Love story:Blue amber😐

in #lovestory7 years ago

Arif bruised the nirara finger, bitten not only the bite but also started to chew the fingers with the fingers. The sound of a whistle is coming from the mouth!

A little while ago, Nirah's right hand Arif was looking at his hand with a patchwork of his own hands. On one occasion he looked at Nishara with silent eyes,

"Why is the English laddice broken, it is understood by seeing your fingers!"

Then this incident ..

Arif's face has become increasingly fainted. The white part of the eye has started to expand. The eyes of the naked eye, though, Arif was one of the finest boys of the world, just before a little bit like a litter of fine louse, how sharp a shaw has become triangular, Nira can not understand! Dentists nozzle terrified!

Nira is getting blue in pain! She screamed with a tremendous shock to get rid of Arif.

Windy rain started outside. Naira got up in bed. She was a nightmare looking at a nightmare. Late night sleeping like a serial killer came and attacked.

Nipa lamps were used to blow the windows, and they went to the window. The rains entered the roof chamber. Fajr Azan is listening..They took a lot of water. The throat is dried by the Sahara Desert. The atmosphere is cold, yet the body is damp and damp. It has no meaning!

Nira has been taking a decision for quite some time. A terrible decision! He is looking for the way to suicide. From then on it started the nightmare. The beginning of the incident was as simple as it seems early, it is not that easy. Different types of rags are being made.

He does not want to go to a terrible painful. Sleeping medicine is supposed to do good work in this situation. It is impossible to get rid of the problem. Probably, these drugs can not be brought from the pharmacy. He is only fourteen years old. Anyone of this age comes to buy sleeping medicine, nobody will accept it.

Dilu Kaka can be tried by trio. Mirpur-1 is the eldest of her five-storey housekeeper Dilu Kaka. She has been there before her birth. Very faithful. She must know the name of the phyla-well-medicine. Know the name. Find someone else's name. It does not matter. Dillu Kaka himself sometimes eats them. One day he said to Nira.

"I understand that Niramani, Sara Raiyat, I do not sleep in the morning, I do not sleep, I do not like it." Sleep ohna, sleeping on the tablets.

Dilu kakar speaks laughter in the face of the face. Now the man of this type of type is the last hope. The problem is one, Dilu has a habit of screaming. The zipper is not a jilapi, he is in the head of Zilapi factory in the head! Only for this reason his job has gone twice, later reinstated.Neri looked at the hanging clock on the wall. Forty minutes at the base of the clock. Another strange thing is hanging on the wall. A mirror. Anatma bought her father from America for her only.Global Vise Berish Brush Mirror.So expensive. Do not talk less than fifty two hundred dollars!

Nira is standing next to a t-shirt in thin finfin front in front of the mirror. Her impressed eyes are towards a newly flowing river. Oh, how many mysteries are playing in the left side of the river! How long will this green tea be in the sky before it goes to the melting of the beautiful snowflakes laced with many dreams accumulated in the mountains? It is also!

Well, Arif is still awake like him? Niran's mind became terrible worse than Arif. Only two days had been talked with this short-speaking boy. However, during this very day, he has been very vigilant in every cell-tissue of Nira. Name Arif.

For some reason, the boy has been avoiding Nira for some time. No, it can not be accepted in any way. Nirar's eyes became wet, in anger and severe pain of losing!

Nina gave a breathing full of breath and slowly left it. Dilu must go to Kakar when he is dead. He is getting very sleeping again. He went to bed to overcome, and soon he was deep sleeping.

He does not even know, what a deadly killer is going to swallow him! Killer's Name Suicidal Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (S-OCD) Medical scientists are quite a few years old, giving it enough importance. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it is the third reason for the death of a teenager! The disease has the capability to live like a messenger in the subconscious process of people who want to get rid of anxiety.

Today, a lot of sleep has been done by the gentlemen. It would have been better if you could sleep better. It's not the way for now. Her mother, Jamila Begum, is sitting on the side of the bed beside the bed. She has three lapdays in her hand. Some of her letters have been given to her daughter. Nirar's private teacher has collected them and delivered them to her. Such love is not understood by young girls like chemistry Nira. But it has started! He is living in a horrible age!

