A True History of The Garden of Eden, Part 25

in #love5 years ago (edited)

I am one of thousands of people affected by @quinneaker's visionary community the @gardenofeden. As we clean and organize in preparation for a big move towards Eden 2.0, it's time to let go of my own incredible history here:

Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 7 ~ Part 8 ~ Part 9 ~ Part 10 ~ Part 11 ~ Part 12 ~ Part 13 ~ Part 14 ~ Part 15 ~ Part 16 ~ Part 17 ~ Part 18 ~ Part 19 ~ Part 20 ~ Part 21 ~ Part 22 ~ Part 23 ~ Part 24

Part 25 👇🏽

When we joined the Steem blockchain, I spent more time with Quinn than ever before - we barely slept at all in those first weeks and months because we were too excited by the potential of this revolutionary platform.

The office and design studio. The paint on the conference table in this shot was for SteemGear prototypes!

Despite being next to him for 16-20 hour days, I almost never talked to him. I was both shy and aloof in my disconnected little experience after my lifetime of "normal" traumas; my mind would blank in almost every situation and I clammed right up.

He talked to me when there was something of relevance to say, directing me in some task for the success of the business, sharing a good article, offering advice on how to improve the posts and projects I created - advice I didn't always receive graciously, but that's another story. ("Some people would rather be right and fail than be wrong and succeed," Quinn diplomatically told me one day so that I might hear a message specifically for me without taking personal offense.)

Not only would Quinn speak to me, but I witnessed countless people step into his office for counsel during that time. He acknowledged all of them, and I got to observe the master in service.

I LOVE to hear Quinn speak because he is so smart, sharp, fast, articulate, and conscious that I can feel it melting people's minds.

He is a very considerate and efficient man, and does not speak at all unless it is relevant and true, which by itself is very impressive to me. So many people seem to run their mouths just to hear themselves, but Quinn basically only talks to provide a service and improve life for the people around him.

On top of that, his communication skills are superior to anyone else I've ever met. He brings attention to topics that need to be addressed, sometimes uncomfortable topics that people have spent years denying and hiding from. To someone like me who has been so afraid of speaking and sharing and being vulnerable, that is very brave and admirable. To him it's normal and the reasonable and appropriate thing to do - if the goal of life is to be the best version of yourself you can possibly be, then wouldn't you want to be aware of all those areas in which there is room for improvement?? And if he is aware of someone holding themselves back, sabotaging themselves, or harming another, then isn't it his duty as a friend to bring it to their attention so they can upgrade??

Doubly brave and admirable is the fact that Quinn still addresses the uncomfortable issues even when it comes at a great cost to himself. People get extremely defensive when you point out dysfunctional patterns and behaviors, when they are held accountable to the standard of being their own highest self. People get pissed even when THEY sought out the advice! Yet Quinn doesn't drop into squabbling, blaming, or judging - he just shares awareness and truth.

The message he delivers is of great value and specific for his audience - be that a single individual like those who came one by one to his office for advice, or a whole room full of people at an international conference - and it's awesome to witness a being who can address a wide, wide, WIDE range of topics with real, meaningful insight.

I love watching people get a Quinn download for the first or 50th time - he consistently blows people away!

"How is he narrating my inner dialogue, those secret thoughts I never say out loud to anyone?? How does he KNOW and speak to what I'm feeling and experiencing??" I watch the surprise then amazement flash across people's faces, and I drink it up. "omg he's talking so fast and clearly about this abstract topic that I never even considered! omg it's obvious now that he's pointing it out! omg can he see the smoke coming out of my ears???"

I watched Quinn personally counsel dozens and dozens and dozens of people. OBVIOUSLY his approach to life is better than mine; OBVIOUSLY he is doing more good to actually speak to people in powerful ways, vs. the shying away from anyone and everything I am familiar with. And since I am now aware of a better way and I am capable of learning and evolving, I practice the better skills.

Slowly slowly I catch on and improve; slowly slowly I integrate into my neural circuitry.

Thankfully this blockchain gives me an opportunity to explore my blossoming voice, and thankfully Quinn supports me in the @gardenofeden.

Do you want to BE the change?

Join me in the next post to be part of this real love story!

Part 26

✨💛✨ Sara!

Do you want to know MORE about The Garden of Eden? Read @everlove's inspiring story of her own extraordinary experience in this vortex in her series Challenging Love to Be Unconditional:
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 7 ~ Part 8 ~ Part 9 ~ Part 10 ~ Part 11 ~ Part 12 ~ Part 13 ~ Part 14 ~ Part 15 ~ Part 16 ~ Part 17 ~ Part 18 ~ Part 19 ~ Part 20 ~ Part 21 ~ Part 22 ~ Part 23 ~ Part 24 ~ Part 25 ~ Part 26 ~ Part 27 ~ Part 28 ~ Part 29 ~ Part 30 ~ Part 31 ~ Part 32 ~ Part 33 ~ Part 34 ~ Part 35 ~ Part 36 ~ Part 37 ~ Part 38 ~ Part 39 ~ Part 40 ~ Part 41 ~ Part 42 ~ Part 43 ~ Part 44 ~ Part 45 ~ Part 46 ~ Part 47 ~ Part 48 ~ Part 49 ~ Part 50 ~ Part 51 ~ Part 52 ~ Part 53 ~ Part 54 ~ Part 55 ~ Part 56 ~ Part 57 ~ Part 58 ~ Part 59

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