in #love5 years ago

Sometimes things seem so hard and the pain inside is difficult to bare and when I think about it life seems so unfair

I live inside this democratic place where we are protected by laws and state. We cannot inflict violence in the streets and openly murder and pillage in the streets.

The crimes that are committed are behind closed doors, where those in power determine our fate and they do this not out of love but hate. They do this quietly without us knowing because if we did they could not keep going.

They have us stacked up like chickens in these so-called homes, paying high rents and doing everything alone. They don't want us connecting in a meaningful way because if we did, we wouldn't have it this way.

All our hard earned money goes to them, we work long days and have no rest. We don't have much left over from our cheques.

There are so many chemicals in the air, on our food and basically everywhere. These toxins and chemicals make us sick, they take away our power and make us submit.

So many are blinded by what they don't see, they don't understand this deep conspiracy. What they don't know is hurting them pitting them deep in despair. They can't understand why it feels they're not going anywhere.

They blame themselves and they'll never find out, how this whole plan has been well thought out.

Sometimes as this information is hard to bare, it's hard to take and difficult to share. There are not many that can understand what I say and those that do try hard to make it another way. There are not too many that know what's going on, so i'm not sure if we can get strong.

So what do I do and how can I live, do I try and help others and try and get through or do I stay quiet and live just like you?

When things seem so hard and difficult to bare, I try not to stress and live in despair.

Because life here is very short and we're not here for very long, so when we feel lost and like we can't go on just have faith and carry on.

I remember what my Grandfather would say, that this will all be over before we know it and that is so true and there's no need to stress because our fate will be just like the rest.

Our bodes will die and we'll go back home away from this madness and hell like place, where there are no worries and pain and everything's safe.

That is our truth and where we belong and life down here is short and sweet and before we know it our life will be over and there's no need to worry and be afraid because sooner or later we'll be in a grave.

So why are we so focused on worldly desires, where everything we save will amount to nothing. When our bodies are dead these items mean nothing. There useless and worthless and will get us nowhere, only living a life of hopelessness and despair.

So be glad that this is not who we are, be glad that are home is filled with light, be glad that in our home there is no need to fight. Sometimes I long to go home and away from here and as my time gets closer this will all become more clear.

The only purpose we have here is love that is it there is nothing above that, because everything else is holding us back. So love yourself and let's love one another and let's create a world where we all love each other.

We need to remove these leaders in power, they're only creating a world of despair keeping us enslaved and going nowhere. They need to go now, we can't keep this going. Let's do this together without them knowing. All we need to do is pull-out and not obey and follow these rules they set-out.

We don't need these rulers telling us what to do and using the police to keep us in fear and running in circles going nowhere. The time is now, there's no other time.

There will be no savior to get us out of here, because in you lies the answer and you have the power, and together we can do this and right now is the hour.

We know all the problems so lets start making plans, lets get this together and let's take a STAND.


Well said. and a jolly good read!
We seem to become ever more divided, with increasingly polarized views allowing no common ground. I see little possibility that we can come together and make a common stand.

Thanks for your nice comment and I am not very hopeful that we can come together either. The only way I see this happening is if we have a natural disaster and we have to rely on one another to survive.

There are so many sick people in the world, so many stressed out from their jobs, looking after kids and then believing the lies they are fed, I can't see this happening on earth.

I'm just glad that I can choose to escape this madness and live in a small community of like-minded kind and intelligent people and that I have the freedom to do so.

With the level of disregard for the planet, I really don't know how much longer our earth will allow us to live here and I believe we are destroying ourselves by killing our planet with pollution.

I really have no attachment to life here and i'm just enjoying everyday while I can and trying to take in all the beauty of our earth and natural environment.

Some people have it way worse than I do, they are hungry, sick, living in war torn countries, so I am very thankful for where I am living and the support I have around me.

We are very weak when we are divided and we feel very small. We don't realize that together we are strong and I don't know if people will wake up or not.

I'm just glad that life here is short and goes by in the blink of an eye because if I was forced to stay here for eternity, then I wouldn't know what do, I would be very miserable. I'm glad that we are more than bodies and when we leave here we will be free and at peace.

I"m trying to flow through life with no attachments and trying to find love and peace in my heart for everyone, the cruel ones, the rude ones, the ego driven ones, it's very difficult, but i'm really trying.

