Tenebrio opacus (Free Cultural Works by @schamangerbert)

English - German

This Darkling beetle (Tenebrionidae) flew into my house tonight. As he ran helplessly back and forth on the ground, I thought I was giving him something to eat and then put him outside again. A small fruit residue on a sundae was welcome food for him. This allowed me to take a few snapshots of him and then identify him here: https://www.kerbtier.de/cgi-bin/deXIdentify.cgi

Dieser Schwarz- oder Dunkelkäfer (Tenebrionidae) ist mir heute abend ins Haus geflogen. Als er auf dem Boden hilflos hin- und herlief dachte ich mir ich gebe ihm etwas zu fressen und setzte ihn dann wieder nach draußen. Ein kleiner Fruchtrest an einem Eisbecher war ihm willkommene Nahrung. Dadurch konnte ich ein paar Schnappschüsse von ihm machen und ihn anschließend hier identifizieren: https://www.kerbtier.de/cgi-bin/deXIdentify.cgi





Canon EOS 200D + Macro lens Tamron SP 60mm
All photos are "Free Cultural Works" by @schamangerbert.
You are free to: Share, Adapt with Attribution and ShareAlike.

How-To Attribution


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Damit bist du sein Held ;-)

Du bist ein sehr käferfreundlicher Schamane!
Thumbs up.

This is a big and fat black beetle!! He is very happy to have his dinner as he has been very hungry. He was flying and searching for his girl friend!! He still couldn’t find her! They got lost last night through the jungles of wild flowers!

I hope you had given him some pa Jed lunch for his journey too.


Great photos! There are a lot of insects in my backyard too including one similar to this (if not the same). I wish I can buy my camera soon to start sharing them with the world, who knows, maybe I can discover a totally new specie and can name it like me, haha, jk :D keep up the good work!

Tenebrio ralkus :) sounds nice :)

Lol, that's very creative actually

That is a very useful website!! BTW, can you imagine a planet with insects as large as mammals :-0

Lets try to be an ant, then the humans are scary enough :)

How amazing to see that animal looking for food while it dies of hunger because it does not have specifically where to look for its food

So you are very lucky to have this guest! They were very holy in Ancient Egypt :) Nice photos!

As well as this beetle, each species of the animal kingdom fulfills a certain function within nature and the ecosystem equilibrium, as well as debugging matter so that its soul forms part of the universal soul.

Thank you for sharing my dear brother @schamangerbert, your dealings with the animals show us your human sensitivity.

Thanks! It is a vegetarian, so no big problem for humans :)

though i don't like his kind very much , i would say that you really had a great shot with that beetle as your subject , i am amaze how you manage to take a pic of it without making it move , i guess it's because of the fruit residue , hehe
miss you captain @schamangerbert ❤️❤️❤️

It can fly very well, like a helicopter, but it was very hungry and so I got my change :)

damnnn that looks quite scary hahah but excellent shots :)

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