in #love6 years ago (edited)


Let there be love shared among us
Let there be love in our hearts
Now let your joy fill our hearts
And cause us to to abide
Give us a fresh understanding
Of brotherly love that is real
Let there be love shared among us
Let there be love.
Author unknown

One indispensable virtue we must adopt is that of love! The Christian has many identities called the “Fruit of the Spirit” (See Galatians 5:22 &23). However, there is one main identity which the Lord Jesus Himself established ; LOVE! He says it is by show of love that we should be known and identified as people of God.

By this shall ALL MEN KNOW that you are my disciples – if you have LOVE one for another. (John 13:35)

These days we pretend to be of Christ just because we carry the Bible about. But witches and wizards and other secret congregations of darkness also ‘carry the Bible’!
These days agents of darkness also dress like our sisters, speak in tongues’, sing and dance and ‘worship’ like we do. They have copied almost all we do, even ‘prophesying’ and seeing of visions!

These actions therefore can no longer sufficiently identify one as being a Christian. And so, Jesus is always right! There is only one thing that can; Love! Only LOVE can they not copy! Praise God. Only Love cannot be imitated! Only Love cannot be faked! And so only LOVE is our main outward identity!

St. Paul got this message quite well and he agrees completely. In fact, he went further to expatiate on what our Lord has said. In his characteristic manner, Paul combined both poetry and prose to write what could rightly be called the most extensive treatise on the comparative importance of Love.

He says in part:

Thought I speak with the tongues of men and of Angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass… And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand ALL mysteries and ALL knowledge and though I have all faith…. and have not love, I am NOTHING! And though I give ALL my goods to feed the poor and though I give my BODY TO BE BURNT – and have not love, it profiteth me NOTHING! (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)

Is that not terrifying? Despite all these divine gifts and manifestations, despite whatever sacrifices we may be making ,even to the extent of losing our lives – all these great and wonderful works ARE NOTHING before God – if we have not love!

Terrible! But why? Because our enemies who worship Satan do even more self denial and sacrifices than we can ever think of! The only thing they cannot do is to have genuine love. Only Christians can have genuine love. Any Christian who does not have genuine love, therefore, is not complete!

Can you now see the need to possess our “ID card” – LOVE, and to hold it firmly? Another reason is that other things will end on the earth, but only LOVE will follow us into Heaven.

Yes, we cannot prophesy in Heaven. No visions and revelations will follow us there. They won’t be needed! We would not speak in tongues there either. There will be no laying on of hands for healing and deliverance, and all that. So, nothing we now do or have will follow us to Heaven – except LOVE! This means that if we have no love, (even though we have other works) then, NOTHING will follow us to Heaven! We shall then enter God’s presence and before the Angels – EMPTY HANDED! Terrible! God forbid!

Yet that is the truth for:

LOVE NEVER FAILS; but whether there be prophecies, they SHALL FAIL; whether there be tongues, they shall FAIL, whether there be knowledge – it shall VANISH AWAY…. And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three, but the GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE (1 Corinthians 13:8-13).

Images credited to Google search.


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