Dating Tips from the Animal Kingdom

in #love6 years ago


While chocolate and roses are one way to win the affections of your beloved, I think when it comes to courtship the animal kingdom has us humans beat. Just in case you haven’t come up with a plan yet (or want to stock up on ideas for next year!) here are a few rituals that should provide you with plenty of ammunition.

10.) The Manakin bird


The Manakin bird. He has better moves than Jagger- He’s got the moves like MJ. Think that’s awesome? Here’s the great part. Manakins are a type of bird that participates in Lek mating. Lekking, from the Swedish word for “play,” refers to ritualistic competitive mating displays. In other words, not only do Manakins moonwalk, but they DANCE BATTLE MOONWALK!

Lesson for human dating: Epic dance moves will almost always win you the object of your affections

Bonus true fact: there are two types of Lekking: classical leks and exploded leks. I’m not going to go into detail, I just think you should know that there is a thing called exploded leks. Thank you, Wikipedia.

9.) The Midge


Sometimes, we look to the animal kingdom for advice on what not to do. I’ll spare you the details of hippo flirting (ok fine… he flings his own feces at her face), and tell you the tale of the midge, a non-biting gnat.

Picture this: it’s a muggy summer dusk on the lake. As the sun sinks behind the evergreens, lights at the ends of the docks begin to blink on. Mr. and Mrs. Midge are engaging in a dance as old as time itself. She looks at him. He looks at her. They slowly lean in and…. she sucks his bodily fluids right out of his mouth, instantly killing him. Whoops.


Lesson for human dating: Kiss nicely. Ease up on the suction, hombre.

8.) Argentine lake duck

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Most bird species do not have external genitalia, but thanks to what some scientists describe as a “sexual arms race” the Argentine lake duck not only has a penis, it has… well..

A giant corkscrew penis the length of its body. Not only is this the biggest penis relative to body size ever found in a bird, this is the biggest penis relative to body size ever found in a vertebrate. You may be wondering how something like that evolves, and it turns out male ducks engage in what’s called “forced copulation” with the females, which is exactly as terrifying as it sounds. To protect themselves, researchers found that female ducks have developed a giant corkscrew vagina that twists in the opposite direction to the males. One theory is that this arrangement prevents males from forcefully depositing sperm, and allows females a choice in mate.

Lesson for human dating: I’ll let you decide.


Bonus true fact: Some of my sources said that the Argentine lake duck uses its penis to “lasso” his mate, but I couldn’t find anything that supported that rumor. If in your studies you find a primary reference that confirms or denies that suspicion, let me know!

7.) The Bowerbird


As someone who has come to terms with being an anal-retentive type-A control freak, nothing turns me on quite like color coding. Bowerbirds, however, have taken obsessive to a whole new level.

The bowerbirds spend 80% of their time decorating their bowers, then sit back and wait for the girls to flock. Ladies, one at a time please.

Lesson for human dating: Keep your love nest organized. Ladies love organization. (No? Just me?)


Bonus true fact: bowerbirds have been shown to use pebble size gradients to create a “forced perspective” optical illusion. In other words, they trick the girls into believing that they are- ahem- bigger than they really are.

6.) The Argonaut

Look at this little guy:


Dontcha just want to snuggle up right next to him? This is the male argonaut, a type of octopus. He doesn’t want to cause any trouble for the female argonaut- after all, she’s 15 times larger than him- so what’s a fella to do? Well, he detaches his own non-regenerating, one-time-use-only penis WHICH HAS THE ABILITY TO SWIM INDEPENDENTLY and sends it her way, presumably wishing it the best of luck on its journey.


Lesson for human dating: Don’t be afraid to share an important piece of yourself with your partner.

Bonus true fact: When researchers first discovered the dismembered member in a female argonaut, they thought it was a parasitic worm.

5.) Emperor penguins


Emperor penguins win at two things: Being adorable, and being fancy. Even Lord Grantham would be impressed by penguins’ manners. Before they get down to amorous congress, penguins even bow to each other.

Shhhhhhh just watch. Pretend it’s in black and white, And that you just paid $25 for this fine cinematic experience.

Lesson for human dating: Manners matter.

4.) The Red Velvet Mite


There is no tasty snack as romantic as a red velvet cupcake, just as there is no arachnid as romantic as the red velvet mite.

Not only do they look like undersized papsan cushions with legs, they’re actually quite the date-planners. See, when a male mite wants to woo a female mite, he lays down a trail of silk for her to follow. And just like in the movies, when she reaches the end of the trail she finds him patiently waiting for her. If she likes him, she accepts his offering of… well… a packet of sperm.


Lesson for human dating: Romantic treasure hunts = solid gold. Just maybe pick a different gift for your beloved to find at the end.

