What is love? Insight into a girl's mind

in #love8 years ago

Hey Steemers!

so yesterday I had a conversation with my friend about love and while she was sharing her thoughts I started writing down what she was saying, because I feel that a lot of people can relate to this and might have been through or find themselves currently in a similar situation, questioning love..

She talks about a relationship kind of love after being in a relationship and I think that a lot of young girls go through this, so I thought why not visualize and share this...


 I want to talk about love or let's put it like this.. I will try to remember what love is..

I guess I'm not the only one that's been thinking to love or have loved a person with everything you have. But how come as soon as the relationship is over, even though we think that it was built on the right pillars such as love, trust and loyalty we just decide to not be in love anymore. Ok some of us suffer many months or even years after a broken heart but in all reality we will find someone new and build new love with that new person. Now I'm asking myself if I ever loved my ex in the first place and if he really loved me back.  He moved on has a new girlfriend and seems to be happy and yeah I'm happy for him but it still got me wondering if he loves her the same way he said he loved me. Isn't true love unconditional and eternal and if so how can you than just decide to not feel anything for that person when 2 months ago you said 'i love you' or 'you are my everything' to each other...

... How do you go from everything to nothing with the blink of an eye ? Now i dont want to blame him or say that he never loved me but I'm asking myself if I really loved him... and is it just me that I think men get over a broken heart easier than women or is that a true fact? We say let's stay friends or I'll always be there for you no matter what happends but where are you now? I remember feeling uncomfortable dating someone new or even thinking about having sex with anyone else than my ex. Maybe it's because of all the hormones and emotional connections in women's brain, or because as a woman we always want to pleasure our men. Whereas men just have sex with no strings attached. It's simply not related to love for them I think. Some have a wife and kids and love them and still go out and have an affair.  The wife dies a tousand times, feels like she's not good enough or thinks her husband just doesn't love her anymore...

... She's caught up in her emotions worrying about what's going to happen next, how she should explain to her children that mommy and daddy are no longer together. Now because men think to know how a woman's mind work, they decide to lie about their affairs and start having secrets and as far as I understood sex does not mean love in men's  world but that's something very hard for a woman to understand because during the process as such, man fuck and we get fucked right ? so having someone I don't know or not love being inside my body is more than three letters could explain, but I guess if we wouldn't cover it up and just be real to each we wouldn't hurt each other because we already know the deal. It's crazy how the illusion of 'love' surrounds us every way we go...

... We sit in the car and the radio plays a love song and we relate to the words. We go to a store and while we try on clothes we hear someone singing ' I want you back' and relate to it. Love is the only power we want so bad but can't control. We would kill a person, climb a mountain, fall in deep depression up to the point of no longer wanting to exist because of love. So all I want is understand love more. They tell us we have to love ourself first in order to love others but how many of us really love ourself?  How many of us consider themself as beautiful? And how many of us appreaciate ourself?  And what happens if I simply forgot how love feels like. It is so confusing to me because the word "love" is just something you say. ' love you '- Love you too'.  But really what is Love ?

These are the thoughts of my friend @eunique , she's an artist/female rapper/singer and new to Steemit.

I hope you enjoyed the post and would love to hear your thoughts on the topic, males and females!

- Mrs. Steemit 

*My first Steemit-Video coming soon*

Follow my journey :)


I honestly feel that you can't have love without a little up and downs obviously haha :) that's what makes it so fun lol but when you find the legit right person, problems seem like nothing because you both work hard at it.

True! I guess that's what everyone is striving for.
Thanks for giving your opinion :)

Very touching article!
One sentence struck me though:
"and is it just me that I think men get over a broken heart easier than women or is that a true fact? "
I was like what??? My experience is 100% opposite and I had accepted that as a simple fact of life. I had even my little evolutionary theory about it! I thought this was some kind of way to say to us "Yeah, try that, but you`ll never want to feel like that again" (unfortunately modern life is somehow more complex than keeping cavemen at the fire place, so it actually keeps happening again and again...).

Interesting.. I guess there is no one true answer but I like your aprroach :)

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