The Love It/Shove It challenge from @Snowpea! ♥

Hey guys! @Snowpea made this cool challenge to help Steemians get to know eachother better!

Here it is if you are interested!

She nominated me to participate so here I go!

What you do is:

  • List five things that you love
  • List five things that you really dislike
  • Use the tag #loveitshoveit
  • Nominate or tag whoever you want


SquishySquid's Love It list:


Homeschooling! Seriously, this is the best choice ever for my family! I was homeschooled from the 6th grade on, and always knew that I would want to homeschool my kids. Lucky for me, my public-schooled husband agreed wholeheartedly, and we have homeschooled our kids from the very beginning.


Goaties! We started raising Nigerian Dwarf goats a few years ago for a source of healthy, raw milk for our family. They are the coolest livestock ever! Smart, funny, friendly animals; they are fun to deal with, and easy to manage. Not to mention, they give the BEST milk EVER!


Good people. You know the kind I mean. Those good people who would pull over and help you if they see you on the side of the road, who you can trust with anything, the kind of people who will ask you how you are because they actually CARE. These people are rare and precious jewels that you need to treasure and hold on to. ♥


Plants and Animals! I enjoy growing and raising them and finding them in the wild as well! I'm not the best gardener ever, but I love trying to grow an assortment of garden and house plants! We have many pets in our household, as well as livestock, and we love finding animals in nature to observe too! The life that God created is spectacular!


Ice Cream. Ya'll. This is my downfall. I have zero self-control when it comes to ice-cream. It is DELISH!

SquishySquid's Shove It list:


Inconsiderate/rude/mean people. I don't know why, but I get personally offended when someone is inconsiderate to me. Neighbors, friends, random strangers... I feel like if I would NEVER do that do you, why the HECK are you doing it to ME?! My husband says I shouldn't let it bother me, and I'm working on it, but it still makes me mad.


Vaccines. This is a hot topic. I know that, so I won't go into details here. You guys can do your own research and draw your own conclusions, but Ill just say that they are one the the most 'Shove It' things for me.


People who don't know how to drive. You know, those people who can't use their turn signals, who will speed on past you just to cut in front of you and turn right, and especially those people who text and drive!


Unhealthy food. So much unhealthy CRAP out there! People think it's good for you! People buy things like Hot Pockets, Corn Flakes, pasteurized milk, margarine, bologna, (the list goes on and on and on), and think they are feeding their family healthy food! Not. Even. Close.


Housework. Oh how I loathe you. No matter how much I do, there is always more to do tomorrow. And no matter how hard I try, the house is never quite clean!! It's insanity, I tell you!


Well, now you know a few things about me!!

The challenge says to nominate whoever you like. I don't really like picking people out to nominate them for things, so I'll just invite anyone who sees this to participate as well! Drop a comment if you do so I can check out your Love It/Shove It answers!

Thanks for reading!! ♥

badges courtesy of @daddykirbs



yeah and i was home taught too and that is great hehe

I clean houses for a living and don't seem to have a problem, but when It comes to mine.....I dislike it also! lol Enjoyed the read.

I'm so glad you did the challenge!! Love your list! I was a homeschooling mom a few years ago but some trouble went down in our lives and I sent them to public school. Over the summer I'm going to give it another go and see how it works out. Truly it's where my heart is. 🙂 That's surprising that your husband was in agreement! Then again, he surely has seen first hand some of the negative aspects of public school.

Vaccines? No thank you. Cleaning? Rather not lol. I think if we ever met, we would get along just fine @squishysquid! Have a great afternoon! 😃

Sounds like we have a lot in common! :D

Yep, I was hoping to find a husband who agreed with me on the homeschool thing. I hear so many stories of husbands, (or wives!) who refuse to allow their kids to be homeschooled due to preconceived notions about it. I was blessed! He has indeed seen first hand the troubles within the public school system, and besides that, all you have to do is pay attention and you can see, as the years go by, the schools are worse and worse in many ways. Definitely one of the decisions we have made that we have no regrets about whatsoever. :)

Best of luck this summer! I know homeschooling is not for everyone, but I hope that it works out well for you!

Thanks for your kind comment and have a great day as well!! :)

What a wonderful idea! I loved reading this! Although my list would look different, I value everything on your love it list (I have an ice cream maker) and agree with your shove it list (including vaccinations).

Haha, narrowing it down to only 5 things was hard! Honestly, Im not sure these were my top 5, they were just the 5 things I thought of yesterday. Haha, I have thought of many more since then.

I totally know what you mean! I started writing one earlier today and have already changed some of them. I may never hit the post button at the rate I am going.

Haha! Maybe you should make two posts, or do more than five things...
I decided not to overthink it and just go with what popped into my mind, otherwise I would never have posted either!

I am cheating a bit by listing many things in each "grouping" haha. I love so many things!

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