of the third elder, what could the first elder do, then?

Images were taken from mangareader.net

5. Haikyuu!!

Over in Haikyuu, we find a tired a Tsukishima, who was unable to block properly, and was even off during a synchronized attack, causing a misplay. Kageyama starts to apologize but Tsukki cuts him off, telling him it was him to who didn't jump high enough, and he begins thinking about how Hinata always does more than what is required of him. As he is in this reverie, Kageyama cuts him off this time, telling him it was his fault.
The thing with these two, is that their little aggression towards each other is often funny to watch.

Azumane is now up to serve, and the announcer was talking about how Azumane's serves were 50-50, sp now he goes and serves right on the line making a no-touch ace, proving them that there's more to him. He serves another, but captain Kita saves it, giving them a chance to hit. Tsukki and Kageyama manage to block that, giving them a chance to hit. The twins are planning another reverse minus-tempo again, but they missed, and it would have been a misplay had Kita not saved the ball yet again. Captain Kita is really good at saving balls and following up. A very good support captain.

But Karasuno still has spirit in them, fueled in part by Hinata's declaration in the previous chapter. They do another synchronized attack. Some might think that what they're doing is reckless like how it failed in the last attempt. If it fails, and there is no one to follow up, you will lose the point. But as if to point out that, unlike in Captain Kita's case, who is there to support the team, Karasuno is a team where everyone is aiming to score. The chapter closes as the Karasuno catches up to Inari 20-20. Next episode might be the final of this match.

Images of Haikyuu!! were taken from readhaikyuu.com

6. The Gamer

It seems The Gamer had two updates over last week? Anyway, we now follow Ji-han as he waits outside the enemy territory: the Church of Masks Daycare Center. And who is he waiting for? Just these guys...
Well, I for one, am glad that he didn't go alone. But why these two, specifically?

I found out the answer to my question a little later. It seems it is because Seonil and Seong-ah has a lot of power backing them up, which will make the enemy cautious of attacking. Lol. Very cunning, Ji-han. And it turns out that they are going in under the pretense of volunteer work as students.

Seonil presents to him all kinds of possible situations, to which this smug sorcerer answers:

Well, it turns out that our usually filthy rich Ji-han is currently broke because of all his preparations. Lol. Right now, he only has 270 bucks.

And I was wondering what volunteer work they were going to do. Turns out it is washing. XD First, i was worried that Seong-ah might be having trouble but one look at this face says i have nothing to worry about:
Ji-han, however, does not enjoy it. hahaha. And he even comments about donating a washing machine. This rich kid...

After some washing, Ji-han declares that he already has the information he needs, with the help of his little kitty army. He mentions that they don't have any devices set up in the real-worl. Seonil and Seong-ah find that odd. As they talk about that, they are called into the general office already. Nothing much happens there, and they leave the office only to bump into the glasses guy, who is right now, not wearing glasses. Ji-han recognizes him: Yoonhwan Shin. He wonders what Shin is doing here, and notices again that he cannot see Shin's level. He muses that Shin must know about Jihan's abilities that is why he cannot see his information. Shin then declares that he lives in the daycare center, and that he is an orphan. At this point, Ji-han has identified him as an enemy. Of course, he is. Lol. Last time, he was able to do some weird stuff with the spies.

The other has seemingly caught on to him as an enemy, and are eyeing him negatively. Such negative aura, guys! hahaha. And he tells them that it hurts being stared at just because he's an orphan. But Seonil tells him that it's not because he's an orphan. He asks them what other reason could there be?
Seong-ah eyes him warily, and tells him he is "acting innocent". She is so funny! Talk about, straight-forwardly calling off your enemy. Hahaha.

Shin continues to play innocent and all, and Seong-ah continues to not buy his act. As he says that he doesn't understand, she straightforwardly tells him that he is from the abyss and is part of the Church of Masks. They are surprised when he replies "What's that?"

Suddenly another person shows up, a girl in a wheelchair who looks like Shin. Well, she is also a Shin. Her name is Yoohwa, and her information are also hidden from Ji-han. it is at that point that he notices that Yoonhwan Shin is not wearing his glasses, while the girl was wearing glasses. It turns out the girl is his little sister. She tells him that the "seventh sister" was looking for Yoonhwan Shin and he goes off after telling them that he would see them at school. When Yoonhwan was gone, they start thinking that it all strange, and it's possible that Yoonhwan Shin wasn't acting at all.

Suddenly, Yoohwa tells them that there is nothing strange about it at all. She calls them out, apparently recognizing them from the Abyss as from the Cheon Bu Moon Clan, and the Gamer. She says that they might have been too bold to come to the heart of the enemy base to spy on them.

Probably, the glasses is the mask for these siblings. That's what I think. We'll find out more on this in the next chapter.

