Make a Minnow - My Nomination

in #makeaminnow7 years ago (edited)


A message came from the blue.

"Hey, so I have this thing...."

Thing? What was the crazy Aussie talking about?

"I have a super secret thing to discuss..."

OK, color me intrigued. "Talk to me."

"Super top secret...I need a pledge of silence..."

Pledge? Like a blood oath or something?

"Bro fists or it ain't happening..."

Fists were produced.

This is a version of the chat between @Sammosk and myself that took place earlier today. Many such chats had already taken place. He had a plan. A bold plan. It was already underway. Did I want in? Once I learned of it, how could I refuse?

The Plan

In case you haven't read @Sammosk's earlier ANNOUNCEMENT, he is heading up an exciting new project for the Minnow Support Project. It is called Make a Minnow. Us founders will get to nominate who we feel deserves a huge 10,000 SP delegation for ONE MONTH!!! A minnow will get made into a dolphin. How cool is that? We plan to do this over the next 4 weeks. Once the 4 weeks is up, the first made minnow will drop out and we will pick another. Then every week, another will drop out and be replaced. Only MSP members will be considered, especially those who give a lot of their time to engage with the wider community.

In super top secret, @Sammosk and @eturnerx decided to make @Isaria the first Made minnow, and I couldn't be happier with their choice. 10,000 SP delegation is already in @Isaria's account and I am sure she will use it wisely for the benefit of all MSP. Congratulations @Isaria!

The founders will get to produce a post, much like this one, detailing who they nominate to be Made and why. A specified percentage of the post value will be donated into the pot to go towards buying delegation for our next choice. I pledge that 50% of the SBD payout from this post will be sent to support the Make a Minnow Foundation.

My choice

The MSP member who receives my vote this time around is @RhondaK. From the moment we first met on PALnet we just bonded. We have much in common and I have always been able to count on her unwavering support. In addition, she created my favourite community on PALnet, the fiction-workshop, and has encouraged me to explore writing fiction, something I now love to do. She is the most generous person with her time, both on PALnet and in real life: @RhondaK runs an animal sanctuary yet receives very little help from her local community. She makes sure the animals are fed before seeing to her own needs and is truly a wonderful woman. This is why I vote for @RhondaK to be Made.

The Mission

The goal of this project is to give a stronger voice to those who are invested in making Steemit a bigger, better network of content sharing and curation.

The winner will receive not just the benefit of the prize, but the responsibility to curate wisely.

A greater ability to interact and influence on SteemIt is not a thing to be taken lightly.

We are certain the winners of this prestigious title will not let us down.

It goes without saying, but no nominating yourself.

Attempts to collude or manipulate the voting will cause instant dismissal from this weeks MaM Nomination.

All votes must be accompanied with a post or comment here along with a pledge of 50% or more from the post/comment reward to be donated to @msp-makeaminnow with the memo "MaM Nomination" as soon as possible.

The only users eligible to cast a vote are listed in this post as the founding / donating members. If I have missed one of you please let me know.

MaM nominees are chosen based on exemplary behaviors and attitudes in their communities and following on from that..

We (the founding members) reserve the right to terminate a delegation, veto a nomination entirely, or substitute a MaM winner for any reason, at any time, after reaching consensus between the founding members, should it be found that the winner is engaging in behavior contrary to the goals of Peace, Abundance and Liberty.

Proud member and supporter of the #minnowsupportproject - brought to you by @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem, and @canadian-coconut
Click HERE to learn more


Oh gosh, warn me next time. I'm busy critting away and get a message to check your feed, see this and start blubbering all over the Workshop.

Thank you, GMuxx. I'm touched deeply by this. Whether I win it or not, your words, man. Your words. They got me. I'm a mess.


I'm throwing my hat in the ring for @rhondak
Good luck babe, you're the best.
Nice one Monkfish Muxxy!

I 100% support & agree. @RhondaK is awesome!

I'll second that vote for @rhondak, muxxy!

Nomination noted.

Nice to see this project, I hope to get nominated one day!

great idea to help those that voluntary help others


I've made my thoughts clear on this to some powers that be as well

adding my vote for @rhondak too. There's never been a more deserving person. Two thumbs up!

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