Humanity Our Race. Love Our Religion.

in #love6 years ago (edited)

There many conflicts in our lives on the correct way to live it. It is fine to have different views and disagree in lots of topics. It is actually a good thing to disagree, so we can all agree at the end after discussing the issues; however, lots of people are attached to the beliefs they were taught, and in the end, this creates conflicts and a lot of division between all of us.


We all get to choose what we want and change our minds if we ever want to. No one should order you what to believe, say or do, but they should only provide suggestions if they respect you and want the best for you.

I am a big fan of freedom and love and i think everything would get easier the time we see each other as family without having any type of boundaries when it comes to races and religions.

Of course we all should respect each other with whatever decisions we take, and we are all free to choose the way we want to live. It would be just more natural to see each other as the human beings we are without separating each other for any "X" reason.

No matter what your background is, see each other as a human race with the love we should give to each other. Many blessings to all.

"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.


Im agree with sir @javybar no doubt human need love and this is nature . I remember one qoute here I mention .

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive."
― Dalai Lama
Very simple and powerful words . Thanks for sharing @javybar a good post .
Stay blessed and Steem on!

your thought always inspired me.yourmentality thought power really best dear. Humanity is Love.not Only serving to our own species But also to the environment,to animals more challenging aspects of being human, This world issues such as poverty and discrimination. Human beings are just as capable of the most incredible, amazing and wonderful kindness and love. Religion have given us a way to live life in a better way, there are role models for us to follow, their lives are the great lession for us!thanks dear for your good post..@javybar

Totally appreciate it my friend. I love your words and your kindness.

thank you dear for your approciating my word.its my pleasure friend..i am very happy because you love my word.its my goodluck..take care..@javybar

Wonderful quote my friend. I appreciate it.

Religion is a trust between man to God, man can relate to god, the real love is only to the creator

The creator is everything my friend, thank you :)

You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. Religion is meant to teach us true spiritual human character. It is meant for self-transformation. It is meant to transform anxiety into peace, arrogance into humility, envy into compassion, to awaken the pure soul in man and his love for the Source, which is God.

Thanks for the opinion

Completely my pleasure

I agreed with your precious words. There is no doubt that Humanity Our Race. Love Our Religion And Peace our Weapon. Thanks @javybar for sharing valuable lines.

this is awesome, thank you! :)

An individual is named human if he respects other humans .A person should always have respect for others, what he thinks for himself should be for others too coz the other person also has the same feeling as he do , he also is the son/daughter of their parents ...
A person should always be down to ground and should think always as
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
The quote that fits in here .....

Humans should never forget about humans.

thank you very much my friend :)

Humanity is a big thing in this world.
dear @javybar .So we should love everyone. We all have to think that we are family members. .
Nice post. Your posts are really teachable dear. .

Agree! thank you! :)

If this is the case and if God teaches us to work with each other and not cause a barrier then why are we everyday striving to do the total opposite? I think that if we put Gods ultimate teaching into practice which is “LOVE” then the hate amougst us will fall away. Love teaches us to see without color, race, disability and religion.

Loved it it!!! awesome my friend, thank you.

There will be many obstacles in the way of life and always have to be prepared to deal with it. Because life gets broken and excited @javybar

very true, thanks for the contribution :)

Human life is dynamic. Like a race while in transit to life. Everything is all around arranged and arranged. A delightful subjects sharing you @javybar

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