Images taken from mangareader.net

7. Baby Steps

Ei-chan comes to realize that Asano is much stronger than he originally thought, even saying that his level is much higher than what JTA rank of 71 might indicate. Some comments from the audience are about him probably making a comeback now that he has stopped focusing on power so much, and has mixed in technical into his play. Ei-chan has also been thinking all along, and decides to put more emphasis on power than he usually does, since he is better in terms of power compared to Asano. Power and Control and Change of Pace. With the way he played, not a single serve was yielded to Asano and the audience were also amazed by him. Their play was that of a "Technique" showdown, which entertained the audience, and this continued on until the final set.

Ei-chan is in a bit of a bind as he is having trouble analyzing Asano's attack patterns because of their variety. Just as he thinks there might not be good data to use, he finds one on one of the pages of his notes.

Asano is also thinking of a way to break. He thinks of all sorts of things, also having trouble, and that was when he notices Nene, and is glad to see her. She has some narration over her about how Asano had begged her to come and she even took paid leave to go, and yet he only noticed her just now. Lol. They were having a conversation without speaking.

After seeing nene, Asano has seemingly gotten the encouragement he needed and is ready to go on the attack. Just when Ei-chan thinks he has found an answer, Asano has gotten some inspiration and has changed up his techniques confusing Ei-chan as he now uses serve and volley. As Ei-chan ponders how to breaks, he finally decides that the game is up to his returns and is focused on making sure that he won't be able to do his techniques by putting a stop using his return balls.

They have both decided what kind of play they will go for this set, the next chapter we will see which will come out on top.
Image was taken from otakusmash.com

8. Skip Beat!

We see a flashback of when Ren was telling Kyoko-chan off about using acting for her revenge, and right after that, it goes back to a very angry Kyoko, who had just found out that Morizumi only came back to the Japan to audition for Lotus of the Mire so that she could get the attention of the guy she likes. The relation of the flashback is that Morizumi is currently just using acting for her own means, not because she earnestly wants the part or like the program. This added to the fact that Kyoko still thinks Ren likes her, and yet she goes and falls for someone else. Kyoko is greatly enraged right now, that she has even started making another of her dark dolls. Lol.

She is partially calmed down by "princess Rosa", the personification of the necklace pendant that Ren gave her. And she lets go of the voodoo doll that she made from the grass. Lol. She makes her way back to the studio, while still in deep contemplation about how it is unlikely that Ren would get tricked by a girl like her. There she finds Moko-chan and Yashiro waiting for her. Whatever it was he told her, this made her rage explode through the roof!


Finally, it is revealed that Morizumi did in fact, withdraw. It was hinted in the previous chapter but i thought it couldn't be true. It's probably a ploy. I'm sure that girl is planning something evil again, like what she did to Erika.

What angers Kyoko is how she just up and withdrew, without even giving it her all yet, or exhausting all her options, as if it didn't mean that much to her. Ren, or the part of Momiji, as if they mean so little to her. In fact, when Kuresaki cam to talk to her, she was still in rage. He tells her that she will act in Morizumi's place for the Chidori test of Asahina.

I was wondering how she was gonna be able to act well with that disposition, but once again, Moko-chan saves the day by calling out to her and telling her not to forget their promise that the next time they meet, it will be as Chidori and Momiji. :3 Moko-chan <3

Moko-chan tells her that this is also probably still a test to confirm if Kyoko is really fit to be Momiji, and she tells Kyoko not to ruin her image as an actress. She already lost concentration earlier, and if she does that again, Kuresaki will probably choose the one who is more determined for the role, making Kyoko lose to the cheating quitter. She also mentions that Kyoko glaring at Kuresaki already was not helping her at all. hahahaha
Moko tells her to prove to them that she is a real actress.

fist bump

The chapter ends with a fist bump between these two friends. :3 I am looking forward to the next!!

Images were taken from mangafreak.net

Well, that has been me for this week's manga updates! I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did while reading. ^^


And good day, Steemians! :3


@wanderingartist found something for your interest. Thanks me later.

really, what did he find?

Thanks! I post every week. ^^

nice post!

thank you! and thanks for reading! ^^

It is really an awesome post. Keep it up

Thank you! I will! ^^

manga vs anime, which would u prefer more?

Manga. Hahaha. It's much easier to catch up with. XD then again, I like them both. Often there are sides that are presented in the manga but not in anime, and vice versa, so I try to follow both. ^^

U know, it's amazing you can read different mangas at a time, I can't do that. If i read one manga, i will just stick to that manga until it finishes, then continue to another one like a book

Well, actually, it's because all those manga are ongoing ones. So they update either weekly/bi-weekly/monthly, and I get restless if I don't start reading something. Haha. For completed mangas, I read those in one-go, or over consecutive days without jumping to another manga until I finish that one. XD so yeah. In a way, I am also like you. I like to write these updates so that even I can remember what I read during what chapter, coz often I only remember what happened but not what chapter it happened. Haha

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I'm always reading multiple mangas, and I think its cool that you post about the ones that you're reading. Great post!!!

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