This is Thailand. Chapter 7: 27-year-old professor. Part 9 - Last.

in #love6 years ago

I went to bed before 11, but was woken up by a phone call.

Link to the previous post: This is Thailand. Chapter 7: 27-year-old professor. Part 8.

-Marek are you home? - asked Piam crying.
-Yes, what’s the matter?
-Can you come to me? I’m in the car park.
-Ok, give me a moment.

I dressed quickly and ran to the car park where Piam was sat in her car, crying. Apple was sleeping on the front seat.

-What happened baby?
-He came back home.
-My husband.
-And it wasn’t what we agreed. I agreed to stay with his family on the condition that he wouldn’t show up again.
-Keep talking.
-He has just moved in like nothing happened. It’s not the agreement we had.
-And now what?
-I don’t know. He said he wants to come back. To me, to Apple. He said he made a mistake and wants to repair everything.
-Jesus. And what do you think about it? - I asked, stiffening like a dead man in a morgue.
-Two days ago he broke up with his girlfriend. The third one since he left me. I don’t believe him, I don’t want to see him ever again after what he did to us.
-I see. - I said, breathing with relief
-It’s the pressure of the family. They want us to be together again. It’s better for the family’s image. And they care about Apple. In this family, a daughter hasn’t been born for generations. If they could, they would keep her and kick me out on the street.
-You are kidding me!
-No, honey. This is the reality. They don’t need me anymore. They care about me because they are afraid that one day I will take Apple and run away.
-Come upstairs, we don’t have to talk in the car.
-I don’t think I should...Apple.
-Don’t be silly. You can’t go home like this.

We went upstairs and Piam put her daughter on one side of the bed, next to the wall. She went in the middle, next to me. Thankfully, the whole bed was big enough for the three of us. I was drifting asleep, when my girlfriend leaned over and whispered something into my ear.

-What did you say? - I asked.
-Say it again, I didn’t hear you.
-Marek, I love you.
-I love you too, my sweetheart.


Image Credit: We Heart It

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