The impression of Jamila Begum's face, she did not give too much importance. Because of the birth of a new nation, due to its lack of concern. There is nothing to give her such importance. The mother is very uncomfortable. This gentle lady has started unnecessary interference in her independence.

Nina, looking at her mother not to see her, went to the basin and Jamila took her hand and placed the girl beside him.

What's your problem?

Nira's temper started to get worse. This is the question his mother made about one thousand times this week. He handed his hand over his mother and answered.

No problem?

Jamila Begum made the vision even more sharp and said,

  • I'm your mother, do not forget that. You do not have to pay for your father's company, so you do not have any objection. You do not want to take advantage of this weakness. It is also the chance of weakness to take advantage of torture!

Mom please! I'm no longer listening to your star plus dialogues.

  • Your father has been informed in America. He will come and handle his daughter.

You will be able to see when the time is handled. Your Star Plush is Starting Go to

It was said that Nira took control of herself even after giving a smile. She raised her head towards the balcony without taking care of her mother. She worships some other things. She is almost sure, before her father comes, she will do something terrible!Jamila is seeing the sudden disappearance of Nira in the eye. She is not familiar with this haughty character of Meyer. This time of adolescence is quite sensitive. Someone has a kind of caricature of rebellious type. Talking behind them, turning eyes often and even making people disrespectful. The third symptom of Niran is complex.

Jamila got up and went to his bookshelf. There is an important article in this regard. Written by Dr. Alan Hendrixen. Written by Alan An American is a psychiatrist. The forehead of the thought of Jamilla Begum is clear! Something is too colorful. But where is the color?

Naira peeped into the little room of Dilu Mia on the way to school. Dillu Mia is busy with mosquitoes at the moment. A sponge's sandal in her hand. Niraw never seen mosquitoes with sandals before. It is not time to see mosquitoes die. Go to the Sosa Point. Asked with a fake cough,

  • Kaka, do you still sleep medicine?

Nago Ammajana! I used to sleep in the cold. Do you regret the medicine?

  • Well, what is the name of the drug?

What do Niramani by name?

  • One of my acquaintances has a sleep problem. Tell him.

Dilu Mia asked to sit down with a sandal and sit down to sit,

That's not just sleeping. I have a headache too.

  • The man also has a headache. Name the medicine.

I have more problems. Shilaida bite in the middle of my heart! What has happened in one raye ............

Nira's patience is breaking down the barricades. He dragged the words of Dilu Mia and got up and said,

Beyond those stories, bites the body of my acquaintance. Then say the name of the medicine!

I do not remember the name Ammajon !!

  • Dhu, then why are you asking so much? Awesome! You're always a donkey, do you understand?

Nira was going to scream in a rage. He managed to control his anger very hard. If he did, he could go to his mother's ears if he had gone. He went out of the house and roamed around. Dullu is a fool's stupid person. He knows this girl from a small time. He understands almost all languages. . Just like today, it was a blow!

Naira stands in the verandah of the school. His vision is towards the gate of the school. He needs to meet Arif. It is worse than ever. The familiar friends of the neighborhood saw him and started the conversation.

After a while, Arif entered the gate. Once in a nirah, he looked bored and went to his class without any words. Nirar's teenage heart was not ready for such an incident. She is holding her forehead, and everything in her life seems worthless to her.

His good exchange with Arif is not too long. However, who and who's on the walls of the school, by the road and on the wall of their home, Arif + Nira has written!

Since Nira was a student of Class VII, her offer of love began to come. Some youngsters who are tired of being in the early age are always on the back foot. It seems as if a movie hero or book has become unstable in the attempt to duplicate the character of a man. He has a very strong sense of human error. In this regard his private teacher has warned Nirak. Let's make the first place. Nira is now in second position. But who knew, life would be a crisis today when she read this private!

One day a young man wearing a black Punjabi came and went in the ears of the private sir. It was Nirata's first good experience. A young man, who was a little older than Niroa, who came from suddenly, suddenly came, suddenly went. They searched for a lot secretly. The young man was no longer available. It does not mean to fall in love. Now it is called crush.

Then the beginning of the mini-Bengali movie "Sakhi Tu Kara" Arif stood in his silent yard. It was not a sudden crush, it was a fierce love for the teenage girl!