Bonus true fact: The oil secreted from red velvet mites can apparently increase sexual desire

3.) Horseshoe crabs


Like any self-respecting blue-blooded fancy-pants (<– that’s funny because horseshoe crabs really have blue blood!), the horseshoe crab knows how to create romance. For years, it was nearly impossible to get horseshoe crabs to breed in captivity, and here’s why: to spawn they need to be on the beach in the sand that they themselves were born in, in the spring, during a full moon. That’s standards, baby.


Lesson for human dating: You can’t go wrong with a warm beach and a full moon.

2.) Elephants


As my favorite animal, elephants have a responsibility to impress me in all that they do. They don’t disappoint when it come to courtship. In order to catch the attention of a pretty girl, male elephants will sometimes fight each other, or show off the size of their trunks. To really win the fair maiden’s hand, however, they simply compete to see who can be the nicest to her. The bull will defend her from other suitors, bring her food, and caress her with his trunk. They’ve also been known to flirt by squirting her with water. All together now, “Awwwwwwww.”


Even more adorable is that elephants don’t part ways after mating. Instead, they go through a honeymoon period where they continue to hang out and snuggle.

Lesson for human dating: Always try to out-nice the next guy

1.) Seahorses


I hated to bump elephants from the number one spot, but when it comes to courtship seahorses know what they’re doing. Most of us are aware that it is the male seahorses who become “pregnant” following fertilization. While that’s fantastic, their courtship ritual could have inspired a Nora Ephron screenplay. Not only do they truly mate for life, a rarity in nature, they also seem to like being around each other. During courtship they perform an intricate dance that can last up to 9 hours which involved tail wrapping, face nuzzling, and color changes- quite a feat. After the female lays her eggs in the male’s pouch, she continues hanging around him, and she greets him every morning. I swear I’m not making this up, they’ve even been observed holding tails and going on strolls. She only has eyes for her partner, and doesn’t get distracted by other males, no matter how bright their colors shine.


Lesson for human dating: Just follow the seahorse’s lead.

That wraps up my countdown. Here’s to love nests, tail holding, and the sincere hope that no one EVER sees my browser history from researching this post.

Happy holidays;)



Greetings, sweet and dear Tanata
I missed you yesterday. No steemit !!!
This posting of metaphors comparing animal life to what we can learn from them was pretty cool.

I do not know how your country is, but here in Brazil the story of the Bowerbird bird reminded me of a very used adage here for romantic questions:

The secret is not to chase after the butterflies ... It is to take care of the garden so that they come to you.

The author of this sentence is unknown, I think. But it is that question, it is better to develop ourselves and have something to offer than to try to win someone by force and to imprison.

I found your post about these animals very cool. I did not know most of them. It was good both to know some species and to learn metaphor about them.

Thank you and good morning!!!!!

You are always very accurate in your examples and conclusions. Congratulations. Accept my respect for your intelligence and your reading! Thanks for your wonderful comments, they are a great support of my creativity! Have a great day!

I should always thank her. Since I saw your first post I really liked it. The subjects you write and the way you put them to my attention to be your daily reader.

Thank you!

wow,super dear @tanata...birds is a one of them main part of nature beauty.because Birds are some of the most amazing animals on earth. Birds have wings and feathers. Birds have beaks and claws. Birds live in nests. Birds eat fruits, grains, worms, insects etc.Birds are of many kinds. They are of different sizes too. The smallest bird is Humming bird. The biggest bird is the Ostrich. Birds are of different color too. Some birds like peacock have beautiful and colorful feathers. The crow and cuckoo are black in color. While the swans and doves are white in color. i like your animal post.. but my favorite,i express doing my opinion of bird...thanks to sharing for your good post dear @tanata

hahahaha great article! :-) Much more interesting than the "Netflix and chill" human approach we developed recently ^^

I think this is a worthy competition :)

Dating tips from the animal kingdom is a special gift from you,if i am not wrong,the way you write such posts is amazing,you are one of best entertainers in this community.really happy when i look at your fan base that you have.your hard work has paid.the motivation you brings to us is insane.Thanks a lot.

Pretty cool post. #1, 3 and 5 are my favorite. Thanks!

Очень красивые фото. Особенно понравился слон с хоботом.
Жаль только, что с каждым годом их на земле становится всё меньше.

А мне жаль, что фото делала не я:)

The way you have specified each and every point is so awesome,you are the best i have seen ever no matter what topic you blog,you will keep your 100% efforts thats amazing to see from you,great work all the best.

Being a zoologist, ai would say it's a perfect post @tanata
Nicely done

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These are real time dating tips,bealive me each and eveything is amazing.great work dear,happy steemit.

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