
Yep - it was and is peaceful. We lived 7 miles from it down a dirt road. I learned how to ride a bike on that road, and a 2 cycle Honda. And wrecked a few cars. 7 miles. Sometimes a long walk :). My mom sold the house after my dear dad passed on and it is always home. Best friend lives there now. Yeah. Home. It is in my heart forever. Best place on Earth!! I am jazzed for you. We follow and reminisce a lot, so thanks for sharing your wild fun!

Wheat farmers.....oh my goodness, so many years of long, hard days and really rich memories. Wish we had a farm, but suburbs are okay for kids. They need more dirt. Do ya think Steem buys dirt?!

Haha I'm sure steem could buy dirt! Haha in the summers I used to go over and spend the whole season over at my grandpas farm. I loved it. My grandma would grow all different types of flowers and fruit and vegetables, she always grew stuff that people said couldn't grow in the eastern part of the tri cities. She could tell you a story about every tree (she grew about 15 different types of trees from all different parts of the country. She would break of a branch and grow it. Pretty crazy.) , every plant, everything haha.

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