The crisis created a mere letter. He went to the private home and discovered the letter in the book. The Bengali letter. Like most women, the whole text is very careful. The time of Nirah's shaking was trembling. People can write letters so nice! Nira letter reads repeatedly, occasionally smell the smell. It seems that the boy's smell is in the letter! Ah, the smell of addiction! Where is the birth of this drug is not known! Who is this boy? Do not get nirah Like the relationship between the ten and the emerging age of the society, Naira's adolescence suddenly began to become colorful in the color of disobedience, looking for the owner of an anonymous letter!

In the same thread, Nira gets the second letter. This is also within the book. There is only one son who comes to the private place where he is. Look no further on Nirala. There is a saying, Vedas bursts the fish, who knows whether this boy is doing something or not! Nire started thinking.

One afternoon, the Nira letter was found by the authors. It mixed the handwriting of a khara. Occasionally Nira understood who gave the letter to him. The boy was the boy who came to read private. The name of the name Arif.

The first thing about Nirah with Arif is the eighth grade annual results on the day of publication. Niran's long dream was successful. It was first. He has talked to Arif with the passion of Anand. On one hand, a very emotional letter written on the previous night handed Nira to the boy. It was the first love letter written in the lap of his green adolescence!

The day was going on well. It was a good song that happened to somebody. The exchange of boy's letter was stopped for an unknown reason. Nirar's inner life was like a bird in a cage. The wing of the wing started. Now it is the worst thing to get relief from the emotional pain. One way out! Road to suicide!

Nina did not go to school directly from the school two days ago by Mithila ApuNira went to Mithila Apu without going directly to her school two days ago. Mithila Niran's girlfriend is the elder sister of Ondrala. She also has records of failures in love. She had eaten Harpik to keep the record immortal. How she has survived to the end. Neera does not want to live.

Due to Mithila do not understand anything, Nira indirectly asked her experience. It is good to know a little better about this. Mithila put her face on her forehead,

"It is said that brother and brother, do not let my enemy even suffer that, the world will be reversed if it is in the Resurrection. I see that the world is changing, the soul is running every red blood cell of my blood. It is not possible to cut the whole thing, it is a little hanging. So, the fire is flowing from the hanging place, you know, what is the most interesting thing? Tell someone But no! "

Nila foot hit by Mithila

  • Ball up I do not know anyone. Promise! "

Interesting, the boy who wanted to kill himself, who did not want to kill himself, did not remember the time of my death. I remembered some other things. I remembered Abu-Amru. When my legs were melted, my father said, Do you have a shame as a mother, you have given your hand to your father, you have nothing to shame, you are my big mother!

Vibrant's face was fluttering. Another interesting thing is that the picture of a tree of my flower was fluttering in the eye, which saved me with a lot of trouble! There are two beautiful flowers in the tree yet, but I do not remember anything else. But what will you do to hear this, little man? Share that!

Nira came home and did not eat anything and stood on the roof. Heavy rain started. No one can understand his tears. Only he can see himself. Water of water is warmer than rain water. At this age, tears are not allowed in front of everyone. There is another reason for his cry. It has been said that he is getting married in the family.

When the child is slightly lazed with the swollen eyes, Nira went to sleep in her room. Many socks went out of the body after crying. Fatigue came in the body. Nira fell asleep with fatigue. Jamila Begum all seen from a distance. Did not say anything. His husband left for America. Until then, he has to be patient. There is no lack of wealth, only the girl looks sweet! However, marriage proposals are coming, and it is going to break again. The neighbors are spreading various slander. What does this mean? Only one pot declared war with his relatives. This girl wants her to want to do this because the pot can not be done on the head!

In the evening, the dancer was surprised to see ghosts. Surprisingly because his father Qadir Sahib He kept a book in front of his nerves and kept a book in front of his eyes. He is not talking. His daughter in the eyes of Kadir is still the little princess whom he first saw in a small nursery of a nursing home. Nirra jokingly cries in his father's lap, and after so many days he got the Aadhaar of love !!

  • Father, why do you call me?

You were sleeping And I was looking at my daughter's sleeping face.

  • What were you looking at?

Kadir fell a sigh. Then laughing softly answered the girl's words.

