Creeping thistle / Acker-Kratzdistel / Cirsium arvense (Free Cultural Works by @schamangerbert)

English - German


Today's article on meadow flowers is a dreaded weed that is one of the important food sources of butterflies and therefore welcome in my garden. It is very demanding in the choice of location, but thrives in different places here. The detail shots show the typical features such as the hairy stems, the spiked leaves and the flower with its approximately 100 hermaphrodite flowers.


Mein heutiger Artikel über Wiesenblumen stellt ein gefürchtetes Unkraut dar, das aber zu den wichtigen Nahrungsquellen der Schmetterlinge zählt und daher in meinem Garten gern gesehen ist. Sie ist sehr anspruchsvoll in der Standortwahl, gedeiht bei mir aber an verschiedenen Stellen. Die Detailaufnahmen zeigen die typischen Merkmale wie den behaarten Stängel, die bedornten Blätter und die Blüte mit ihren etwa 100 zwittrigen Blüten.






Canon EOS 200D + Macro lens Tamron SP 60mm
All photos are "Free Cultural Works" by @schamangerbert.
You are free to: Share, Adapt with Attribution and ShareAlike.

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Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Sehr schön, dass sie in deinem Garten bestehen kann. In der Tat konnte ich an dieser Pflanze schon viele Schmetterlinge beobachten. Wenn ich mir dann so manche sterilen Steinwüsten vor den Häusern anschaue, da läuft es einem kalt über den Rücken. Mit Garten und wohlfühlen hat so etwas nichts zu tun. Deine Beiträge sind wirklich eine Bereicherung!

Schönes Wochenende!

Vielen Dank! Die Pflanze entwickelt eine ganze Menge an Blüten und ist schon fast 2 Meter hoch! Ich mag sie auch mit den Stacheln, aber es gibt Nachbarn die sie am liebsten sofort umschneiden wollen :)

I love thistles
even the bigger one
their flowers look so delicately pretty
unfortunately, they're considered weed and tend to attract aphids so we can't afford to have them not even this one sob

If the aphids taking control you just use some black tea to kill them without hurting the plant, but on the other side the ants need them too. So it is to find a balance with them. In my garden there are only 3 of this plant, I think that is needed for the butterflies.

your photos are always amazing captain @schamangerbert , this one reminds me of the sprinting thistles in the disney movie , tinkerbell 😊❤️❤️❤️

Hello @schamangerbert ..I joined steem it friend @summisimeon introduced me to steemit..and he also informed about's been a pleasure to follow you...I just now read your post..your photography was awesome as like ur info which u have been provided in your post...thanking you
Yours @dayaabhishek

You are welcome, have a nice ride here on steemit!

The Creeping thistle plant has a hairy leaves and stems and the flowers looks very beautiful and colorful, your photograph of this amazing plant look nice and of high quality @schamangerbert

Very good post friend I liked. Did you know that this flower is in danger of extinction in our country? Greeting ... Have a Good day.

It needs special conditions to grow, so you may give it change in your garden?

Yes friend. Could I give you changes, what are the changes that you would recommend me?

Collect some seeds and put them to different parts in the garden, maybe there is a place they like.

I want my plant to be healthy and have a good cresimiento

These are very common in Scotland, I saw lots of these weeds on mountains while hiking many years ago!

fabulous beauty

just like a perfect shoot

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