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RE: The Biggest Thank You Yet from @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1

in #love6 years ago

I'm sensing some personal experience with the credit card goodie bags. I wasn't aware there were even goodie bags, let alone credit card offers in them. Must need to go to a more uptown school.

Marvel Presents: The Stumbler! In stupefying 3D splendor! Aka blur-o-vision! Okay, that's just plain oxymoronic.


Yeah, I went to one of the big schools back in the day. Pretty much any time there was any school-sponsored event at the campus, they had plastic bags with stuff in them and one of the things was offers for a credit card. Bah!

The Stumbler! In stupefying 3D splendor! Aka blur-o-vision!

Yes! Although that's how I feel with regular 3D movies, so The Stumbler won't be any different. I've seen movies where it was clearer for me without the glasses! Yes, 3D can be done really poorly.

I was really surprised when they decided to bring 3D back. I mean 3D started back in the 50s or something, and didn't ever make it off the ground because it was bad and dizzy inducing. I think for the longest while the only place you could find 3D was at the Captain EO Michael Jackson Long Play Music Video in Disneyland. When it first started coming back, I thought, okay, they've perfected the technology. Nope. They had leftover glasses from the 50s they wanted to get rid of. I guess you can't recycle red and green shaded plastic. Doesn't biodegrade.

Okay, I made a lot of that up, but anyway, the whole 3D thing is dumb, and 3D TVs, even dumber. Most dumb—a 3D Smart TV in 4K. :)

Most dumb—a 3D Smart TV in 4K. :)

LOL, Good one!

What about a "curved tuner-free 3D LCD Smart TV in 4K"?

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