Do people see everything else? Listen mother, many people do not sleep when they close their eyes, and when the eyes are open, many do not see!

Niran left his father's throat and said,

  • Are you telling me something, dad?

That's right, my little princess! It is said by Bill Kosby, an American TV actress. I borrowed his words. Suddenly I came, I said. Get up. You have not eaten anything. I'm not even eating it together to eat together. Ha-ha-ha

Nira could not eat. She went down to the table and vomited the dining table. Her parents came running and embraced the girl. Both of them were surprised by Niran's hand. Their daughter's body is burning in fever, it is not right to wet the nira in the rain.

Nira's knowledge came back in the middle of the night. She looks forward to a mother with a mother. Jamila is holding an ice-bag on a girl's forehead. Her tears are shining like diamonds in her eyes. A father is pressing her feet on the right side. She does not have water in her eyes, her helpless An unknown fear is working in the eyes! Because the caretaker Dilu Mia said something terrible to him!

Kadir came to my daughter's bedroom and said,

"My Little Princess, do you know why you kept your name Naira?" Sunil Babur, "Nira", I decided to read the poem, I will call my daughter this name. I wonder if I did not marry then!

The secret to this name was asked to the poet, he said, "Nira and women are synonymous with me. Nirai is the opposite of the word of the words."

I too want to see the woman's pride in you. You want to die with your head in the throats of old age. Do not give this opportunity to your old boy, mother ??

Kadir squeezed his eyes with the handkerchief. Nira wanted to give her this opportunity to this old boy. He embraced his father and was very emotional. His body trembled in shouting!

Today Nira has come to see the groom. They are not able to raise their eyes in shame and unhappiness. In the absence of a man, the feet of a man are seen only. So he was curious to listen to the curiosity and was able to look very high! Is this possible? It is sitting in front of Nira, the first crush of his life! The young man dressed in that dark Punjabi day. The name of the youth is Faisal.

Nayera and Faisal are sitting beside a maiden of the Shaykhlapuree. During the time, Faisal dragged his wife's arms in two laps and broke the first silence.

  • Nira, you have a true test today- Niran, I am publishing a truth today. Forgive me.

Nirata Laz was still unable to overcome the inertia. Faisal once again said,

I was really behind everything. I was forced to move Arif. I do not know what seemed to be a whole life than the temporary pain of your mind. It is a positive thing to be filled with the richness of love. It may be my mistake, but what can I say? I have loved too much! I'm sorry!

Nira took the matter lightly. There was no reason to remember the past including two. He said, impotent in his head, and said,

Why did you see in the eye?

  • Oh, did not see it, and saw it. Shane, one day a painter told me that if he did not paint a picture of the person, then he would draw two eyes. The eyes can be seen in the eyes, and the rest can be erected. Man's eyes are very mysterious; Near the hand. Ha-ha-ha

Faisal is smiling. The twelfth moon of the country is laughing. The face of Nirra is highlighting someone at a very high level. Many fairytale icebergs of Nirai will not match in the air today. There will be a blue river of Navabrata, then gradually merge into the eternal sea. Oh, the eternal reservoir Do you have any kind of corners !!

A sunny afternoon after eleven years ........................

Faisal is playing with his two daughters in the green lawn in front of the house. So suddenly it is going down and saying, "I can not get up Mummy. Please pick me up!"

After seeing her fall, the two daughters laugh at the cottage and cottage. They say a little later, "Daddy, you fall down, Hey-yee."

Sister is sitting in front of the computer with a hard face. Prior to this he read a text of "I still love you" in the Facebook messenger. The letter is from Arif. Nira blocked the owner of this uncredited ID and stood under the open sky outside. Here is a drama of the beautiful scenes of the earth. The spectacle of the children is a dream! There is a lot of snow in America's state this time ago. Today, the sky is spreading the blue sheets, and there is a cloud of clouds in the midst of it.


(The girl in the story is now a resident of Baltimore. She is full of love for her husband and husband of Bhuvan Kara in the life of twenty-four years, she ended her medical service from a famous institution in USA, she has been serving humanity today. At her request, this part of her life has been built in the word of the word. I do not know if it is beautiful or not. No, but there is a call to all the silent of the world.

"Nira" come back from the darkness. Alamo the world is waiting for you !!! "


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