LoveFriday - Changing the world [EN] / Mudando o mundo [PT]

in #lovefriday7 years ago

Hello all, here's another (Love)Friday!!

A friend sent me a short film about a project that is been carrying away in the past 12 years in Australia.

Olá a todos, eis outra Sexta-feira!!

Um amigo enviou-me uma curta sobre um projeto que tem sido desenvolvido na Austrália nestes últimos 12 anos.

The video touched my emotions and put me to think of its message​:

"If we want to change the world, we need to change the way it works."

How can we change the world?!

Through education!

That's the answer AIME provide us.
"AIME is a mentoring program based at universities where a bridge is built back to local high schools, to mentor the most disadvantaged kids out of inequality. This program commenced​ with the intention of connecting university students with Indigenous high school kids.

O vídeo sensibilizou-me e põs-me a pensar na sua mensagem:

"Se queremos mudar o mundo, temos de mudar a sua forma de funcionar."

Como podemos mudar o mundo?!

Através da educação!

Esta é a resposta que a AIME nos dá.
"O AIME é um programa de mentoria que se baseia na criação de uma ponte entre as universidades e o ensino secundário, orientando os jovens mais desfavorecidos pela desigualdade. Este programa começou por conectar os estudantes universitários e os jovens indígenas do ensino secundário.

They have done it successfully in Australia for the last 12 years and now, the organization​ is launching it internationally.

More information on the project (and source of this post) here:

This was the positive message I want to share with you all today. Hope it can inspire you to work for a better world!

Have a great weekend!

Este progrma tem sido um sucesso na Austrália nos últimos 12 anos, e agora a organizção está a lançá-lo internacionalmente.

Mais informação sobre o projecto aqui:

Esta é a mensagem positiva que hoje quero partilhar convosco. Espero que vos inspire a trabalhar por um mundo melhor.

Tenham um ótimo fim-de-semana!

Let's look for love!! More love please!!

This is what I would like to see shared under the #LoveFriday:

  • Positivity: That's the main purpose!! In a world were sad stories are pumping everywhere, sharing positivity is even more precious;
  • Romantic or not: There is plenty of room for romantism, but not only. It can be a mom and daughter caring gesture, simply someone helping another one, and so on, but proper for all ages (no NSFW please);
  • Stories, music, photography and any kind of art related: The window of possibilities is enormous, feel free!

Please do not forget to check the other daily photography challenges:
Weekday Challenges:

Other challenges


Such determination of the first character to break free of the takes one person to start something.....I loved this video because I found other meaning in it from what was intended. Thanks for sharing it Liliana.

I also loved the video and that rebel spirit to go against what is expected from you and change things! Do something different!! I was not supposed to share this video, but I saw it in the early morning and decided to share it!!

I'm glad you did ... I watched it again :)
I didn't have anything to write today...thoughts are there but the words won't come out. So I get to enjoy everyone else today :)

That's important too on Steemit! I'm not doing that often these days and I miss it! Time is scarce...

Que bela iniciativa.

Pensando fora da caixa!

For a sustainable & greener world :-)

compartilhando e apoiado!!


Obrigada pela partilha!! :)

hello, i like your video

Today is my first time entering you LoveFriday challenge I will continue to participate with personal post each week thanks for spreading such great positive vibes.

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