Maybe life here is meant to be this way. For us not to get caught up in the drama that surrounds us, but to know who we are deep down and to always have hope amidst the anguish and madness.

I just know that' i'm ready to go anytime and I'll go with a smile on my face and faith that it only gets better from here.

All the very best to you and thanks for connecting today, it is so nice to hear from you :)

Hey, So there’s only five First Nations people I know of on the site. One person on Vancouver Island... she’s locked out of her account because she lost her main key... but is going up about setting up a new account.
One person in the states named @eaglespirit She has a music podcast as well.

As for me, I’m Stolo just east of Vancouver... also Coast Salish.

I am actively trying to find more First Nations and convince them to join the site; I don’t think it’ll fix the issues we’re facing but as a group I think it’ll help ease people’s money issues for a short time.

Side note. I can set my account to automatically upvote you... it won’t be much but can work.

There’s also a few other ways to help you build your steem power faster.

Partiko is an app where when you post and comment you get points, Then you just trade those points in for an upvote from the app.

And this part is self serving for me... if you use my link I get bonus points... which helps me gain steempower faster.


Aside from that... there’s actifit fitness tracker app, You use your steem account to log into that and you get paid in steem for how many steps you take a day. That adds up as well.

But... and this is because it’s happened before, try not to get discouraged at the beginning. I’ve had a few friends leave because they were only making pennies per post. But there are ways to make it add up faster.

Hi @andrewgenaille, and it's a pleasure to come in contact with you. I'm Innu, from the east coast, and i'm living in the ****, now, on your territory and I love it here. I have met some wonderful Coast Salish people and i'm hoping to learn more about your Ceremonies and teachings and become more involved with events this summer.

I will join the partiko app that you sent me and thanks for telling me about it. I was getting abit frustrated here, and I can't see myself being too successful here because i'm not writing about things that most people want to hear about. But now, it's good to know how I can get more up votes.

I have some frustration inside and I don't feel like i'm in a very good place right now emotionally or mentally, but i'm trying to make the best of it. I've been maintaining an average feeling, not depressed and not happy, but just fine I suppose. I was going through a very dark time not too long ago, and now i'm starting to feel better, so i'm relieved about that.

I have my physical health, so I am very thankful about that. I strive to eat healthy and exercise and that's what keeps my going. I met a Cree lady at my work today and she told me about a Sweat Lodge Ceremony taking place soon, so i'm really glad I met her and found out about this healing because I really need it right now.

I'm very happy to meet you and i've met some nice people on this platform so far and a few not so nice ones. I have little understanding about how things work here and like I mentioned I am doubtful I will make any money here, but I enjoy expressing myself in a truthful way and it's a good outlet for me.

I'm planning on building my own website soon and doing affiliate marketing and trying to make a go of that. I'm also planning on leaving this city behind in 5 years and moving into a self-sustaining community and living off-grid, and having no bills. That is where my heart is.

Thanks for the follow and I will follow you back. I enjoy your blogs and you're very creative.

I’m sorry to hear you’re having a rough time, but going to ceremony is good; it’s not just the Sweat lodge... it’s the community so you find support.

My friend in Vancouver just went through a rough time and her grandmother made her complete a 12 day ice water dip. Once a day she went into an ice cold river. She was surrounded by family.

It takes time to make money, it builds though.

I live out on the reserve... my goal is the same, we’ve put solar panels on the roof, the end goal is becoming self sufficient. My cousin has his garden set up and getting ready for planting.

Posted using Partiko iOS

That is so true, it is the community where I find support and I have to get more connected. I have been isolating myself because sometimes, I find connections hard or not desirable. I really enjoy quiet times and I love spending time with animals. I love being around First Nations people, because it is a different kind of feeling. I love the laughter, warmth and acceptance, that is where i'm the most comfortable.

The ice water dip sounds amazing and I have heard that is very beneficial. I have heard of getting ice cold showers as a way to boost the immune system and become a strong person. I have only done that a few times, but I can imagine it would be much more bearable to go in a lake being surrounded by family, to give you encouragement, and very different from being in the shower by yourself.

That is so awesome you have solar panels and a garden to grow food. I just found someone in my area who said I can plant in his garden and share in the food produced. I've never done this before and i'm very eager to learn.

It's so great to connect with you and thanks for being so friendly and kind. Enjoy your weekend :)

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