Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 13 entry

It is quite interesting that when I started participating in the Information Finding Championship over the last couple of rounds, I have come across ideas that seem to be floating around in the back of my mind so that all I had to do was to reach out and write it down.

And when I saw the round 13 and realized that I had seen @timcliff's shilling contest but I wasn't able to think of anything to enter it I thought this streak was about to come to an end, or has it?

This morning I went through the usual emails in my inbox, and at the top of the list was The Listserve winner, and all of a sudden a few light bulbs went up.

For those of you who don't know what The Listserve is, it is basically a lottery where one person is drawn randomly to write to what is a group of over 1 million subscribers now:

Now this idea would have come to me earlier when I tried to run a Bounty Contest to see if there are other Listservians on Steemit, but unfortunately that contest wasn't quite as popular as the couples or siblings contest:

And since this is a lottery and I have never won before in over 5 years, I have at least been writing back to people that have won and telling them about Steemit, the same way I am telling people here about Listserve now. For example, the last person I wrote to was from Poland, and I thought I'd share with her the posts people from Poland were writing:

So what if we could get as many people subscribing to Listserve as possible, and when anyone of us wins we can just put a small note to tell people about this, it would instantly reach so many people in the world! Plus I think it is just another very interesting way to connect with people from all walks of life and from around the world :)

To find out more:

P.S. I think the other thing we should do is take advantage of the incredible artwork that many people are creating on Steemit and use it (or display it) whenever we can. I took advantage of @fabiyamada's beautiful artworks to replace my computer desktop wallpaper so when people see it they will probably wonder what the symbol means

My messy but now more interesting desktop...


Great entry plushzilla! I like the back ground image and your efforts to get the word out, also.. The listserve thing is really interesting! That's a great idea! I'm going to have to look into it more, but.. How would it work, would we all create our own separate messages about steemit, or all use the same one? And if we all use the same one we should sort of come together to agree on what the most powerful message would be?

Cool idea! Looking forward to learning more. :) Thanks for the entry! PS I think you may need to post this in the round 13 thread as I'm not seeing it in my replies, and that's the best place for the judges and everyone else to see it as not everyone checks the #informationfinding tag.

Hi @apolymask, I find it most effective to do the simple thing well so I have applied that strategy to promoting Steemit since I am not really that active on social media elsewhere. The Listserve is just an email group, and people who subscribe to it are just randomly drawn to write a post, which means that the more people who are on Steemit sign up the more chance we have of being able to write a post to everyone. Of course, I think you should also use the opportunity to say things that you want, so we shouldn't impose how people promote Steemit there . But I thought it was an interesting way since I don't know anyone on Steemit who is also on Listserve (except for me).

Ah! I see. That's a really cool idea. :) I like it and.. I think it could help if we get a bunch of people to do it! And who knows, even one person could get lucky and it could help a lot. Great entry!

I'd also like to remind you that you didn't copy the link of this post and share it in the official round 13 thread where it's suppose to go, and if you don't post it there not as many people or judges will see it. It's not just you, there's a number of people who are forgetting to place their entries there.. And I'm not sure what else to do other than keep trying to remind people to put them in the proper place.

Sorry and thanks for the reminder. I remember being a judge on a different contest and it is one of the most difficult thing to track down the entries :p I will definitely be reminding people if I get a chance to be a guest judge :)

No worries! And you're welcome. It's not a big deal to remind people, though I do think perhaps there is a way to make it more clear so it happens less, perhaps the wording needs to be adjusted a bit. And good to know if you end up being a guest judge! We can definitely arrange that, I think you would be a great guest judge! :)

I think the feeling of missing out on a prize because you didn't follow the instructions properly is the best way to remember. There's nothing wrong with the wording... sometimes people just don't read it or forget. I am not even sure how I forgot because I definitely did it the first two times that I entered the contest.

I'd love to be a guest judge for one of the rounds, maybe one of the rounds that involve doing drawings because I am less likely to submit an entry :p

That's a good point and an effective way to learn, I tend to learn when I mess up, hopefully! Heh. And yeah it is spelled out, though maybe I could emphasize it more or repeat it and be like.. "We have a lot of people forgetting to post this in the official thread, this is a reminder"

I need to try to simplify and make things shorter soon, so maybe I can add a lil reminder in there too. We'll see!

Cool! We're doing a drawing round right now, I'll ask the others and see what they think, I think they'll probably be okay with it if you're not competing in that particular round.

Good, because I don't think I have made a start on it yet :D But I do love seeing all the lovely and creative work by people who obviously are a lot more talented in that department than I am.

I was also tempted to start telling people to put the links to the contest page as well but I thought it might sound silly if I am telling people to do something that I didn't do, could seem a bit hypocritical :D

Ha ha, I love the desktop! I have a folder called 'The Rug'... Lots of stuff goes in there!

I used to love customizing my trash icon because it was one of the places I go to the most :D I even had to had a folder where I moved things that I wanted to delete before I deleted them, so similar to your 'rug' :)

I love the way that you see the life and the opportunities that the life give you!

Have you checked out Listserve yet? I am curious to find out if there are any Steemians on Listserve (and vice versa)... so far I am the only one that I know :p

Hahaha, I didn't know about that page! I think that you are the only that I know too!

If you sign up then you'll be the second person :D

Great entry! I love your desktop artwork. Plus your idea of 'shilling' on The Listserve is great. 1 million viewers! What a boon that would be!

I can't take credit for the artwork by @fabiyamada :p

But if you like the artwork and want to use it for your desktop wallpaper I am sure she will be very happy :)

I'm voting for this entry for this round. I think it is a good idea And was the closest thing to what we were asking for. Unfortunately a number of people seemed confused about this round. I think maybe it had to do with the word "shill" but I dunno, it is what it is. I'm going to sign up to listserve myself and give it a shot and if this entry wins then we'll try to get even more people to sign up and do similar. :)

I probably should have gone over to timcliff's post and read the details the first time, but in any case it would be great to get people on Listserve to join Steemit (and vice versa)... I have made up for it by going over to his more recent post this time and dropping some comments there so we'll see if I am closer to the mark this time :)

This sounds like a silly question, but how do the votes work for IFC? I have been looking at the round 14 entries and will probably start doing some 'preliminary judging' soon...

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