Turns out Bonython Park is huge. The balloons helped a lot; everyone found us in the end.

in #mallsballers7 years ago

Great turnout, beautiful weather, lovely partners, gorgeous kids; we had a fantastic time yesterday at Adelaide's first meetup.


Huge shoutout to those who helped, @dolladu and @polichick bringing salads, @holoz0r and @ursa88 with meaty goodness, and @nerdfury with his tripod.
Everybody offered to help in some way, and really made an effort to engage.

In the lead up, we recruited #1448 to make some moulds for chocolate coins.

They got a bit melty in the sun, but went down a treat.

@lexclarke and

Were all in attendance, as well as half a dozen family members and the steemit mobile.


These balloons were meant to be decorative, but turned out to be a crucial navigation aid.
They've done a great job, and have temporarily retired to my ceiling.
They'll be re-heliumed next year.
Online supplier here
I recommend something similar for anyone planning to run a meetup.

The camera went well, but starts a new file every 10 minutes of filming. I'll see if there's a way around this, or a way to stitch them into one file, for future events.

I'd like to thank my wife, Amanda. She couldn't be there this time, but it wouldn't have been half as successful without her logistical help and encouragement. Thankyou Sweetheart.

I absolutely recommend doing this.
If you're in a reasonably big city, and nobody's planned one, then do it yourself.
Remember, you're not a customer here, waiting to see what's offered.
You're an entrepeneur, building your personal brand.
Look for ways to add value to this place, and the people you share it with.
Stop asking 'Who's going to let me', and start asking, 'Who's going to stop me'.


Looks like a Steemin' good time was had by all! Resteemed as an example to the entire Steemit Community.


Thanks mate. I won't be happy until #teamaustralia is >50% ballers.

Definitely suggest people do it in their own city, if they know of others there too. Hoping for even more to be there next year and looking forward to it again.

It was a great afternoon! Absolutely well done, Matt! Looking forward to the next one already!

Wouldn't have been the same without you.
How was day one?

Looks like you all had fun.

It really went well. I know you had concerns about numbers on Saturday, how did it turn out?

Lol. Just @frobear and I. But we had one got the day wrong and would have been there but on the bright side @frobear actually did a post and it gives us room for improvement for the next one.

Full marks for having a solid crack at it mate.

Sweetness!!! I love it! I have a buddy in Winkie I am trying to get to join up and meet up with you guys. He's filled me in on some of the lingo I wasn't saying correctly. Like Straya, instead of my MN accent saying Ahhstraleyuh. I also know what a stingin' roger is now thanks to him and your guys' weird TV shows.

Remember, you're not a customer here, waiting to see what's offered.
You're an entrepeneur, building your personal brand.

I liked this the most though and think you could definitely segue it into a post elaborating on it.

Nice work team Australia!

What's a stingin' roger...?

...Ooooh, can't wait for this one lol

Hahaha, apparently it's from a TV show you guys have called the the big lez show. We don't have it here in the states and apparently a stingin' roger is the name for the end of a joint when it starts to burn your lips. You Strayan's sure come up with some goofy stuff :)


I just gave myself one of those the other day!

Lucky you ;) I thought Straya was pretty strict on that front, no?

I'm up in Vancouver, Canada. There is literally two dispensaries side by side across the lane from me. It's easier for me to buy ganja than gasoline!

Ahhhhh, well then double lucky you!! Why don't you load up the car and head East to Minnesota with some goodies for me. I'm sure you won't run into any trouble, lol.

Yeah, the borders these days are a breeze lol

Where's Winkie?
Is MN Minnesota?
Maine? Michigan?

Winkie is just a few hours East of you, I believe. The small red pin on the map.
MN is Minnesota. If you want a terrible example of how we talk, just watch the movie Fargo.

I just watched the TV series a couple of months ago. I was hoping it was Minnesota for just that reason.
Did the TV show get the accent right?

I just thought of this, for a frame of reference...it's like how most of the rest of the world thinks that in Straya', Dingoes eat all your babies, lol.

Because they hadn't been known to be aggressive toward people, it was a real controversy.
A lot of people still disagree, despite Lindy Chamberlain being convicted, jailed, found innocent and released, there are still many who have their doubts.
I was too young to really be across it.

Holy crap, my whole life I just thought it was a running joke about australians. I had no idea there was an actual case against a woman who actually had her baby eaten by a dingo. I researched it and I was 7 years from being born, but still, I figured the background to the joke would have surfaced earlier than today. This absolutely blows my mind, thanks for the info.

I read a great reddit post once.
'What did you learn embarrassingly late?'
One guy said his friend was 32 when he discovered volcanoes are real.

LOL! YAH, SHURE, YA' BETCHA! OH DONTCHA' KNOW? hahaha, there are probably a few people who talk like that, but 99% do not. Us Minnesotans get a kick out of it because the rest of the country thinks we all talk like that. All our land is corn fields, and its cold and snowy all year long, too. The funniest part is, Fargo isn't even in MN, it's in North Dakota.

That is great you guys got together over in Australia! I was blown away when I saw the crew Team Philippines was rolling with. I swear there were like 40 people or something.

Thanks to you Matt those who attended had a really enjoyable time. I agree, steemians around the globe should be doing this sort of thing. It promotes community and allows like-minded people to engage without the computer screen being in the way. Thank you for arranging it and for those that also helped.Very cool photography also!

The camera gives us raw data, which we can manipulate in hundreds of ways.
Feel free to use anything I've posted. I've spun this so you're the focus.


I’m finally in the limelight! 🤔🤣 Made the big time!

Looks like the fame has already swollen your head :)

Just remember we're buddies when shtf ;)
Really appreciate you guys making the trip.
Your wife is lovely.

Way to get 'er done Matt! And really great advice re: ...who's gonna' stop me

I love that shit!!!

I also loved those chocolate rounds (genius!), and that 360' lens is wicked.

Cheers mate!

I'm glad we had enough ballers to pull it together.
Lots of trial and error to get the coins right, but I have the moulds now, and the balloons for next year :)

Thanks for putting this on, we had a great time.

It was great to finally put faces to all of these names too!

Watching the footage, Alana stole the show (and several cupcakes). So cute.
Thanks for bringing them all :)

OMG!!! You made a mold!!! If I wasn't so precious over my coin I would so do one. Looks like a great meet you guys!

You should be very proud of your design, it's delicious :)

Lol it looked delish.. could be your new business... ;)

Send me your postal address on steemit.chat and I'll send you one.
Don't get it over 65C though, or it'll melt into goo :)

Ohh well thats not gonna work then. Ill be using the mold for resin 😊 I've got the silicone mix to make the mold but its all about - do I take a round out of the case - problem lol

So sweet of you though @mattclarke

Does resin get that hot?
I know it gets warm, but I didn't think it got too hot to hold.

Ohh mate.. it will if I stuff the resin to catalyst ratio.. which btw, keeps shifting as the weather changes and as the piece cures.

I use 3 types of molds. Silicone, glass and stainless steel.

Ive used plastic before and the plastic melted.. 😢

You've got me thinking about the possibilities, now...
I think I have some old resin in the laundry.
Not sure how long it lasts, but might do some craft with the kidlets and see what we can make.

What kind of resin?

I was actually thinking you can make crayons with yours 😊

I'll have to check when I'm home.
I can do candles and soap too, perhaps?

My moulds are rigid though. You can't bend it away from the cast like you can with something flexible.

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