
Manga. Hahaha. It's much easier to catch up with. XD then again, I like them both. Often there are sides that are presented in the manga but not in anime, and vice versa, so I try to follow both. ^^

U know, it's amazing you can read different mangas at a time, I can't do that. If i read one manga, i will just stick to that manga until it finishes, then continue to another one like a book

Well, actually, it's because all those manga are ongoing ones. So they update either weekly/bi-weekly/monthly, and I get restless if I don't start reading something. Haha. For completed mangas, I read those in one-go, or over consecutive days without jumping to another manga until I finish that one. XD so yeah. In a way, I am also like you. I like to write these updates so that even I can remember what I read during what chapter, coz often I only remember what happened but not what chapter it happened. Haha

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