Panama CloudBurst-SunBurst blog

in #lovepanama6 years ago (edited)

Watch Panamanian Cloudburst and Sunburst below...

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Dear Friends and Followers,

It's five weeks in to date. I am as excited as I was on day one, two, three.... 35! I gathered some interesting experiences. The most important thing to note is this: No regrets!.

Banning Tanning

Would you need to give a fresh water dolphin a bottle of water?
Here is a Tanning Studio in the shade of a baking 90 F (32 C) sun. Don't forget to slap on SP50 sun protection when heading into the tanning place.

Dunkin' Donuts

A littler later I sinned. After getting some groceries, I couldn't help it but stop at here for a cinnamon role and a deliciously crafted doughnut. Mabe I shouldn't have. My 32W chinos got to wait a little longer.

Admit it! Does that not look perfect for a Sat treat for going shopping all by myself? Calories came to mind tho as I was ordering - but these thoughts were quickly replaced by Yum Yum grunting noises...

The Intenet and Things

I went to Pricesmart, the Latin America scaled down version of Costco. Yes, they do have Kirkland products. Just not quite as much choice. That's the main handicap here. Choice of goods. But I am getting used to it, and finding out that it is often a matter of who you know who knows someone who knows where to get what you need. An internet search is not nearly as productive as in the US or the UK. Panamanian websites, even some of bigger corporations may be below par for what we may consider professional web presence. So, lots of human interaction here, more than I am used to. It might actually be a good thing.

As was just about to leave PriceSmart, the lights went out - in the whole store. After some loud siren alarm that security seemed to ignore, the lights came back on. Repeat x 2.

Winter Has Come

Suddenly - I noticed the reason for the outage as a thunder powered through the air from the doors, reverberating above the ceilings and then fading. Then I heard the rain. Buckets. Streets were filling up with water, turning some of them into little raging rivers in 3 short minutes. A sight that was just awesome. It even cooled down a couple of degrees. Not much though. Winter has arrived in Panamá.

Some eight months of 2-3 hours of cloudbursts - after which, all is back to normal. The sun is back out. Yes, the humidity has picked up some. But days, weeks and even months of rain in Scotland make this look like a walk in the part.

As I arrived home, the thunderstorm is still raging. But it's not the gray in grey I am used to on the island of Britain. What a blessing it is here. Heat doesn't bother me. And I don't miss the seasons. I always loved summers, sun and blue skies. I always dreaded November to March, particularly in the UK. Even in Mallorca the palm trees were shaving their giant leaves off, and one had to be very careful not to get hit by them. Knock out in 1 second.

The top picture is a Dtube video that shows the amazing rain from my balcony as I got home and a pan from the balcony 1 hour 15 minutes later. All clear.

Studio Update: My friend Roland Juno

What does one do when it rains in Panamá?

  • One can enjoy the big drops and get soaked, though it's warm.
  • One can seek refuge in one of the countless cafés or bars.
  • Or, globi can be in Studio 21 D playing with his new friend Roland Juno DS 88, a serious toy and tool. Chaos Audio Productions S.A. is open for business! Here he (she) is:

Apart from that, I got more equipment for the kitchen, even a Nutri Bullet for breakkie... Water Distiller is still in Florida and hopefully arrives any day now.

Hope you enjoyed my update from lovely Panamá. Why not leave a comment? Till the next Panamá update...


Thank you for reading.


Proud Supporter of PAL and the - The Minnow SupportProject
Christopher "The Hat" Hatfield @globocop

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Congratulations to your new toy Roland Juno :) ....i wish you a lot of fun and productive time with it!

Yeah - lovely new friend. This way I can make friends easily! :D

Working already on a production for a Steemit only song with one talented song writer/singer.


Thanks for stopping by!

Glad winter is back in Panama, and that yummy doughnut you had . Seems you are enjoying your stay in Panama and that you have settled perfectly well @globocop

LOL - it's all the same - the rain here is a spectacle as far as I am concerned. It's not the gray, cold, never ending UK downpoor. This here, I can handle. :)

Oh, Bebe!!!! I get all choked up with tears when I read your Panama updates, because I know how much happier you are there, rather than in the UK! I am soooooo glad you got out of Scotland! And yummy pastries! Miam! And your Roland precious froxxie! I'm over the moon excited for you. And you just up and did it!! Just made the decision, threw caution to the wind, packed some clothes, and--moved halfway around the world. That takes moxy, froxxie! And now, you're that much closer to the Lone Star State; that, naturally, makes me VERY happy! I'm grinning from ear to ear for you!!

Moxy!? LOL I like that!
Did you catch the video at the beginning of the post? It's a link to from my humble balcony.

I loved your update @globocop! There is a lot of high buildings around you! I see far in the background like a river or ocean or am I mistaken?
May you receive blessings in abundance in your new home!

Thanks, @hope777!
That's Panamá Bay you see there. It's about a mile from Panama Canal.

Yeah, lot's of high rise buildings - It's the district of San Francisco, Punta Paitilla... Just a stone throw from the sea.


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