
Thanks for your nice comment and I am not very hopeful that we can come together either. The only way I see this happening is if we have a natural disaster and we have to rely on one another to survive.

There are so many sick people in the world, so many stressed out from their jobs, looking after kids and then believing the lies they are fed, I can't see this happening on earth.

I'm just glad that I can choose to escape this madness and live in a small community of like-minded kind and intelligent people and that I have the freedom to do so.

With the level of disregard for the planet, I really don't know how much longer our earth will allow us to live here and I believe we are destroying ourselves by killing our planet with pollution.

I really have no attachment to life here and i'm just enjoying everyday while I can and trying to take in all the beauty of our earth and natural environment.

Some people have it way worse than I do, they are hungry, sick, living in war torn countries, so I am very thankful for where I am living and the support I have around me.

We are very weak when we are divided and we feel very small. We don't realize that together we are strong and I don't know if people will wake up or not.

I'm just glad that life here is short and goes by in the blink of an eye because if I was forced to stay here for eternity, then I wouldn't know what do, I would be very miserable. I'm glad that we are more than bodies and when we leave here we will be free and at peace.

I"m trying to flow through life with no attachments and trying to find love and peace in my heart for everyone, the cruel ones, the rude ones, the ego driven ones, it's very difficult, but i'm really trying.

Maybe life here is meant to be this way. For us not to get caught up in the drama that surrounds us, but to know who we are deep down and to always have hope amidst the anguish and madness.

I just know that' i'm ready to go anytime and I'll go with a smile on my face and faith that it only gets better from here.

All the very best to you and thanks for connecting today, it is so nice to hear from you :)

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