How I keep my girlfriend happy! TRUE STORY! TIPS!!

in #love7 years ago (edited)

@sjennon, Ik hou van jou baby <3

Written on occasion of my one year anniversary which was on 26th of July.

If I should think of love
I'd think of you, your arms uplifted,
Tying your hair in plaits above,
The lyre shape of your arms and shoulders,
The soft curve of your winding head.
No melody is sweeter, nor could Orpheus
So have bewitched. I think of this,
And all my universe becomes perfection.
But were you in my arms, dear love,
The happiness would take my breath away,
No thought could match that ecstasy,
No song encompass it, no other worlds.
If I should think of love,
I'd think of you.


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That woman looks happy with me, so I decided to declare myself an expert and write this. Just kidding. No I'm not. Yes I am! We will see. Sometimes we have our fights, but we are okay 90 percent of the times! A lot of people are always asking us how are you still in your giggly and honeymoon phase ( I am not writing this to brag, but because maybe so that it helps anyone who needs it and to tell that its not impossible!) Every girl wants to feel a bit special, and you do not have to get her diamonds or expensive things for that, it is just a few simple things. Well, post ho!

Hahahahahhaha. Shit. Okay. Let's talk about this boo. How many times has it happened that you pissed your girlfriend off without even knowing what you did. And then you spent the whole day saying sorry and she finally talks to you only to ask "Do you even know what you are saying sorry for?" And then you do not really know and you are then fucked even more? Worry not, I am here now and Imma solve your lifelong gf related issues. So you just take a seat and listen. Savvy?

1. Listen when she talks

This is the thing that annoys them the most! Are you a person who zones out to wonderland when your girlfriend starts to speak, especially when she talks about her feelings and shit. They will put up with this behavior of yours for a while and then they are done. So listen what she has to say. Acknowledge her pain, acknowledge her fears, all her feelings, however silly it may sound! And do not just listen, respond to it, let your guard down just a little bit, let her feel like you get it and that you can relate.

2. Do those small gesture

How small are these gesture? Really small! A lot of times men mistake the concept of doing gestures. Yes, once in a blue moon a girl might expect you to do something grand, but mostly it is the tiny stuff that makes them happy! Like sometimes make her breakfast, leave her notes here and there letting her know you love her, or she's beautiful. One thing that really works is when she wakes up, give her a kiss and tell her she's beautiful! My girlfriend gets happy even when I hand her the multivitamin and water. Do laundry sometime, or clean the house, or leave her a rose! Just show that you care.

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On the left you see a note I left for @sjennon before I went to sleep so that she wakes up and goes to the bathroom and sees that, it would somehow lift her day or atleast give it a good start! Next morning when I woke up I saw the note next to it which she probably left when she woke up in the middle of the night and saw mine.

I left this on her laptop on the morning of our anniversary (ofcourse there were other gifts, but she loved this the most.)

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I came home to this setting one day. See that big frame? I once wrote a text for @sjennon called crestfallen, which I posted also here on steemit (You can read it it at ). She loved it, but as she never takes my gestures for granted and she being the best girlfriend she is, she went and had it framed to save it forever and of course also because she is proud of me. Near that frame is a bronze looking chain, it is the time turner chain thing Hermoine had in Harry Potter. She knows how much I love the series and one day just bought it for me. Other than that, all the books that you see there are mine, some also gifted to me by her because she knows I love reading. So, when we moved to the new house she made this small den thing for me which has my most loved possessions. Like she hadn't done enough already. I AM A LUCKY LUCKY ASSHOLE.

3. Do not take her for granted

A LOT OF TIMES, and I mean a lot of times, we take our partners for granted and this is not just about the girls. It is for both genders. They do a lot of things for us, that sometimes we do not even notice and when we do we see it as something they will always do, we do not appreciate it, it does not seem like a big deal until one day those things are not being done anymore and then it suddenly feels like you do not know how to survive or live with yourself. Better start appreciating before it is too late.

4. Notice her really

Pay attention to what she does or changes about her. I know it is hard for guys to notice things like change of hairstyle a bit or if she has had a facial done or she got highlights or if she changed her lipstick shade. Because, she does it for you, you know. So really try and notice.

5. Be honest

This goes without saying that this is the most important one. Even if you think the truth is a bit harsh you still need to tell her, do not lie thinking you are protecting her because you are not! That will build her faith in you that no matter what, you will never lie to her. This gives women a sense of security.

So, there you have it!

Mona the love guru out!
P.S If you're both chics, do not deny each other a ride down them twins, know what I mean, LoL.

Written by @things, 2017. All rights reserved.
Images by Pexels and some taken by me.


I love you too!

It's great to share this with you. And I am glad that we're still working out - hehe.

Hope for many years to come <3

Sweet :) If only people could understand to follow all of these, not only to pretend keeping up the relationship with only small gestures and ignoring everything else.

Thank you. I wished so too, but after some time passes people get too comfortable and stop making efforts which is what kills the whole thing you know.

I've heard there are some critical times in the relationships. Like commonly after 2 years, after 7 years and maybe once more after it.. in which it's common that the first feelings have already changed and if you both aren't working for the relationship, all you have is love which may be running out and a companion who isn't working for the relationship.

Nobody likes that.

All the good for your relationship and I do hope you both follor your guidelines :)

Ah thank you so so much, also for sharing the advice. I will be sure to always try and do all that I'm doing right now.

@things Your girlfriend is very lucky. Good blog, Subscribed. Maybe you will be interested in my post about 7 Simple Ways to Feel Luxuriously

Thank you so much!

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