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RE: Zord was in a Band, and He Thought He Was Cool #makemesmile

in #makemesmile6 years ago

Well highschool days was the best time for this kind of thing, I mean all things that we think was cool hahahahaha I was in a band too, few of it, won a some battle of the bands and talent gigs but the band never a permenant one. I still remember the last band I was in during highschool where we won the school talent night and it wasn't even my own band. We formed it a few weeks before the talent night and we were roomates in the hostel. We all wanted to join the talent night but we don't have any band so we got together (kinda like those kids that nobody want in their band), played some Indonesian songs and won first place! Beating all the bands that thought they were cooler than us... of course saham naik after that lah... LOL! :D


Wow!!! You're some legit band man. Ours was just a fiction of our imagination. Haha. I've heard of battle of the bands, and always got intimated by the 'looks' of the bands. You know, dreadlocks, and that long hair guy who usually is good at shredding the guitar.

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