Found strange insects. | Photography of macro lens #169.

in #macro6 years ago

Hello friends all ... !!!
Hopefully in good health and happiness wherever you are. On this occasion I will share some pictures of strange insects. Hope you guys like it.

This insect looks like a butterfly, because it has almost the same wings, its head is also almost similar to a dragonfly and there is like a pair of antenna on its tail. I had a chance of just a few shots in the shooting process, and in the end this strange insect instantly disappeared very quickly.



Camera Smartphone Xiaomi redmi note 4x + macro lens.

In my opinion, this is a very strange insect, how do you think ???. Maybe you know about the name of this insect, please notify us in the comment field below this post.

Thank you for supporting this post. Have a happy weekend for you all.

Follow me @rizasukma.


Halo sahabat semuanya... !!!
Semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan bahagia walau dimanapun kalian berada. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan beberapa gambar tentang serangga aneh. Semoga kalian menyukainya.

Serangga ini sekilas terlihat memiliki kemiripan dengan kupu - kupu, kerena memiliki sayap yang hampir sama, kepalanya juga hampir mirip dengan capung dan terdapat seperti sepasang antena pada bagian ekornya. Saya memiliki kesempatan hanya beberapa kali tembakan dalam proses pengambilan gambarnya, dan pada akhirnya dia terbang menghilang dengan sangat cepat.>quote



Menurut saya, ini adalah serangga yang sangat aneh, bagaimana menurut anda ???. Mungkin anda mengetahui tentang nama dari serangga ini, silahkan memberi tanggapan pada kolom komentar di bawah postingan ini.

Terima kasih atas dukungannya terhadap postingan ini. Selamat berakhir pekan, semoga akhir pekan yang sangat menyenangkan.

Ikuti saya @rizasukma.


i am also photography lover and your photography is awesome

In Texas we call them May flies. They live most of their lives underwater sometimes for several years. During mating season they meta-morph into what you see in the pictures. They only live for a day or two once they have taken flight.

Thank you very much for your friend's information. You are right, because I found them on the edge of the river. Looks like they just got out of the water.

@bflanagin hat das Insekt bereits richtig bestimmt und perfekt beschrieben. I've already written a post about this insect. If you are interested, just drop by.

Warm greetings from Germany, the @faltermann 🦋 🐛

Thanks for the information. I will check it out. It turns out you are a great photographer. May always be successful for you. 😊👍

Blkgnya kyk lipan yah bg?

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